Trump is the greatest political swindle of the 21st Century


The one word that almost every political pundit in America has not uttered as they scramble to explain their ignorance is ‘class’.


Setting The Agenda View All →

MUST READ: Why Hillary deserved to lose


By   9 hours ago

We are told there is no alternative. The so-called “progressives” in social democratic parties then appeal to the centre by adopting the rhetoric of the right wing opposition by being “tough” on law and order and “tough” on welfare cheats, and “tough” on immigrants. They assume that because working people have no where else to go they can abuse us as much as they like.

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MUST READ: The seductiveness of Trumpism


By   3 days ago

There was a vacuum left by the political establishment, and Donald Trump shrewdly colonised that space. Trump had created the new “reality” that Buffett warned us about.

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President Trump – Rebirths & Reflections


By   3 days ago

So it finally happened. American Democracy, dependent upon your relative vantage point and biases, either ‘jumped the shark’, or reached its apotheosis. Possibly both at once.

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Man Trouble


By   3 days ago

When a person on a benefit is sent to Manpower for a job it is like evicting a family from a secure house and giving them a tent in cyclone season. When the work dries up they are left drowning in debt and hoping for rescue sometime in the next thirteen weeks.

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2016 – Ongoing jobless tally and why unemployment statistics will no longer be used


By   3 days ago

This blogger previously reported how Statistics NZ recently implemented a so-called “revision” which would materially affect how unemployment stats were counted and reported;

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All We Need Now Is Jack Bauer! Is America’s Deep State Attempting To Influence The Race For The White House?


By   4 days ago

If Assange is correct, then what we have been witnessing over the past week is an attempt by middle-ranking agents of the FBI’s New York field office to even up the scales on behalf of Donald Trump. Just how far these rogue elements are prepared to go to keep Clinton out of the White House remains to be seen.

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Vote-swapping app highlights unfairness for third parties in America


By   4 days ago

Amit Kumar’s vote-swapping app for the US presidential election shows up how third parties are disadvantaged by the one round, first-past-the-post race.

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Fear And Loathing Of A Democratic Presidency: Where To For The American Left


By   4 days ago

[Author’s Note: This piece originally appeared as the sixteenth installment of my Sex, Drugs & Electoral Rolls column for Craccum Magazine, in early August. However, events unfolding later this week – and their potential ramifications – have once more pushed this topic to the forefront of my mind. Also, I noted with some interest and […]

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Deconstructing Headlines View All →

Is there actually anyone awake in the NZ Labour or Green Party?


By   11 hours ago

If the Greens could perhaps stop self mutilating the launch of their new candidate and if Labour could possibly stop picking fights with one of NZs most respected TV Journalists, Professor Richard Dawkins is on the phone…

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Mt Roskill by-election update: Labour Party candidate Michael Wood is a hero husband!


By   1 day ago

In a political world devoid of values, it’s good to see Labour Party candidate for the Mt Roskill by-election, Michael Wood, letting a National Party stooge know in no uncertain terms that slagging off his wife is NOT on the agenda…

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Trump is the greatest political swindle of the 21st Century


By   1 day ago

The one word that almost every political pundit in America has not uttered as they scramble to explain their ignorance is ‘class’.

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Dear Crooked Key and Peter Dunne – America has legalised cannabis – get off your arses!


By   2 days ago

You let Helen Kelly die as a criminal. You let Paul Holmes die as a criminal. You let Martin Crow die as a criminal.

All so you could refuse to take cannabis reform seriously.

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The worst loser from Trump will be the environment and climate change


By   2 days ago

The Alt-Right who have given Trump so much power believe that climate change is some sort of socialist scam to help create a UN one world Government blah blah blah.

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Soz John Key – no TPPA for you, you greedy corporate maggot


By   2 days ago

One, and let’s be honest it really is all that we can cling to, one thing that is good to have come out of the Trump tragedy is that there is a clear halt now in America to free market corporate globalisation.

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Trump – winners, losers & what went wrong


By   2 days ago

As pundits and the mainstream media scramble to decipher the political earthquake that has erupted with the win of Trump, here are the winers, losers and what went wrong as I reckon it.

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Hate Trumps Love – this is Truxit


By   3 days ago

We tell our children not to be bullies, not to be racist and not to be sexist. Tonight a man who has breached every standard of civility will win the Presidency of the United States. We are a lesser civilisation today.

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Media Watch View All →

Patrick Gower at his journalistic best?


By   13 hours ago

As the Republic of America begins to unravel in the wake of the shock election by Trump, the Fourth estate, our democratic watchdog of the powerful, are attempting to decipher the meaning and the anger of the decision.

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Can someone please help the NZ Greens out with their coms? Please?


By   1 day ago

Chloe is a brilliant candidate and the fact the Greens got her is further proof of just how useless the bloody NZ Labour Party are.

