Monday, November 28, 2016

Standing Rock Resistance Spirit Radio is Back!

Govinda of Earthcycles is starting up the radio station now!

Standing Rock Resistance Spirit Radio is Back!

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

Govinda is back at Standing Rock Camp setting up Standing Rock Resistance Spirit Radio!
He's at Oceti Sakowin camp. The solar system is set up, and onward and forward as he readies for broadcast the new van of the Indigenous Environmental Network, Indigenous Rising.
Govinda will be setting up the transmitter and preparing for those great interviews, and audios that the radio stations across the continent have been asking for!
We hope to be broadcasting and sharing on Monday, stay tuned!

AIM West Audios
Govinda and I have just finished broadcasting from the American Indian Movement West Conference Conference in San Francisco, check out the video and articles at Censored News.
AIM West Day 1 includes Rachel Lederman, Standing Rock Camp attorney, and Black Panther Erica Huggins speaking on the power to heal within.
AIM West Day 2 includes Raquel Arthur, Paiute, and her father Webster Arthur, Nez Perce, in a delegation describing how a pickup truck of white supremacists plowed into the anti-Columbus Day Rally in Reno. A grandmother spent a month in the hospital, and is now in a wheelchair, and the driver was charged with only a misdemeanor.
Also, Dine' Jean Whitehorse describes her journey from boarding school to the takeover of Alcatraz and her life-long struggle with the United States genocidal policies of boarding schools, relocation and sterilization of women.

Audios for Radio Broadcast
Thank you radio assistant Tony Single Eagle for preparing our audios for a radio station in Tampa, Florida on Sunday. We now have these audios from the broadcast at American Indian Movement West Coast Conference ready for radio broadcast in mp3 format. These audios are the talks by: Rachel Lederman (Standing Rock Camp Attorney) Erica Huggins (Black Panther) and Akabundu (All African Revolutionary Party.) (The tapes are in Singing Eagle's file in the Standing Rock Resistance Spirit Radio DropBox for radio stations. Those are listed in alphabetical order.) Thank you to Alvon Griffin at WMNF in Tampa, Florida, for continuing to broadcast breaking news from Standing Rock on his broadcast Two Worlds Indigenous Radio.

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Army Corps says no forced removal of Standing Rock water protectors

This is not Syria. This is Standing Rock. These are water protectors on Thanksgiving Day at the river prepared for attack by militarized police, DAPL hired mercenaries and the the Morton County Sheriff.
Photo copyright Rob Wilson.
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
The US Army Corps said today, Sunday, that it has no plans to forcibly remove Standing Rock water protectors camped on Treaty land at the Oceti Sakowin Camp on the banks of the Cannon Ball River. The Army Corps said it will issue citations.
However, there is no guarantee that the Morton County Sheriff, Dakota Access Pipeline's hired mercenaries, and militarized police will not attack, as they have done repeatedly, if these out-of-control police come into Oceti Sakowin Camp to issue citations.
After the Army Corps of Engineers announced it would shut the camp down on Dec. 5, Native American women warriors, including Dine', Lakota and Paiute women warriors, began acquiring bulletproof vests, gas masks, goggles and body armor.
A Lakota youth now faces possibly losing her eye after being hit by a police projectile by police. Doctors are trying to save the arm of a young woman in New York, after her arm was shattered by a police projectile during the prayerful blockade.
Reuters news agency reported Sunday:
U.S. authorities said on Sunday they had no plans to forcibly remove activists protesting plans to run an oil pipeline beneath a lake near the Standing Rock Sioux reservation in North Dakota, despite telling them to leave by early December.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which manages the federal land where the main camp protesting the Dakota Access pipeline is located, said last week it would close public access to the area north of the Cannonball River on Dec. 5
On Sunday, the agency said in a statement that it had "no plans for forcible removal" of protesters. The statement said anyone who remained would be considered unauthorized and could be subject to various citations. It also said emergency services might not be adequately provided to the area. Read article at Reuters
Previous post at Censored News:
Letter from the Army Corps, with Standing Rock Chairman Dave Archambault's reponse:

ANONYMOUS News Report on Police Violence at Standing Rock

Police Fire on Standing Rock Peaceful Water Protectors Nov. 20, 2016
Photo copyright Rob Wilson

A Factual News Account from Anonymous on Police Violence at Standing Rock

Published on Nov 21, 2016
Good day to the citizens of this world


Hundreds of water protectors were injured at the Standing Rock encampments when law enforcement blasted them with water cannons in freezing temperatures Sunday evening. The attacks came as water protectors used a semi-truck to remove burnt military vehicles that police had chained to concrete barriers weeks ago, blocking traffic on Highway 1806. Water protectors’ efforts to clear the road and improve access to the camp for emergency services were met with tear gas, an LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device), stinger grenades, rubber bullets, and indiscriminate use of a water cannon with an air temperature of 26 degrees Fahrenheit. Some flares shot by law enforcement started grass fires which were ignored by the water cannons and had to be extinguished by water protectors. Law enforcement also shot down three media drones and targeted journalists with less lethal rounds.
National Lawyers Guild legal observers on the frontlines have confirmed that multiple people were unconscious and bleeding after being shot in the head with rubber bullets. One elder went into cardiac arrest at the frontlines but medics administered CPR and were able to resuscitate him. The camp’s medical staff and facilities are overwhelmed and the local community of Cannonball has opened their school gymnasium for emergency relief. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s Emergency Medical Service department arrived on scene to administer medical services. The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe also sent Emergency Medical Service vehicles to the Oceti Sakowin Camp to assist. Hundreds are receiving treatment for contamination by CS gas, hypothermia, and blunt traumas as a result of rubber bullets and other less lethal ammunition. The military vehicles blocking the bridge were burned in a blockade fire on October 27, after law enforcement raided and cleared the “1851 Treaty Camp,” an occupation of the pipeline corridor and reclamation of unceded territory. Despite the obvious public safety risk, and despite promises from Morton County that they would clear the road, law enforcement has insisted on keeping the vehicles on the bridge for weeks. This obstruction of Highway 1806 threatens the lives of the water protectors and residents of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, as emergency services have been needed but unable to reach camp quickly. The blockage also unjustly restricts the free movement of local residents and hurts the Tribe economically by cutting off travel to and from the Prairie Knights Casino. Images of the burned vehicles have fed negative, distorted, and sensationalist media portrayals of the encampment.
Tara Houska, National Campaigns Director for Honor the Earth, says, “For weeks, the main highway to the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation has been cut off, with no movement by the state to address a public safety risk. Attempting to clear the road was met with police spraying people with water cannons in 26 degree weather -- that’s deadly force, it’s freezing outside. They want to kill people for clearing a road? When will our cries be heard? Stop the Dakota Access pipeline. Respect the rights of indigenous people, of all peoples.”
LaDonna Allard, Director of the Sacred Stone Camp, says, “All I can say is why? We are asking for clean water, we are asking for the right to live, we are asking for our children to live. Instead they attack us, because they protect oil. Morton county and DAPL security are inhuman- what is wrong with their hearts?”
Dallas Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network, says, “It is below freezing right now and the Morton County Sheriff’s Department is using a water cannon on our people, that is an excessive and potentially deadly use of force. Tribal EMS are stepping up and providing services that should be the responsibility of Morton County, this is ridiculous. Because of the police enforced road block, ambulances now have an extra 30 minutes to get to the hospital. Those are life and death numbers right there, and Morton County and the State of North Dakota will be responsible for the tally.”

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