Stop the War Coalition, Sydney
  • Peace groups say no new military intervention into Iraq Peace groups say no new military intervention into Iraq 25 June, 2014

    Anti-war and peace groups from across the nation are uniting to urge the Australian government not to involve itself in any further military action in Iraq. To sign on contact Nick on

  • Israel: an apartheid state Israel: an apartheid state 8 May, 2014

    The Palestinian people, subject to military occupation, colonisation and the forced dispossession of the territory they inhabit are not obliged to ‘recognise’ the existence of their occupiers.

  • National peace convergence: Canberra National peace convergence: Canberra 11 April, 2014

    A 1-day conference is hosted by IPAN - Independent and Peaceful Australia Network - covering such themes as militarism and sustainability, the cost of the US alliance, the Asian Pivot and US bases.

  • Iraq veteran returns to Sydney Iraq veteran returns to Sydney 11 April, 2014

    Vince is a former US Marine, with two tours of duty in Iraq as a combat infantryman, refused to do a third. He returns to Sydney in May to present an anti-war film.

  • Won’t get fooled again? Doubts emerge over Syria gas attack Won’t get fooled again? Doubts emerge over Syria gas attack 30 September, 2013

    September 23, 2013 Whoever is behind chemical warfare in Syria, there is no justification for western intervention writes Linsday German (http://www NULL.stopwar Less [&hellip

  • Optimism and fear: President Obama on war in Syria Optimism and fear: President Obama on war in Syria 6 September, 2013

    A US military strike on Syria will increase levels of violence and instability inside the country, in the region, and around the world, says Phyllis Bennis.

  • Won’t get fooled again? Doubts emerge over Syria gas attack Won’t get fooled again? Doubts emerge over Syria gas attack 30 September, 2013

    September 23, 2013 Whoever is behind chemical warfare in Syria, there is no justification for western intervention writes Linsday German (http://www NULL.stopwar Less [&hellip

  • Optimism and fear: President Obama on war in Syria Optimism and fear: President Obama on war in Syria 6 September, 2013

    A US military strike on Syria will increase levels of violence and instability inside the country, in the region, and around the world, says Phyllis Bennis.

  • Act now on Syria: we can make a difference Act now on Syria: we can make a difference 30 August, 2013

    There are echoes of Iraq ten years ago, and it casts a long shadow upon the mounting political crisis over moves to bomb Syria.

  • Campaign for Peace and Democracy statement on Syria Campaign for Peace and Democracy statement on Syria 26 June, 2013

    By Thomas Harrison and Joanne Landy, Co-directors of Campaign for Peace and Democracy June 2013 During the past two years, the Campaign for Peace and [&hellip

  • Syria: No foreign ‘humanitaran’ intervention Syria: No foreign ‘humanitaran’ intervention 29 July, 2012

    The Syrian protests for democratic and economic reforms have been overtaken by an armed struggle which is desperate and bloody on both sides.

  • Can we stop a civil war in Syria? Can we stop a civil war in Syria? 2 July, 2012

    Syria is close to full-scale civil war. If the conflict escalates further, as former UN Secretary-General and current envoy of both the UN and the Arab League Kofi Annan noted, “Syria is not Libya, it will not implode; it will explode beyond its borders.”

  • Four things to learn from Kobanê Four things to learn from Kobanê 8 October, 2014

    The Kurdish town of Kobanê is under attack from ISIL. After months of silence over the threat faced by Kurds, the world is now finally watching, even if the ‘international community’ remains conspicuously quiet. Why?

  • Iraq veteran returns to Sydney Iraq veteran returns to Sydney 11 April, 2014

    Vince is a former US Marine, with two tours of duty in Iraq as a combat infantryman, refused to do a third. He returns to Sydney in May to present an anti-war film.

  • War: What is it good for? | Iraq veteran speaks out War: What is it good for? | Iraq veteran speaks out 12 June, 2013

    Don't miss Vince Emanuele in Sydney. He is a former US Marine who undertook two tours to Iraq. He refused to do a third. He is now the organiser for the Michigan chapter of Veterans for Peace and serves on the national Board of Directors of Iraq Veterans Against the War.

  • Iraq: 10 years on Iraq: 10 years on 16 February, 2013

    On February 16, we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the biggest ever protest in Sydney, when half a million of us marched against Howard’s avowed support for the invasion of Iraq.

  • Michael Moore: I don’t support the troops, America, and neither do you Michael Moore: I don’t support the troops, America, and neither do you 5 January, 2013

    'I don't support the troops, America, and neither do you. I am tired of the ruse we are playing on these brave citizens in our armed forces.'

  • Troops out of Afghanistan now Troops out of Afghanistan now 31 August, 2012

    The near 11-year Afghan war and occupation has brought unimaginable tragedy for Afghans. But for the self-censoring Australian media, the war is largely a side issue – until the deaths of Australian soldiers bring it into sharp relief.

