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A walk in the shoes (aka scruffy Vans) of the Hipster Mum

Jade Warne

Jade Warne is a writer, photographer and founder of the blog, Hipster Mum. She’s the oldest of seven children, and now a mum of two herself.



“One of the best things about becoming a mum, for me, was the respect I gained for my mum,” she says. “Looking back I thought of all the school lunches, all that driving around, all that nursing and being there no matter what. It’s one thing to appreciate it, but it’s another to step into her shoes. I see now that all mums are superheroes.”
“One of the things that got my mum through was her creative small business — and creating has definitely become a source of energy for me too. Through my blog and Instagram I aim to shine a spotlight on mums who are making and sharing. Here’s a slice of my daily highs and lows — I’m sure you can relate.”

5.38am: Yoga


“Ever since I was pregnant with my first daughter I’ve had on-and-off back pain. Earlier this year it became excruciating when I started getting up early in the morning to work. The physio said it was because I was sitting completely still for hours, rather than a normal work day when you get up for meetings, go to the bathroom, etc. These days I do a 15 minute yoga routine before I sit down and try to move every hour while I tackle my emails and retouching. My back is so much better and I find I’m in a good space mentally to start the day.”

6.38am: Morning routine


“You know when you go to take a photo on your phone but it’s accidentally in selfie mode and you get a shock vision of your own haggard face? Well, imagine that same shot, but filtered so your skin is suddenly smoother, brighter, softer and altogether more awake — that’s what Garnier Miracle Wake-up Cream does. I have blotchy, reddish, pimple-prone skin but this is my secret weapon. Don’t skimp on the foundation, lippie, eyeliner… then I’m ready to rock.”

7.38am: Kids

Wake them up. Make them breakfast. Bath the little one. Pack their lunches. Get them out the door. Easily the most chaotic time of the day!”


10.17am: Prep the studio for shoot

“I live in a small, dark apartment — so I rent a small creative studio down the road for my photo shoots. It’s always fun pretending it’s a room of my place & styling it up.”


10.43am: Shoot time

“Shooting with kids is fast and furious — most studio shoots will be over in 20 minutes. It’s about chatting, making everyone comfy, suggesting a few props and poses & then - BAM! - it’s all done. This shoot featured Hayley Blease of the kids’ clothing store Little Pinwheel with her tribe.”


12.20pm:  Lunch

“One of the great things about being freelance is being able to manage your own work day. Lots of my friends have new babies at home, so I’ll try and catch up with them and spend time with their new bubs during the week.”

2.04pm: Retouching

“In the afternoon I’ll go through the images taken in the morning and get started with selects and edits aka sit down & enjoy a cup of tea… aaaahhhhh.”

4.25pm: Pick up & play park & dinner

“I’ll pick my little one at 4pm and — weather permitting — we’ll head out to a park to run around as part of my one and only Genius Sleep Tip: wear them out as much as possible before bed! Like I said, we live in an apartment on a street of other apartments. One of the amazing things about high density living is access to the other kids — almost all the kids on the street know each other, and we definitely know everyone in our building. Most nights of the week a friend will come over for dinner or my little girl will have a sleepover at their place. I feel so lucky to be part of a community that’s so close!”


8.15pm: Snapchat & bed

“Do you use Snapchat? It’s an app on your phone with the craziest and funniest filters. My little ones and I will often lie in bed and take funny photos of ourselves to wind down… kinda like a modern-day version of playing dress ups! You can find me as hipster_mum. We’ll end the night with a few books and then it’s bedtime for everyone!”