At Compass, we are building a Good Society; one that is much more equal, sustainable and democratic than the society we are living in now

Check out this great video to hear what just some of our members have to say about us!

Who we are

Compass is a home for those who want to build and be a part of a Good Society; one where equality, sustainability and democracy are not mere aspirations, but a living reality. We are founded on the belief that no single issue, organisation or political party can make a Good Society a reality by themselves so we have to work together to make it happen. Compass is a place where people come together to create the visions, alliances and actions to be the change we wish to see in the world.  

How we make a good society a reality

  • Create a unique space for people across different political parties (and those with no party affiliation) as well as activists, thinkers and doers who share our values

  • From this place we produce policies, discuss them and campaign together inside and outside Parliament and National assemblies

  • Influence party politics; we persuade politicians and political parties to support policies and ways of doing politics that are in line with a good society

  • Provide political education to help members and activists make change in our increasingly complex world on the local, national, UK and European levels

  • Behave in ways that replicate what we want a Good Society to look and feel like.

To join Compass click here