
White, working class voters mug Hillary Clinton in swing states

They were waiting for Hillary Clinton with baseball bats in small town USA.

Donald Trump's remarkable surge towards the White House was built on the "rust belt" states and beyond, with voters living outside wealthier urban areas proving the key to his stunning successes in must-win states from Florida to Ohio and North Carolina.

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In Florida, and as expected, the Hispanic and "non-white" vote mobilised strongly for Clinton, but it was not enough to stave off Trump in that state.

Exit polls suggested Trump had picked up 67 per cent of non-college educated white voters in Florida, levels of support not seen since Ronald Reagan swept the polls in 1980.

Once Florida was called for Trump at 11.30pm local time, his much-discussed "narrow path to victory" became immediately much wider.

North Carolina and Ohio were the other key planks.


Similar to the Australian federal seat of Eden-Monaro, Ohio is a bellwether state, having backed the presidential winner in all but one election since 1944.

The state had been expected to fall to Clinton but Trump's message of trade protectionism and reviving industry clearly appealed to Ohio's diminished manufacturing workforce.

Trump supporters react as Fox News predicts Donald Trump will win Florida.
Trump supporters react as Fox News predicts Donald Trump will win Florida. Photo: Joe Burbank

The same message had cut through in economically-ravaged Michigan and Wisconsin, which appeared to be heading towards the Trump column.

Iowa fell to Trump, leaving Illinois as the only state in the Midwest to back Clinton.

US political analyst Thomas Frank said working class white voters "don't feel like they have a seat at the table anymore" and had voted for the candidate who had promised to smash the political status quo.

"This is a seriously divided country," he said.

"Columnists for The New York Times have no idea what's going on out there."  

Former foreign minister Bob Carr said the Trump success marked a "party realignment" with the Republican Party under Trump becoming akin to Labor in Australia.

"It's the party the working class vote for," he said.

Several exit polls supported the picture of a white, working class backlash at the political elite embodied by Clinton.

Half of Michigan's electorate feel trade takes away jobs and 57 per cent of those people voted for Trump. Of the 31 per cent who think it creates jobs, 65 per cent backed Clinton.

In Ohio, 47 per cent of voters said trade hurts workers.

Pennsylvania remained on an knife-edge with the swing states of Colorado and Nevada going to Clinton.

In the never-in-doubt file, New York, Maryland, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Delaware supported Clinton while  South Dakota, Wyoming, Texas, Kansas, Nebraska, Arkansas, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Tennessee fell to Trump.
