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When Wholes Are Less Than Sums of the Parts

When Wholes Are Less Than Sums of the Parts

Possum ComitatusJul 1, 201314 Comments

Headline national two party preferred results are clouding the dynamics and reality of what is happening at the state level - where elections are won and lost

Anatomy of a Modern Campaign

Anatomy of a Modern Campaign

Possum ComitatusApr 22, 201320 Comments

One of the biggest jokes politics plays on itself is “secrecy” - secret internal polling that apparently makes public polling wrong, secret campaign tactics that relegate Sun Tzu to

Megapoll - Full Breakdowns

Megapoll - Full Breakdowns

Possum ComitatusApr 10, 201312 Comments

The data and breakdowns from the largest political poll ever conducted in Australia - all focusing on privatisation and Qld

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Trends, The Horserace and random numbers

Trends, The Horserace and random numbers

Possum ComitatusNov 11, 201211 Comments

Today we look at latest polling trends, the timing issues of the ALP carbon tax recovery and big analysis of how most of Australia’s polling and political commentary is based on random numbers.

Qld State Polling and Bad Analysis

Qld State Polling and Bad Analysis

Possum ComitatusOct 1, 201210 Comments

How two pollsters showing identical results can deliver two completely different accounts of voter behaviour - why timeliness matters if you want to avoid bad analysis

The Primary Dynamic

The Primary Dynamic

Possum ComitatusSep 29, 201212 Comments

The extraordinary growth in the relationship between perceptions of the Prime Minister and the electoral fortunes of the government they lead. A statistical analysis of our new primary dynamic.

Introducing the Qld Treasurer

Introducing the Qld Treasurer

Possum ComitatusJul 2, 201233 Comments

Introducing Tim Nicholls, the man who doesn't realise he's the Treasurer

What Australians Believe

What Australians Believe

Possum ComitatusJun 11, 201249 Comments

Australian economic beliefs and our perceptions on the role of government

The State of Play for June

The State of Play for June

Possum ComitatusJun 5, 201218 Comments

Australian federal polling trends for June

The 2012 State of Play

The 2012 State of Play

Possum ComitatusFeb 9, 201249 Comments

Australian federal polling trends and election simulations

https://www.crikey.com.au/2012/02/09/the-2012-state-of-play/ == https://www.crikey.com.au/free-trial/==https://www.crikey.com.au/subscribe/

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