
Otterday! And Open Thread

It’s ages since we’ve had an Otterday! This week’s Open Thread is hosted by an otter who learnt to use an asthma inhaler last year at an aquarium in Seattle:

Myths about alpha males redux

“Of course, even if the lupine origins of the alpha-male trope weren’t obsolete, the notion that the term can even apply to human social structures is inherently absurd.”

BFTP Friday Hoyden: Emma Goldman

Anita Sarkeesian and Feminist Frequency have launched a terrific new series called #OrdinaryWomen: Daring to Defy History. The first episode is just up, and it’s about legendary political activist Emma Goldman. This makes it seem like a good time to… Read More ›

Media Circus: Parliament Resumes Edition

The 45th Federal Parliament of Australia should be interesting. As in ancient curse/benison “interesting”.

But as the Canberra politicians put on their solemnest faces today, the world keeps turning: what news story/commentary/analysis has grabbed your attention lately?