

For truth, justice but NOT the American GOP way of lying, cheating & stealing from the poor to benefit the rich!

Придружио/ла се август 2010.

@Varidienne је блокиран

Да ли сигурно желиш да видиш ове твитове? Гледање твитова неће одблокирати @Varidienne.


  2. We demand that Trump release his tax returns. He cant take office while hiding taxes. Verification is working!!!

  3. "For the first time, I feel homeless in America," writes in

  4. "To all the women...who put their faith in this campaign and in me...nothing has made me prouder than to be your champion." —Hillary

  5. Stand together. Stand alone. But make no mistake. Time for sitting & watching has passed. Stand so our children can. Stand so they learn how

  6. Trump won Wisconsin by 27,000 votes. 300,000 voters were turned away by the states strict Voter ID law. There is your "rigged" election.

  7. A big giant fuck you to every media outlet that normalized Trvmp and treated him like he wasn't a huge fucking threat to millions of lives.

  8. White men and white women are first class IDIOTS!!! (spoken by a white woman!)

  9. So there's a small chance that Trump can still be defeated. It's unlikely, but if the word spreads, it could work? America, please try this

  10. “Trump may have used illegal scheme to avoid paying taxes” by

  11. 75 Lawsuits Against President-Elect Trump via

  12. So disappointed in America. Racist, misogynist, sexual abuser, tax dodger, draft dodger, serial LIAR, President Trump? WTF.

  13. Varidienne прати , , и 8 других
    • @delilacrow

      Author of paranormal romance novel, The Spirit Husband, shamanic practitioner

  14. I support a Trump bankruptcy. I won't step foot in a store that carries anything Trump.

  15. A moment for mourning and then we rise.

  16. LOL!!Did you watch CNN!All they did is bash Hillary! Didn't you read emails were proved to B edited by Russia

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