

Let America's spectacular implosion begin

As an expat American with dual nationality I have viewed the American election with more trepidation than the average Aussie. I am appalled and mortified that so many of the people I spent my formative years with could actually find the odious Trump acceptable as their president. As flawed as America has become in recent years, it still deserves better than Trump. The political system may need repairing but to hire a building wrecker to do brain surgery is the height of folly.

Throughout history all great civilisations have eventually fallen. The process of these declines is usually gradual and it is left to historians to argue the when and how . However, in the case of America there will be no such doubt. History will record Nov 8, 2016 as the date of the start of America's downfall and the cause will be Trump. Of course the gradual corrosion in the quality of America's political life leading up to the Trump disaster has set the stage for his emergence but his presence on the scene will always be seen as the tipping point for America's spectacular implosion. It can only be hoped that our own politicians learn from this and clean up their act so that Australia does not follow down America's path.

Illustration: Alan Moir
Illustration: Alan Moir 

Richard Keyes Enfield

The barbarian has crossed the moat, he has breached the walls and he is now in the keep. The age of Cicero is finished. The age of Caesar has begun. I understand the rightful shriek which has come from those bewildered many who have been like flotsam tossed about on the wild oceans of Baby Boomer capitalist greed. Raped and bled white by the entitled few – among whom I must count myself, perhaps to our shame. Dispossessed and dumped, they have risen. As they did in the French and Russian revolutions, so they have now in Britain and America and in parts of Europe. The stirrings are beginning in Australia too. We are not immune. So, the faucet is open; the bile gushes out. Will the sudden purge be the start of the cure? Or will it be the beginning of the end for American-led western demographic hegemony?

Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton did not offer the change that voters craved.
Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton did not offer the change that voters craved. Photo: Andrew Harrer

Alan Phillips Mosman

There has been huge change in the world this week, many are despairing and many are celebrating. In a democracy this is how things work, everyone has to accept the choice of the majority of voters in the United States. Accepting the results is one thing, staying true to yourself is another. I happen to be a member of the Greens however I could be a member of any political party and my beliefs would not change. I am a humanist, I believe in the strength of the human spirit, I believe in equality, I believe in taking care of our most vulnerable and I believe in democracy. My belief in democracy means I accept this result as crazy as it may seem, however it makes my beliefs even more important. It means I need to care more, understand more and try harder despite what is happening around me and I accept this challenge with open arms and hope many of you reading this feel the same. We need to stick to our beliefs while being surrounded by so much hatred and rhetoric, it is the strongest weapon we have and we need to use it to make our world a kinder and more accepting place.


Natasha Bearman Broken Hill

Hillary Clinton's feminist, progressive and godless agenda led to her downfall. Wendy Squires might "sob" over the defeat of Clinton ("Women support Trump as ignorance triumphs over reason", November 10) but not every American man or woman embraced her values. She had no concern for the rights of the unborn, instead she appealed and supported women who demanded control over their own bodies. She embraces marriage equality alienating the millions of Christians and other faith-based groups who oppose it. How did she demonstrate she would care for the men whose masculinity has been diminished, as the sisterhood sought "equality" politically, corporately and in every sphere of government?

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox
Illustration: Cathy Wilcox 

Trump might appear "unstable", "possess a scary bluster" but America is broken. Trump offered them change. If as a nation they now reject the progressive agenda of the Democratic Party and pursue godly values, there is hope of a better future for all Americans if not the world.

Nan Howard Camden

I was brought to unexpected teary eyes by Moir's cartoon.The vision of our poor old world running into the bunker was all too real after Trump's victory. Our familiar Earth is no more."Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone ..."Judy Finch Cedar Party

Americans polite, considerate and inward looking

Australians are struggling to understand how the American people voted this election ("Clean sweep: Trump storms to victory on a wave of anger", November 10). We have a theory based on our recent experience travelling in the US. We stayed with distant relatives in California and Florida and took a nine-day tour of the fall foliage in the company of 42 Americans.

Without exception, the Americans we met were polite, considerate, kind and generous. We did not see a gun. But we left with a very strong impression. In general, Americans seemed to know very little of anything outside America. Some examples:· Comments of surprise that we, as Australians, knew the words of Beachboys songs· Questions of whether New Zealanders spoke English (I was tempted to make a joke here)· Confusion of Australia with Austria (?)· Ignorance of China's invasion of Tibet· Not knowing what "Brexit" was.

In the four weeks we were there, we did not see the television and other mass media (other than The New York Times) mention anything outside the US. We also did not see a program educating on health issues but saw many advertisements for prescription drugs. We saw a lot of American flag waving, even underwater in a mermaid show in Florida.

Most did not want to talk about politics or even watch the debates. Universally, when they did talk, left or right wing, they disliked Hillary Clinton. I have spoken to a Harvard academic since returning to Australia, and he said that Fox television had been criticising and undermining her for many years.

