December 21, 2010 at 5:31 pm Leave a comment

UN Condemns Land Grabs in Native Territories – New Report on State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples

The full report on the State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples is available at
Critical references to carbon markets and REDD are on pp.116-19.

RIGHTS: U.N. Condemns Land Grabs in Native Territories
By Haider Rizvi

UNITED NATIONS, Jan 14, 2010 (IPS) – Millions of people around the world who belong to indigenous communities continue to face discrimination and abuse at the hands of authorities and private business concerns, says a new U.N. report released here Thursday.

It is happening not only in the developing parts of the world but also in countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, which champion the causes of human rights and democracy, the report says.

Despite all the “positive developments” in international human rights setting in recent years, the study’s findings suggest that indigenous peoples remain vulnerable to state-sponsored violence and brutality, which is often aimed at confiscating their lands.

“Governments and the United Nations need to be serious about this,” said Victoria Tauli-Corpus, chairperson of the U.N. Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, an advisory body that works with the 54-member Economic and Social Council, after launching the report.

The 222 page-report, entitled “State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples”, points out that an overwhelming majority of the indigenous population is condemned to live in extreme poverty. Its authors noted that while indigenous peoples are around five percent of the world’s population, they comprise 15 percent of people living in extreme poverty.

January 18, 2010 at 3:06 pm Leave a comment

Kichwas y Shuar en contra de la actividad petrolera


Efrén Calapucha (

English version after the Spanish article . Versión en inglés después del artículo en español

Acción recomendada: Escribe al presidente de la república del Euador, Economista Rafael Correa demandando el fin de la expansión de la frontera petrolera en la provincia de Pastaza y de la militarización de territorios indígenas con el proposito de facilitar la explotación petrolera. (,

De una manera inconsulta, arbitraria llegaron el día sábado 19 de julio del presente año en tres vehículos blindados y un Helicóptero los altos funcionarios de Petroproducción y escoltados por la inteligencia militar; pretendiendo engañar a la población y autorizando explotar petróleo, yéndose por encima de un conglomerado de ACIA que plantea NO A LA EXPLOTACION PETROLERA EN EL TERRITORIO DE BOSQUE DEL OGLAN ALTO- SHUAR WASHENTS que son Territorios de la Asociación de Comunidades Indígenas de Arajuno “ACIA”, la decisión histórica que ha tomado el pueblo kichwa y Shuar de Arajuno ha sido y será RECHAZAR Y VIGILAR CUALQUIER INTENTO DE INTROMISIÓN DE ELEMENTOS (PERSONAS, HERRAMIENTAS Y MAQUINARIAS) a ese lugar. Es el momento de parar el abuso y la prepotencia en las que incluso ha minimizado a los Pueblos y Nacionalidades como si fuéramos actores reducidos de la sociedad Ecuatoriana.

¡Amigos de la Tierra!
En este espacio de la selva amazónica con grandes recursos biodiversos se quiere cercenar LA VIDA lo que NO PERMITEREMOS se establezca tan execrable hecho que afectará al Calentamiento Global extinguiéndose los pueblos, la flora y la fauna hasta hoy fortalecidas y guardadas celosamente y alertamos al Gobierno Nacional y al opinión pública que este Territorio Comunitario que se quiere afectar mediante intervención inconsulta ordenada por el Ing. Juan Chiriboga Pinos Sub Gerente de operaciones de PETROPRODUCCIÓN; este Territorio es declarado como Área de Bosque y vegetación Protectores con el acuerdo Nº 136 del ministerio del Ambiente, mediante Registro oficial Nº 24 del 24 de mayo del 2005.

Hacemos un llamado a la Prensa, local, Nacional y Mundial así como a las demás Nacionalidades, Pueblos y sectores sociales del Ecuador y del Mundo a demostrar la UNIDAD POR LA VIDA y alzar, vuestra VOZ DE PROTESTA y a la participación activa en los procesos de gestiones y demandas que se han dado inicio a partir del día de hoy en la provincia de Pastaza ¡POR QUE LA AMAZONÍA Y EL ÚLTIMO PULMÓN DEL MUNDO YA ES DE TODOS!

English Version, translated from Spanish by Martin Alle


August 17, 2008 at 10:58 pm 4 comments



En español más abajo, después del comunicado en inglés


The Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca department, South-West Colombia (CRIC), publicly denounces the threat which arrived to the North of Cauca section on 11th August by email, announcing the genocide of Colombia’s indigenous populations, and perversely inferring the government’s strategy to destabalize the unity of indigenous, afro-Colombian and campesino (poor farmer) communities in the department.

It is no secret that President Alvaro Uribe Velez has declared war on indigenous communities which have decided to demand their rights. A determining moment came in March 2008, during a speech in Popayan, the capital of the Cauca department, when Uribe offered to reward those who helped to break the unity of the indigenous community [by informing on the leaders of the ‘liberation of the madre tierra’ process, in which indigenous populations are reclaiming ancestral land to which they are entitled by the 1991 political constitution]. Added to this, institutional spokesperson have consistently reiterated the message that the indigenous population benefts from state guarantees to the detriment of the rights of other sectors of society. One example was the purchase of the Villa Carola farm by the Ministry of the Interior in order to award it to displaced people, when the farm had been promised to the Kononuko indigenous community since the 1980’s.

