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For other uses, see Deicide (disambiguation).
"Killers of God" redirects here. For the Hong Kong political drama film, see God of Killers.
"God-killer" and "God-slayer" redirect here. For other uses, see God-killer (disambiguation) and God-slayer (disambiguation).

Deicide is the killing (or the killer) of a god. The concept may be used for any act of killing a god, including a life-death-rebirth deity who is killed and then resurrected.

Also used in Freeman Dyson 's Disturbing the Universe in the essay "The Island of Dr. Moreau" when he is talking of JSB Haldane's Daedalus; or, Science and the Future.


The term deicide was coined in the 17th century from medieval Latin *deicidium, from de-us "god" and -cidium "cutting, killing."

New Testament accounts[edit]

According to the New Testament accounts, the Judean (or Jewish) authorities in Jerusalem, the Pharisees, charged Jesus with blasphemy, a capital crime under biblical law, and sought his execution. According to John 18:31, the Judean (Jewish) authorities lacked the authority to have Jesus put to death, though the historicity of this claim is doubtful; the Jesus Seminar historicity project notes for John 18:31: "it's illegal for us: The accuracy of this claim is doubtful." in their Scholars Version. Additionally, John 7:53-8:11 records them asking Jesus about stoning the adulteress and Acts 6:12 records them ordering the stoning of Saint Stephen.

They brought Jesus to Pontius Pilate, the Roman Prefect of Judea, who was hesitant and let the people decide if Jesus were to be executed. According to the Bible, Pontius Pilate only ordered Jesus to be flogged. Washing his hands, Pilate said he would not take the blame for Jesus' death, to which the crowd replied, "His blood is upon us and our children."[1]

Pilate is portrayed in the Gospel accounts as a reluctant accomplice to Jesus' death. Modern scholars say it is most likely that a Roman Governor such as Pilate would have no problem in executing any leader whose followers posed a potential threat to Roman rule.[citation needed] It has also been suggested that the Gospel accounts may have downplayed the role of the Romans in Jesus' death during a time when Christianity was struggling to gain acceptance in the Roman world.[2]

Christian analysis[edit]

The Catholic Church and other Christian denominations suggest that Jesus' death was necessary to take away the collective sin of the human race. The crucifixion is seen as an example of Christ's eternal love for mankind and as a self-sacrifice on the part of God for humanity.[citation needed]

The Gnostic Gospel of Judas contends that Jesus commanded Judas Iscariot to set in motion the chain of events that would lead to his death.[3]

The following is a verse from a hymn written in 1892 for use in the Church of England to call upon God to convert the Jews to Christianity:

Though the Blood betrayed and spilt,
On the race entailed a doom,
Let its virtue cleanse the guilt,
Melt the hardness, chase the gloom;
Lift the veil from off their heart,
Make them Israelites indeed,
Meet once more for lot and part
With Thy household's genuine seed.[4]

St. Augustine of Hippo called Jews the "Witness People", and sanctified enslavement of Jews to Catholics and collective punishment for the Jewish deicide.[5][6]

Popular culture[edit]

Deicide is a subject of many pieces of fantasy fiction. Works that have gods and other supernatural beings physically present sometimes involve battles between gods and mortals.

Video games[edit]

Comics and manga[edit]

  • In the comic book series Preacher, the Saint of Killers commits deicide when he kills God, having already killed the Devil, all of the angels, and an untold number of humans.
  • The term is used as the title for a series of chapters (399 to 421) released for the Bleach manga series. "Deicide" was employed in reference to Gin Ichimaru, who reveals a stronger version of his weapon named Kamishini no Yari or "God-Slaying Spear" during this arc. It was also used in reference to Sōsuke Aizen's newly acquired godhood and the protagonists' attempts to kill him, and Aizen's own plans to kill the Spirit King.
  • Deicide is discussed extensively in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. Many of the gods are very human in appearance and nature and most are often ignored or even treated with contempt, making deicide decidedly easy and unsurprising.
  • In the web comic The Order of the Stick, the titular order is after magic gates that seal in The Snarl, a monster created by conflict between the gods. It slew the Eastern Gods (the Greek Pantheon), and is theorized to be even more potent against deities than mortals. Odin even refers to it as a "deicidal maniac" when the surviving pantheons seal it away.
  • In the Final Crisis comic book, the Green Lantern Corps refer to the assassination of the character Orion, one of the gods of New Genesis, as a "Code 10-1-11", deicide.
  • In Dragon Ball chapter 28, Kami (lit. "God") dies when the demon Piccolo is killed in battle because of the connection that the two share.
  • In another example in Dragon Ball, the creature Majin Boo attacks and kills most of the Kaioshin leaving only one alive.
  • In the webcomic series, "Kill Six Billion Demons", the multiverse was created when the one God, Yisun, fell into despair at being perfect, and committed "divine Suicide."

Live-action shows[edit]

  • In Star Trek, Klingon mythology included a tale of deicide in which the Klingons slew their gods, who "brought more trouble than it was worth."
  • In the first episode of the seventh season of The CW Television Network's series Supernatural, "Meet the New Boss",[7] Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, and Bobby Singer work against their former ally and recently mutated angel named Castiel who is now calling himself God, even shackling Death in their attempt to murder him. There are also several accounts of the Winchesters killing off deities or deities being killed off on screen. Some of the deities that have died by mortal hand have been Hold Nickar, Beau, Zeo Shen, Leshi, Vesta, Veritas, Calliope, Chronos, Vili.


  • In the anime series Campione!, Campione is another name for a God slayer.

Books and novels[edit]



  • In Magic: The Gathering's 2014 set, Journey into Nyx, Deicide is a card that is capable of exiling an opponent's god, and all copies of that god in their deck.

See also[edit]


  1. ^ Matthew 27:24-25
  2. ^ Anchor Bible Dictionary vol. 5. (1992) pg. 399-400. Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc.
  3. ^ Associated Press, "Ancient Manuscript Suggests Jesus Asked Judas to Betray Him," Fox News Website, Thursday, April 06, 2006
  4. ^ "Thou, the Christ Forever One", words by William Bright, from Supplemental Hymns to Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1889)
  5. ^ "Not by bodily death, shall the ungodly race of carnal Jews perish (..) 'Scatter them abroad, take away their strength. And bring them down O Lord" (St. Augustine)
  6. ^ Michael, Robert (2011). A history of Catholic antisemitism : the dark side of the church (1st Palgrave Macmillan pbk. ed.). New York: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-0230111318. Retrieved 9 February 2015. 
  7. ^ Supernatural "7.01 Meet The New Boss"
  8. ^ Meacham, Steve. "The shed where God died". The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 6 November 2016. 
  9. ^ Schweizer, Bernard. Hating God: The Untold Story of Misotheism. Oxford University. pp. 206, 207. 

External links[edit]