Looking Ahead

Giuliani, Christie and Gingrich Could Get Top Positions

  • Donald J. Trump on Wednesday turned to assembling his White House team, a reality that was once unimaginable to the American political establishment.
  • His advisers said he was also selecting a conservative nominee for the Supreme Court vacancy.


Anti-Trump Protests Spread Across U.S.

Thousands of people chanting anti-Trump slogans took to the streets in almost a dozen cities and several college campuses. In New York, the protesters shut down traffic outside Trump Tower.


World Is About to Learn What Trump Believes In

Many of his closest supporters have long cautioned that his most headline-grabbing proposals should not be taken literally — they are guideposts, not plans.

For Trump Voters, the Elation Is Mixed

Many supporters said they hoped for great things under a Trump presidency — though many also said they had no idea what they were in for.


What Happened

How Donald Trump’s victory looks to Opinion writers.

Her Loss

I cried because it does things to you to always come second.

Top News

Why Beijing Gave Hong Kong Such a Hard Slap

There were other less draconian ways to resolve Hong Kong’s oath-taking impasse. But President Xi Jinping takes a hard line on challenges to sovereignty.

Europe Edition

Your Thursday Briefing

Here’s what you need to know to start your day.

Your Evening Briefing

Here’s what you need to know at the end of the day.

Chargers May Be on the Move as Stadium Vote Fails

After voters in San Diego rejected funding for a new stadium, the Chargers must decide whether to pay for it themselves, look for an alternative site elsewhere in the city, or move to Los Angeles.

Crime Scene

Dear Mom and Dad: Sorry About the Car Break-In

When Bill White’s S.U.V. was stolen on Nov. 2, it contained gifts, memorabilia and something more precious: two urns containing the cremated remains of his parents.

Susan Chira

How Hillary Handles Pain

It’s difficult to know right now all that stood in the way of shattering that ceiling.

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