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Ancient Period: 4750 B.C. to 33 A.D.

University of Chicago Assyrian Dictionary
Discoveries At Nineveh Austin Henry Layard contents
A History of Babylonia And Assyria -- Volume I Robert William Rogers contents
A History of Babylonia And Assyria -- Volume II Robert William Rogers contents
Everyday Life In Babylonia And Assyria H. W. F. Saggs contents
People Of Ancient Assyria Jorgen Laessoe contents
Assyrian Historiography: a Source Study A.T. Olmstead contents
The Epic of Gilgamesh N. K. Sanders contents

Classical Period: 33 A.D. to 1800 A.D.

The Monks of Kublai Khan Sir E. A. Wallis Budge, KT. contents
History of the Christian Church, Volume III: Nicene and Post-Nicene Christianity. A.D. 311-600 Philip Schaff
An Introduction to the History of the Assyrian Church Rev. W. A. Wigram contents
Tatian the Assyrian's Address to the Greeks contents
Hagarism: The Making of the Islamic World Patricia Crone & Michael Cook
Excerpt on Assyrians, pp. 55-60
How Greek Science Passed to the Arabs De Lacy O'Leary, D.D. contents
By Foot To China: Mission of The Church of the East, to 1400 John M. L. Young contents

Modern Period: 1800 A.D. to Present

Assyrians, Kurds and Ottomans Hirmis Aboona
British Policy In Assyrian Settlement Isaac E. Asia
Les Assyros Chaldeens Et Les Armeniens Massacres Par Les Turcs J. Naayem
A Forgotten Holocaust: The Extermination of the Christian Assyrians in Turkey and Persia Gabriele Yonan contents
The Blight of Asia George Horton contents
The Lost Peoples of the Middle East F. David Andrews, Ed. contents
Shall This Nation Die? Rev. Joseph Naayem contents
Settlement of the Assyrians of Iraq, 1935 League of Nations contents
The Tragedy of the Assyrians R.S. Stafford contents
The Assyrian Tragedy Anemasse contents
The British Betrayal of the Assyrians Yusuf Malek contents
Notes From Nineveh And Travels In Mesopotamia, Assyria, And Syria The Rev. J. P. Fletcher contents
Whither Christian Missions? David Perley
The Assyrian Diaspora Edward and Irene Kliszus contents
Assyrians of the Van District M.Y.A. Lilian contents
The Origins and Development of Assyrian Nationalism Robert DeKelaita contents
The Flickering Light of Asia Rev. Joel E. Werda contents
The Cradle of Mankind: Life in Eastern Kurdistan Rev. W. A. Wigram contents
The Assyrians And Their Neigbours Rev. W. A. Wigram contents
The Baqubah Refugee Camp H. H. Austin contents

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