Last updated: December 05, 2016

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Genealogy/family history research

Family history research is becoming a popular pastime for many Australians.

Throughout the last decade, widespread use of technology and the Internet have fuelled significant advancements in the field of genealogy making it more popular now than ever before. With such a diversity of cultures, many Australians have roots from all over the world.

The Internet has become an indispensable tool for researchers in all subject areas, but has proven especially helpful to those pursuing details about their family history. Convenient access to an ever-growing collection of content, connections to others sharing a common interest, and access to a wide range of products and services make the World Wide Web a time-saving tool. As you turn to the Internet, however, don't abandon tried and true resources like libraries, archives, or local genealogy interest groups.

If you're looking for others that share your interest in one or more aspects of genealogy, there are hundreds of societies serving the needs of researchers. Not only will you learn more about genealogy, but you're sure to make some new friends who share your passion for looking into the past. Genealogical, historical, ethnic heritage, and family societies have been the foundation of genealogy for more than a century. To connect you with an area of particular interest, we have established the Herald Sun Tributes Links Network.

The following are among the many helpful sites you can find online related to genealogy. We will expand this network as we ourselves learn more about the subject.

Victorian State Library newspaper collection:

Genealogical Society of Victoria:

National Library of Australia:


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