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Why Story had to get axed, why Duncan Garner isn’t much of a saviour and why the new TV3 comedy news show will probably fail


By   3 days ago

How can you critique the hegemonic power structures of society when your host don’t know what the fuck hegemonic means? It will probably become fart and dick jokes, with the tall bugger from Jono and Beno hosting and some of their female comedians thrown in to try and make it seem diverse.

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Phil Twyford brings a knife to a gun fight with Paul Henry over By-election


By   2 weeks ago

Maybe Phil was expecting a Paul Henry who was slightly humbled by Lizzie Marvel’s principled stance to boycott the show in the wake of his gross description of women’s breasts to a journalist.

Phil was wrong.

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Paul Henry’s dickhead privilege vs Max Key’s dickhead privilege isn’t news


By   2 weeks ago

Paul Henry has shot his mouth off in an interview while Max Key yells out ‘Real men ride bikes’ to a bunch of cyclists.

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Q+A vs The Nation TV review


By   2 weeks ago

Q+A was excellent, The Nation made you wonder how they get so much money from NZ on Air.

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Will NZ Media buy Police Euthanasia Excuse?


By   2 weeks ago

Will the media buy this absurd claim that the Police were just acting on good faith and that this wasn’t a training exercise?

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TDB October Contributions drive – please donate if you believe we need a counter media


By   2 weeks ago

Comrades, it’s that time of the month when we put out our begging bowl and ask you our dear readers to contribute cash if you believe the NZ media landscape desperately needs a counter voice. This project of a blog takes up an immense amount of time and it costs us to bring it to you.

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Guest Blogs + Sponsored Posts View All →

GUEST BLOG: David Cunliffe – Waking up to the Donald


By   3 days ago

Across the US a tide of protest arose at a neoliberal economic system that is not delivering for working and middle voters. Their resentment and frustration, their struggles and alienation have led America to this day; a country fractured and markets in melt-down.

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GUEST BLOG: Ben Peterson – Opportunities for Who? Gareth Morgan’s New Political Party


By   3 days ago

The reality is that New Zealand/Aotearoa is not a cohesive society with everyone working together. Class and race divisions run deep- and these tensions cannot simply be dissolved by ensuring an ‘opportunity for all’.

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GUEST BLOG: Martin and Lois Griffiths – PATH TO SANITY


By   4 days ago

What’s really going on? Why are more and more resources and scientific ingenuity being employed in weaponry? Don’t the world’s powerful understand that the survival of our species depends on facing the reality of possible runaway climate change? Don’t the world’s powerful understand that we, all of humanity, are in this together.

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By   1 week ago

Read my affadavit that has been filed in support of Iniative , and you’ll see this sort of behaviour is absolutely typical of Corrections response to exposure and criticism.

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GUEST BLOG: Kieran Robert Kelly – Now We Know the Truth: “Brexit” Does Not Mean “Brexit”


By   1 week ago

So why are people like Cameron and Theresa May so adamant that “Brexit means Brexit”? Why is it only now that the High Court has reminded people that the UK constitution ensures, as lawyers have said all along, that parliament has the final say?

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EXCLUSIVE: Letter to Phil Goff from Mike Lee


By   1 week ago

EXCLUSIVE: Letter to Phil Goff from Mike Lee

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GUEST BLOG: Ben Peterson – New Zealands Revolution is Coming


By   1 week ago

The diverse political experiments can make New Zealand seem uninspiring in contrast. Could we see a revolutionary shake up in sleepy New Zealand? If we did, what would it look like?

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GUEST BLOG: Lizzie Cook – Answer to ‘Mr’ Mono-Lingual White ‘Man’, Member of the White New Zealand Clan

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By   2 weeks ago

I wish to address an ongoing attitude from those who feel a sense of righteousness about their white identity.

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The Liberal Agenda View All →

Trump wins and Leonard Cohen dies? What a terrible bloody week!


By   1 day ago

In this week of all weeks, we lose a genius like Leonard Cohen.

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Do you hate Trump and want to show it? Then protest the American warship visiting Auckland next week


By   1 day ago

So are you shocked by the Trump result and the magnitude of political and social carnage he is about to wreck upon the planet?

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March for Peace – 19th November


By   1 week ago

Join thousands of ‘Peace Protectors’ on Queen St!
Saturday 19th November 2016!
2pm Aotea Square– finish Britomart 4pm.

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Wall of Noise – Drown out the death merchants – 17th November


By   1 week ago

On the second day of the Weapons Expo, we will be targeting the awards ceremony and gala dinner happening inside with our own Wall of Noise outside.

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Peace Flotilla – 17th November


By   1 week ago

A peace flotilla will come together in Waitemata harbour on November 17th to meet the arriving international warships.

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Blockade the Weapons Conference 16th November


By   1 week ago

On 16th and 17th Nov 550 representatives of the world’s largest weapons dealers will meet at the Viaduct Events Centre. APA is organizing a non-violent, inclusive and family friendly blockade to shut down this event.

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Upcoming Palestine solidarity activities – please get involved if you can!


By   1 week ago

We have several events/activities happening over the next month or so – then a break over the holiday period – with some exciting international visitors and a film screening currently being planned for next year (details to be confirmed).

