
Put in your opposition to the TPP to the Senate

The Australian Senate passed a motion to ban Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) from all trade agreements. The motion was moved by Senator Jacqui Lambie, and supported by The Australian Greens, the Australian Labor Party and the Nick Xenophon Team. Friends of the Earth Trade Spokesperson Kat Moore stated “that this motion passed unchallenged is a […]

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On Peace protests and IPAN Conference 2016 by Chris White October 11 With the revanchist Trump, and Obama and Clinton daily fanning war drums against Russia and China, and continuous US drone assassinations, Australia has to move to an independent and peaceful foreign and defence policy. My own arguments focus on : Close Pine Gap […]

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Socialism now

Socialism now

What is Socialism for the Twenty First Century by Michael A. Leibowitz Posted from Monthly Review Press http://monthlyreview.org/2016/10/01/what-is-socialism-for-the-twenty-first-century/

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US Labor Against the War – National Assembly april 2016

I was privileged to be able to attend the US Labor Against the War (USLAW) 2016 National Assembly at ATU’s Tommy Douglas Center in Silver Spring, MD from April 15-17 2016. (Background: please put in this search USLAW US LAW website http://uslaboragainstwar.org US LAW has elected union delegates attending.At this Congress new young in the […]

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NUW wins Polar Fresh strike

The power of the strike to win demands is demonstrated by this NUW Polar Fresh strike defeating Coles. Yet again the employer use of penal powers – here an injunction from the Victorian Supreme Court against the solidarity “secondary” pickets https://www.nuw.org.au/campaigns/polar-fresh see also at end – leads to the necessity of a union wide political […]

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CUB unionists struggle

Update 25 August: Walk off by United Voice and CFMEU members supports sacked maintenance workers workers. http://www.smh.com.au/business/workplace-relations/beer-production-grinds-to-a-halt-as-abbotsford-brewery-staff-stop-work-20160825-gr0srg.html From the ETU Victoria In response to a large number of people struggling to comprehend what has occurred at CUB and how CUB can legally slash the wages of their maintenance workforce, we have spelled out the facts. […]

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Warriors of Aboriginal Resistance protest

Warriors of Aboriginal Resistance protest Melbourne State Library Saturday 30 July. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2016/jul/30/nt-juvenile-detention-centre-treatment-snap-protests-called-across-australia?utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=GU+Today+AUS+v1+-+AUS+morning+mail+callout&utm_term=183848&subid=11929904&CMP=ema_632 Protest shuts down Melbourne intersection report http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/protest-against-abuse-of-children-in-detention-shuts-down-melbourne-intersection-20160730-gqhfxr.html No surprises in abuse of Indigenous children https://redflag.org.au/node/5412 radio 3CR reports http://www.3cr.org.au/news/handsoffaboriginalkids 1. Stan Grant: “How can I stand here and speak to the idea of our place in an indissoluble Commonwealth when this week my […]

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Against wealth inequality

1. Evatt report, 2 HILDA ‘The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey’ report Evatt ‘Currently the poorest 40% of Australian households have effectively no wealth at all: about half of them actually have negative net wealth because of their personal debts. At the opposite pole, the wealthiest 10% of Australian households have more […]

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More on the strike debate

Strike strategy today By Tim Goblet (I post this article on the US strike debate. I argue this strike debate is critical in Australia. At the end see references on this post to strikes and the right to strike – http://chriswhiteonline.org/2016/06/right-to-strike/. I was in the US for the Verizon strike that was successful –http://chriswhiteonline.org/2016/04/verizon-workers-strike/ ) […]

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