Bernie Sanders

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Bernie Sanders Supporter Bashes Hillary Clinton from Her Own Stage: 'Trapped in World of Elite,' 'Lost Grip of ...

Breitbart News - ‎5 hours ago‎
Bernie Sanders of Vermont, her Democratic primary rival, are disrupting her campaign's efforts to take on GOP nominee Donald J. Trump, and in Iowa on Saturday one prominent Sanders backer was actually escorted out of a Clinton campaign event for ...
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Will Bernie Sanders have an impact on N.J. congressional race? - ‎9 hours ago‎
WASHINGTON - After his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination fell short, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders turned his attention to electing like-minded progressives to other offices.
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Sen. Bernie Sanders to Host Rally for Prop. 61, Hollywood Palladium, Sun. Nov. 6 @ 7pm - FREE!

Business Wire (press release) - ‎8 hours ago‎
Prop. 61 has been endorsed by AARP California, the California Nurses Association, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders and his organization Our Revolution, former U.S.
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Why is Bernie Sanders the unofficial face of Proposition 61? Because in California, he's more popular than Obama

Los Angeles Times - ‎Nov 4, 2016‎
Bernie Sanders seem to be all over California these days. He's criss-crossed the state for rallies, has been featured in television ads and infomercials, and has written editorials in the state's major newspapers, all in support of Proposition 61 ...

Tickets to Bernie Sanders event at Johns Hopkins to be made available online

The Hub at Johns Hopkins - ‎5 hours ago‎
Tickets to see U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders during his upcoming visit to Johns Hopkins University will be made available online on Sunday at 5 p.m.
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Pharrell and Bernie Sanders make this case for Clinton in NC

USA TODAY - ‎Nov 3, 2016‎
Bernie Sanders, in an effort to boost voter turnout in a critical battleground state. “It makes me angry when people say she can't lead our country because she's a woman.
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Bernie Sanders wants the feds to investigate these drug companies for possible price collusion

Washington Post - ‎Nov 3, 2016‎
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.) sent a letter to the Department of Justice requesting an investigation into possible collusion between drug companies that make insulin.
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Donald Trump, Lena Dunham and Bernie Sanders: a roundup of who's stumping in Colorado

The Denver Post - ‎12 hours ago‎
Bernie Sanders: The runner-up in the Democratic primary has two stops set in Colorado on Saturday to support Clinton. He first will speak at a 3:30 p.m.
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Bernie Sanders Says This House Race Is The Most Important In The Country

Huffington Post - ‎Nov 3, 2016‎
Bernie Sanders made a closing pitch for progressive icon Zephyr Teachout on Thursday, calling her House contest “the most important Congressional race in the country.

Bernie Sanders to hold rally Sunday at Central High School in Phoenix for Hillary Clinton

ABC15 Arizona - ‎16 hours ago‎
According to a release from the campaign, Sanders will headline a rally at Central High School, 4525 N. Central Avenue, on Sunday.
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Bernie Sanders calls for defeat of charter school measure

The Boston Globe - ‎Nov 2, 2016‎
BOSTON (AP) - Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is criticizing Question two as the ballot campaign heats up before Election Day.
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Bernie Sanders drums up support for Hillary Clinton in South Omaha

Omaha World-Herald - ‎Nov 4, 2016‎
Bernie Sanders campaigns for Hillary Clinton in Omaha on Friday. Sanders South O. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Bernie Sanders campaigns for Hillary Clinton in Omaha on Friday. Sanders South O. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Bernie Sanders wears a ...
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Presidential Election: Melania Trump and Bernie Sanders to the Rescue

New York Times - ‎Nov 3, 2016‎
Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump barnstormed across North Carolina on Thursday, each seeking to bolster support in a battleground state that has switched from Democrat to Republican in the past eight years.
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Bernie Sanders visiting Colorado to campaign for Morgan Carroll on Saturday

Denverite (blog) - ‎Nov 4, 2016‎
Bernie Sanders, along with State Rep. Joe Salazar and Morgan Carroll, will hold an event at 7 p.m. on Sat., Nov. 5, at Thunder Ridge High School, 1991 W Wildcat Reserve Pkwy, Highlands Ranch - not in a location in Aurora as originally announced.
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Eli Lilly shares fall on Bernie Sanders tweet

CNBC - ‎Nov 1, 2016‎
Shares of pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly initially fell more than 1 percent after Sen. Bernie Sanders tweeted Tuesday about the price of Lilly's Humalog insulin.

With Sanders and Pharrell, Clinton drums up support in battleground state

CBS News - ‎Nov 4, 2016‎
Bernie Sanders to help drum up support in student-rich Raleigh, North Carolina, reports CBS News correspondent Nancy Cordes.

Bernie Sanders will be in Omaha today

Omaha World-Herald - ‎Oct 31, 2016‎
According to a press release, Sanders will discuss Clinton's plans to build an economy that works for everyone. He'll also advocate for raising the minimum wage, making public colleges and universities tuition free and fixing the criminal justice system.
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Donald Trump holds campaign rally in Denver Saturday night

FOX31 Denver - ‎3 hours ago‎
Bernie Sanders campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton in Denver Saturday evening, a few hours before Trump's rally was to start.