
Fraudsters target Queensland schools

Two Queensland state schools received fraudulent invoices for payment, Education Minister Kate Jones has revealed.

Ms Jones said Helensvale State High School received a fraudulent invoice for $42,000 for a "consultancy fee".

Education Minister Kate Jones has confirmed two Queensland schools were targeted by fraudsters.
Education Minister Kate Jones has confirmed two Queensland schools were targeted by fraudsters. Photo: Glenn Hunt

She said Kenmore South State School received a fraudulent invoice for $26,000, also for a consultancy fee.

Ms Jones said the Department of Education and Training confirmed the two invoices were not paid because they were correctly identified as fraudulent.

"There was no need for disciplinary action," Ms Jones said.

"Our principals and business services managers work very hard every day to efficiently and effectively manage our schools."


Ms Jones said no legal or other action had been taken against the perpetrators.

"No action has been taken to date as the invoices came from unknown email addresses," she said.

Ms Jones revealed the information in an answer to a question on notice from Opposition Education spokeswoman Tracy Davis.

In August, it was revealed that Brisbane City Council ratepayers had been scammed out of almost half a million dollars in a fraud.

Fraudsters posed as a supplier to trick the council into changing the bank details for payments. 

An alert from state government cyber security unit information security officer Robert Mead has previously warned of "confirmed reports of multiple organisations (semi-government and utilities) receiving well-researched and targeted fraud attacks".
