Bridie SmithTài khoản được xác nhận


Podcastsmith | Science Commmunicator | Editor. podcast, Fauna, via link below. Formerly Science Editor

Melbourne, Australia
Đã tham gia tháng 3 năm 2011


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    So, this is what I have been up to since leaving The Age.... I’ve made a podcast! 😊 First episode is out next Wednesday 20th but you can have a sneaky preview below. Go on. Have a listen. Or even better, subscribe!

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  2. . finds 27 native threatened species at risk of within the next two decades. That’s up from 21 five years ago

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  4. Hoàn tác
  5. The first State of the Yarra report finds the river is in poor condition, putting pressure on native species including the critically endangered Leadbeater’s possum and helmeted honeyeater.

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  6. Looking for something snazzy for Tuesday’s Melbourne Cup? These guys at 128 Smith St, Collingwood, are worth a visit. A social enterprise empowering communities with beautifully crafted products.

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  7. Despite 70% of early career researchers in Melbourne’s highly reguarded Parkville Precinct being women, just 16% are professors survey finds.

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  8. After years of trying, the first lot of Baw Baw eggs bred in captivity have been laid at . An important step for this critically endangered species.

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  9. đã Tweet lại
    1 thg 10, 2018

    While many podcasts from museums, zoos & galleries are treated as afterthoughts or marketing tools, contributing ed explores some series that use their institution's wealth of material in illuminating, accessible and artistically exciting ways 🔒

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  10. Today is national threatened species day. To learn more about what is doing to save some of Australia’s most vulnerable animals, take a listen to Fauna - a new podcast series out now.

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  11. What a charming story! I challenge you to watch it without smiling broadly. And then watching it again for the pure pleasure of it.

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  12. The final episode of 's series Fauna takes you into the forest for a magical night to search for one of Victoria’s most elusive creatures. It's out today and you can listen here:

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  13. “Crowe rests a hand gently on her back. Then he starts rubbing her thighs, rhythmically, almost pornographically”. This is lovely writing. (And nowhere near as dodgy as it sounds).

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  14. đã Tweet lại
    25 thg 7, 2018

    Listen to the heartbreaking story about the recording of the last Christmas Island Pipistrelle and how are trying to ensure that more species are not lost.

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  15. Feral cats have been caught raiding the nest boxes of the critically endangered 's possum. Of seven captured, two had Leadbeater's remains in their stomachs.

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  16. đã Tweet lại

    In 2009, we were part of a team sent to Christmas Island on a rescue mission to save one of Australia's rarest mammals. This trip had a profound impact on us, and we've never been the same since. Find out why in the latest episode of our , Fauna ➡

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  17. A 2009 rescue mission to save the Christmas Island pipistrelle - then Australia’s rarest mammal - had a profound impact on . The latest edition of the Fauna reveals why things have never been the same since. Listen here:

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  18. The star of the latest episode of 's Fauna podcast is this zoo VIP. She's one Very Important Parrot, who makes her migratory journey not by parrot-power, but by commercial plane.

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  19. đã Tweet lại

    Why on Earth would we pay to fly a migratory bird from Tasmania to Victoria instead of letting the bird fly itself? Find out in the latest episode of our . Search 🔎 'Fauna' in your podcast app or stream online here:

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  20. Terrible milestone: Scientists say this demonstrates Australia’s record is worse than currently recognised.

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