
Election 2016


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Veronica Cool Bigger

Economic growth after the election

  As I write this latest column, I struggle with current events … the most contentious presidential election in recent history.  As we have personally ...

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Fraser Smith Big

An election basket of deplorables

I wrote a commentary for WYPR this week, extolling some of the ways America is great – now. I thought we ought to think in ...

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Editorial Advisory Board: Fairness and justice in Maryland’s rent court

For years, tenants have been complaining about rent court. Now, a recent study commissioned by Maryland Legal Aid and their Human Rights Project has demonstrated ...

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That more graduates of Maryland’s law schools are finding employment reflects some growth in the legal job market as well as small graduating class sizes and more individualized career help for students, school officials say. (Thinkstock)

Commentary: In mediation, what’s your BATNA?

I recently used a term – BATNA – that may not be familiar to everyone. If you haven’t heard of it before, it’s no surprise. ...

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