• Syria: Aleppo, Mosul, and imperialist hypocrisy

    Alan Woods discusses the fog of cynical propaganda emanating from the western imperialists over Syria and the real interests that lie behind it. Read More +
  • Between a rock and a Hard Brexit

    The recent hardening of Tory rhetoric over Brexit, Josh Holroyd explains, reflects a deepening divide within the party; a sign of weakness rather than strength. Read More +
  • After Corbyn's victory: where next for Labour?

    Jeremy Corbyn has again won a decisive victory to become Labour leader. All talk now is for "unity". But the events of the last year cannot be swept under the carpet. Read More +
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  • US Election 2016: America on the brink

    The world waits with bated breath as the "leader of the free world" is selected. The Election 2016 campaign has been like no other seen in the US for a century or more. Voters are trying to make up their minds as to "which candidate they hate less". As John Peterson of Socialist Appeal USA comments, the US elections have destabilised the already chaotic world situation even further.

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  • The US election: what does it mean for Marxists?

    Around the world, millions of people are waiting nervously to find out whether Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump will become the most powerful person in the free world. Whoever wins, the election result is not the end of the process; for Marxists, the work is just beginning!

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  • The Russian Revolution: the meaning of October

    Today is the 99th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, an event which altered the entire course of human history. For the first time, the working people took power into their own hands and began the task of the socialist re-construction of society. We republish here an article written in 1992 by Alan Woods, which gives an excellent overview of the revolution and highlights its main lessons.

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  • 1956 ­Suez Crisis: the death of an empire

    The British establishment normally grabs every chance to mark the anniversary of any military event. One such anniversary, however, will pass largely unnoticed this year: the invasion of Suez; the so-called “forgotten war” that would become a symbol of the death of the British Empire and the end of "Great" Britain as a major world power.

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  • High Court Brexit ruling rocks the government

    With the shock defeat for the Tory government in the High Court yesterday, the turmoil arising from the Brexit vote in June rumbles on. But this is only a foretaste of the storms that lie ahead. While MPs will not block Brexit, they can certainly delay it and water down any proposals. Prime Minister May faces months of clashes, guerrilla warfare, and an extremely unstable future.

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