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Sell Your Music and Merch on Bandcamp

Selling via Bandcamp is simple: all it requires is a free PayPal Business account, and a few minutes to set things up.

If you do not yet have a PayPal account, visit PayPal, click Start Now and jump to step one.

If you already have a PayPal Personal account, you'll need to upgrade it to a Business account (otherwise you'll have a low limit on the number of credit card transactions, and amount of money, you can accept). Upgrading is free. Just visit PayPal, click Sign Up, click Already have a PayPal account? Upgrade Now on the subsequent screen, and jump to step one.

If you already have a PayPal Business account, log in to your PayPal account and skip to step two.

  1. Choose your PayPal Business account type.

    On the Select Payment Solution page choose the free Standard tier — it has all the features you'll need to sell your music through Bandcamp, and (just like the other two tiers) it will allow your fans to pay for your music with a credit card, as opposed to requiring them to have their own PayPal account.

    The options available to you may be slightly different depending on your country. If you don't see a "Business"-type account or PayPal as an Additional Payment Option, choose the option that includes Express Checkout.

  2. Confirm your PayPal email address.

    Once your account is set up, it's critical to confirm your PayPal email address. Otherwise, fans won't be able to pay you. Check your email and click the activation link in the welcome message from PayPal. If you no longer have your PayPal welcome email, log in to PayPal, click Confirm email address (it's along the right side of the Overview page, in the section titled Notifications), and follow the activation instructions.

  3. Tell us which PayPal account to use.

    Visit your Profile page. In the field labeled "PayPal email address" (in the Payment details section), enter your PayPal login email address. Click Save.

  4. There is no step four. You're done!

    However, for bonus points, please be sure to review our pricing page. And hey, PayPal, like every website in the world, occasionally moves things around or changes their wording. We do our best to keep these instructions error-free, but if you discover an inaccuracy (or run into any unexpected snags) please tell us about it. Thanks!