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A New Look Ika – plus Magic, Salon, Table Talk


By   1 week ago

Enjoy great Ika events in new-look bar & dining room

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The Daily Gallery View All →

Malcolm Evans – Grabber in Chief aka The Amerikan Handshake


By   12 hours ago

Malcolm Evans – Grabber in Chief aka The Amerikan Handshake

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TDB Top 5 International Stories: Saturday 12th November 2016


By   12 hours ago

5: The music world mourns the death of iconic singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen
3: Will Trump’s Immigration Crackdown Be a “Cash Machine” for Military & Private Prison Contractors?
2: UN: ISIL executes civilians en masse in Iraq
1: Privacy experts fear Donald Trump accessing global surveillance network

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The Daily Blog Open Mic – Saturday 12th November 2016


By   13 hours ago

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

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Malcolm Evans – Remembrance Day and Trump


By   1 day ago

Malcolm Evans – Remembrance Day and Trump

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Political Caption Competition


By   1 day ago

“Are you fucking kidding me America? After 8 years of working my arse off for you, you elect a racist cracker like this to replace me?”

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TDB Top 5 International Stories: Friday 11th November 2016


By   1 day ago

5: Controversial Keystone XL Pipeline Comes Back to Life With News of Trump Win
4: Trump Presidency Could Be Worth $14 Billion to His Troubled Lender
3: Iraqi forces accused of killing civilians near Mosul
2: “Not My President”: Tens of Thousands Take to Streets, Block Freeways & Rally Against Trump
1:President Trump’s first day: climate deal and immigration could be initial targets

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The Daily Blog Open Mic – Friday 11th November 2016


By   2 days ago

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

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Raw News feed View All →

Kiwis protest NZ-Israel trade summit – no business with Israel while the Occupation is business as usual – Palestine Solidarity Network


By   2 days ago

A meeting in Auckland tomorrow (Friday 11 November) designed to foster trade relationships with Israel has been described as “another Israeli public relations trick” by Auckland supporters of the Palestinian people. Spark CEO Simon Moutter is heading a trade and innovation summit featuring Israeli businesses, after leading a group of New Zealand business leaders to […]

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Changes are good, but are they the right ones?

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By   3 days ago

Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) says that some recent changes to CYF, such as extending state care to 18 and possibly older are welcome moves by the Government. However there are other changes that are cause for grave concern. First, a wider use of non-government and community organisations requires proper resourcing. Reshuffling monies masks significant […]

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Unacceptable of hospital bosses to try to muzzle striking doctors – ASMS


By   3 days ago

“It is unconscionable of hospital bosses to try to muzzle resident medical officers to prevent them voicing their concerns over fatigue and related matters,” says Ian Powell, Executive Director of the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists (ASMS). “These doctors are talking about their experiences of working in New Zealand’s public hospitals and the impact of […]

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Sensible Solution for Transport is Back to the Future – PTUA


By   3 days ago

The discussion over new Mayor Phil Goff’s decision not to appoint Councillors to the AT Board highlights that “there’s little debate that Auckland Transport’s governance arrangements need reviewing” says the Public Transport Users Association. “While there are differences of opinion about the solutions, there is widespread agreement about the problems”. “Poor performance on some indicators, […]

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Working people call on Dunne to vote down TPPA Bill – First Union


By   4 days ago

As the Government drives the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Amendment Bill through its committee stages in Parliament this afternoon, a union representing 27,000 working people is calling on United Future leader Peter Dunne to side with the 52 per cent of New Zealanders who oppose the “investors’ charter.” “Peter Dunne isn’t voting for a trade agreement, […]

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Journalists union welcomes draft decision to reject NZME-Fairfax merger

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By   4 days ago

The journalists’ union, E tū has welcomed the draft determination by the Commerce Commission, rejecting the merger of NZME and Fairfax. The draft determination says the Commission is not satisfied the merger wouldn’t substantially reduce competition in the New Zealand media market; nor that it would be in the public interest. The Commission also cites […]

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New Zealand’s promise “dead in the water” as Paris Climate Agreement comes into force – Greenpeace


By   6 days ago

Greenpeace New Zealand is calling for a summer of action to highlight what it’s calling the Government’s “sham plan” to meet the Paris Climate Change Agreement, which came into force today. Greenpeace Climate and Energy Campaigner, Kate Simcock, says despite being one of the first countries in the world to ratify the agreement, the New […]

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UN Vote against blockade of Cuba applauded


By   6 days ago

The Auckland Cuba Friendship Society applauds the recent UN vote against the U.S. blockade of Cuba where, for the first time, the U.S. and Israel abstained. The final vote against lifting the crippling 56-year blockade – the longest in world history – was 191 to 0, with two abstentions. Malcolm McAllister, spokesperson for the Society, […]

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Authorised by Martyn Bradbury, The Editor, TheDailyBlog, 5 Victoria St East/Queen St, CBD, Auckland, New Zealand.