  • Four things to learn from Kobanê Four things to learn from Kobanê 8 October, 2014

    The Kurdish town of Kobanê is under attack from ISIL. After months of silence over the threat faced by Kurds, the world is now finally watching, even if the ‘international community’ remains conspicuously quiet. Why?

  • No more war – Reject Islamophobia No more war – Reject Islamophobia 6 October, 2014

    Stop the War Coalition opposes the bipartisan decision to go to war again on Iraq. It will lead to more civilian deaths: it will entrench sectarian divides in Iraq and it will create new terror outfits.

  • No new war in Iraq No new war in Iraq 5 September, 2014

    Anti-war groups say no to the major political parties' rush to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the US in support of what amounts to a new military intervention in Iraq.

  • No Australian support for another war on Iraq No Australian support for another war on Iraq 29 August, 2014

    Sydney Stop the War Coalition opposes the Australian government’s moves to involve Australian military forces in another US-led war on Iraq.

  • Peace groups say no new military intervention into Iraq Peace groups say no new military intervention into Iraq 25 June, 2014

    Anti-war and peace groups from across the nation are uniting to urge the Australian government not to involve itself in any further military action in Iraq. To sign on contact Nick on

  • Iraq veteran returns to Sydney Iraq veteran returns to Sydney 11 April, 2014

    Vince is a former US Marine, with two tours of duty in Iraq as a combat infantryman, refused to do a third. He returns to Sydney in May to present an anti-war film.


David Hicks speaks out for Julian Assange & WikiLeaks

1 June, 2012

Torture victim David Hicks’ first rally speech since his 7 years in Guantanamo concentration camp was a powerful and moving message of support for Julian Assange and WikiLeaks.

The Bitter Reality of Afghanistan – with Malalai Joya

20 May, 2012

Behold the effect of white phosphorus bombing on a young child’s skin. In May 2009, Afghan lawmaker Obaidullah Helali, who headed a delegation investigating this massacre from US bombing in the western province of Farah, confirmed that it took the lives of 95 children.

Leave Afghanistan, urges Malalai Joya

17 April, 2012

Joya said that life in Afghanistan will be ‘no picnic’ when the occupying forces finally leave. But she insists that this is the first and necessary step towards justice.

Wikileaks, Assange and Democracy: Christine Assange

28 March, 2012

Christine Assange speaks at Wikileaks, Assange and Democracy forum, on 17th February 2012. Over 400 people attended.

Wikileaks, Assange and Democracy: Jennifer Robinson

28 March, 2012

London-based human rights lawyer Jennifer Robinson speaks at Wikileaks, Assange and Democracy forum, on 17th February 2012. Over 400 people attended.

Wikileaks, Assange and Democracy: Scott Ludlam

28 March, 2012

Greens Senator Scott Ludlam speaks at Wikileaks, Assange and Democracy forum, on 17th February 2012. Over 400 people attended.

Wikileaks, Assange and Democracy: Humphrey McQueen

28 March, 2012

Socialist historian Humphrey McQueens speaks at Wikileaks, Assange and Democracy forum, on 17th February 2012. Over 400 people attended.

Wikileaks, Assange and Democracy: Mary Kostakidis

28 March, 2012

Journalist Mary Kostakidis speaks at Wikileaks, Assange and Democracy forum, on 17th February 2012. Over 400 people attended.

Christine Assange speaks about her son Julian

17 November, 2011

Recorded during protest of Obama’s visit to Australia, Canberra Nov 17 2011, Christine Assange speaks about her son Julian Assange & Wikileaks and the failure of [&hellip

Get on the bus to protest Australia-US war alliance Nov 17

1 November, 2011

Obama’s visit provides us with an opportunity to make our voices heard, and to join with the movement of the 99% opposing wars for the 1%. We plan to hire a bus that will leave Sydney approximately 7am to arrive in Canberra at 10am and return in the evening of the same day. Will you join us?

America and oil: declining together?

16 September, 2011

America’s rise to economic and military supremacy was fueled in no small measure by its control over the world’s supply of oil. It should come as no surprise, then, that the country’s current economic and military decline coincides with the relative decline of oil as a major source of energy.

Chomsky: 9/11 – was there an alternative?

11 September, 2011

Osama bin Laden may be dead, but his American legacy lives on fiercely in Washington policy when it comes to surveillance, secrecy, war, and the national security state (as well as economic meltdown at home).

Malalai Joya in Sydney: Marrickville town hall meeting Sept 9 – Book your ticket now!

30 May, 2011

Afghanistan’s renowned peace, democracy and women’s rights activist, Malalai Joya, is coming to Sydney as part of her educational and fundraising tour of Australia in September.