Susan Coleman Coffs Harbour

Trump win evidence of media's ignorance

Mark Kenny is right that the Trump victory is a "repudiation of an educated political-class hegemony" ("Rise of an Isolationist will weaken a nation", November 10). It just may be that many ordinary folk do not like being referred to as "deplorables" (Hillary), "dimwits" (Tony Wright) or the likes of public broadcaster Virginia Trioli suggesting they should be subject to an IQ test. In America and here, many in the media need to get out of their inner-city bubble and try to understand the economic and social concerns of the masses. Then, to paraphrase words of political analyst Thomas Frank, they may have an idea of what's going on out there. They then may understand in the words of left-wing documentary-maker Michael Moore, who after visits to the rust-belt states of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, predicted the defection of the workers to Trump: "Trump's election is going to be the biggest 'f--- you' ever recorded in human history – and it will feel good".

Tony Nicod Collaroy

So the ugliness of economic rationalism is finally coming home to roost? For nearly three decades now I've listened in despair to Thatcherist and Reaganist mouthings that "someone has to pay", that "there is no such thing as society", that "money matters more than people". I've seen "restructuring" and "streamlining" for sleeker profits, aided by "advances" in technology, leave decent people jobless, "redundant", or forced to set up as sole businesses contracted to do the same work, but deprived of traditional employment safeguards and benefits, while the fat cats of business have paid themselves obscene salaries and bonuses. Tenure has been replaced by uncertainty, rural communities have lost their banks, post offices and rail services, small people's life savings have been recklessly gambled in the sharemarket, the immorality of sub-prime mortgages has caused devastation, so-called US health insurance companies have raked in huge profits by denying benefits, the poor and the sick in the USA have been abandoned. All this to satisfy the rapacious greed of the corporate world and aid the rampant, unchecked growth of capitalism and the free market? Now, finally, the sleeping giant is awakening – and the answer is Donald Trump? God help us!

Jeanette Heys Turramurra

So, USA, you've finally done it, you have turned your once-great nation into a TV reality show and consigned yourselves and us to hell in a rustbucket. Your blind, impotent anger has tipped us into the chaos of unknown unknowns by electing the evil of two lessors. Praise the Lord and pull up the quilt.

Don Smith Ashfield

How silly of Bill Shorten to say Donald Trump is "barking mad" and Malcolm Turnbull to say of Pauline Hanson, "She will never be welcome in this Parliament".

Bit like saying to your best friend of his new girlfriend, who would ever marry her – and then he does.

Peter Blacket Bellevue Hill

For God's sake, give Trump a go at being President. Look back at the USA history – what credentials did the early presidents have? Not much, except they believed in goodness and fairness.

Stop the sniping, sit back and show the USA we are still good friends.

Lesley Beards Tea Gardens.

Surely there must be something else happening around the world apart from some election in a foreign country?Dave Horsfall North Gosford

Limiting road deaths

Lance Dover makes the point that speed cameras may not be the "magic fix for the rising road toll" (Letters, November 10). The size of the road toll is almost completely within the power of society at large and governments in particular. Same with industrial accidents.

The national road toll reduced from its peak of 4000 per annum in the 1970s to about 1300 these days. This saving of thousands of lives has been due to compulsory seat belts, compulsory random breath tests, better licensing requirements, better medical treatment, safer cars and better roads, all of which were directly or indirectly opposed by the "nanny state" objectors. This is one of the few areas where political compromise will undo the good: the road toll will inevitably rise. We need heightened resolve and a new range of measures seriously implemented, including point to point speed cameras if they contribute.

David Hind Neutral Bay

Strong argument for girls-only schools

Neil Harrison (Letters, November 10) argues that, in respect of co-education " ... our youngest boys and those on the verge of manhood benefit significantly from the presence of girls ... ".

That may be so, but does it work the other way – do girls on the verge of womanhood benefit significantly from the presence of boys? Given sexism is still rampant and the glass ceiling only cracking in places, one has to wonder.

Patti Skenridge Potts Point

Neil Harrison's comments are revealing. No mention of any benefit to girls at any stage of their educational journey. Perhaps their only function is to educate boys? Or perhaps as one educator remarked to me when I was deciding between a co-ed or an all-girls school: "Co-ed schools are boys schools with girls in them."

Janet Peters Leichhardt

Drone pilot proves a real silly sausage

The plans of that drone pilot sure did hit a snag. What a silly sausage. ("Drone used to pick up sausage sanger," November 10.)

Jim Dewar North Gosford

But did he get tomato sauce with it?

Jane Louis Thornleigh

On Trump's victory

Apparently they're planning a Back to the Future IV, as a sequel. In this one, Biff Tannen has moved on from his casino/hotel to a nice little place in Washington. Go, Biff! Hand me down my copy of Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, will you? Must read up on the Visigoths invading again.

Baden Eunson Bentleigh (Vic)

Memo to Mexico: build the wall.Memo to Canada; see Memo to Mexico.

Wayne Duncombe Glebe

When the One Way Trip to Mars was first announced, I should have sold everything and bought a ticket or two. I could have been very rich soon, selling it/them to the highest bidder(s).

Ric Baxter Umina Beach

How long before the US discovers Trump is not the messiah, he's just a naughty boy?

Allan White Kingsford

I think we're all in Kansas now, Toto.

Tom Andrews Roseville

A new currency for the New world order – the Trumpence. Not sure if it is worth anything.

Alan Johnson Seaforth

No doubt about it. T'was the pants suits!

John Greentree Fairlight