The text, which covers itself by claiming to be from an anti-indigenous campesino group, reproduces the same discourse used by the national government with the aim of blaming the indigenous population for the failure of land policies and the lack of agrarian reform in Colombia [text below in Spanish original].

August 16, 2008 at 3:40 pm 1 comment

The Spanish Socialist party support an outrage against the environment

Version original en español más abajo después del artículo en inglés

Atentado al medio ambiente en Extremadura apoyado por el PSOE

Translated from Spanish by Martin Allen

On Friday 4th July 2008 the Plataforma Ciudadana Refinería No [PCRN, Citizens’ anti-refinery campaign] was represented by a notary at the Department of Industry, Energy and Environment of the Provincial Government of Extremadura in order to hand over the campaign’s objections to the oil refinery in Extremadura, promoted by the Group of “associates” of A. Gallardo and supported by Rodríguez Zapatero’s PSOE [Partido Socialista Obrero Español, the Spanish Socialist party]. These objections, addressed to the Ministries of Industry and of the Environment and to the Regional Government itself, consisted of some nine boxfuls of documents as well as documents on CD and seven bound volumes. And accompanying those documents, a first submission of 55,000 signatures against the project which the PCRN has collected in the district. A curious fact which can give an idea of the volume of the objections is that it took nine people to carry them through the premises of the Provincial Government.

Sources in the Provincial Government state that there is no precedent in the history of Extremadura of any project against which such voluminous and well-developed objections have been presented. (more…)

July 20, 2008 at 5:05 pm Leave a comment

The United Nations Rapporteur for Indigenous Peoples pleads for collective rights in the new Constitution of Ecuador

Artículo en español más abajo después de la versión en inglés. El Relator de Naciones Unidas sobre los Pueblos Indígenas aboga por derechos colectivos en la nueva Constitución del Ecuador
Translated from Spanish by Martin Allen
By Mario Melo
On 28th and 29th May of this year, James Anaya, the new United Nations Rapporteur on the rights and freedoms of indigenous peoples, visited the Constituent Assembly of Ecuador. In his recently-released report on this visit, the Rapporteur pleads for inclusion in the new constitutional text of plurinationality and prior informed consent.
With regard to recognition of the plurinationality of the Ecuadorian State, a historic proposal of the national indigenous organization CONAIE, Anaya emphasizes that in essence it corresponds with the normative framework developed at international level. For him, “acceptance of plurinationality in the framework of the constitution would reinforce Ecuadorian Society’s commitment to recognize indigenous nations and peoples and to the ‘pluricultural’ State already reflected in the 1998 Constitution”. He also rejects concerns that plurinationality would involve dangerous tendencies towards fragmentation of the country, for which reason he has told the members of the Constituent Assembly that these concerns “are without foundation and can and must be overcome”.
On the right to free, prior, informed consent, the Special Rapporteur considers that inclusion of the debate (more…)

July 9, 2008 at 4:02 pm 1 comment

Do Scots investors care about corporate social responsibility?

The article below is one example more of the need of Corporate accountability vs responsibility. Corporations have managed to use the concept of CSR for their own benefit, setting up ethical principles and not binding rules which have facilitated their access to communities in the local level and to influential actors in the international arena, which can legitimised these voluntary practices.

Scots investors accused of backing £400m mine that threatens remote Indian

Pressure building on companies to sell their shares in mine’s owner By Billy

THE FUTURE of a remote tribe in India could be under threat from a proposed
mining development indirectly funded by Scottish companies and the nation’s
universities. Mining giant Vedanta Resources plans to create an open-cast
bauxite mine in the mountainous east Indian state of Orissa, an area that is
home to the Dongria Kondh tribe.

Protesting tribesmen and Survival International – an organisation that
fights on behalf of those whose cultures and human rights are threatened by
the modern world – have launched a campaign against the FTSE 100 company and

Campaigners, including Oscar-winning actress Julie Christie, claim the mine
would end the tribe’s way of life by polluting streams, cutting down forests
and destroying a mountain that people hold sacred.

Vedanta vigorously disputes the allegations and says it has a strong focus
on meeting its environmental responsibilities and a proud record of helping
communities in countries where it operates.

Survival is targeting not only Vedanta, but its major shareholders,
including Coutts Bank, Standard Life, Barclays Bank, Abbey National and
HSBC, urging them to sell their stakes unless the firm abandons its plans.
The Norwegian government recently sold its stake in Vedanta as a result of
the campaign.

Scotland’s universities – including Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and St
Andrews – have money invested in Vedanta through the Universities
Superannuation Scheme (USS), which holds more than one million shares in the
company. The Dundee-based Alliance Trust and Martin Currie Investment
Management of Edinburgh also have funds invested in the company.

June 30, 2008 at 11:43 am 5 comments

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