Park Smart

Planning on spending time in one of our terrain parks? The following info will help you stay safe and have fun while skiing or riding in the park. Freestyle Terrain Areas are designed with an orange oval. Inverted aerials are not recommended. Obey “Your Responsibility Code” at all times.
Screen Shot 2015-10-14 at 4.37.56 PMTIPS:
  • Start Small  Work your way up. Build your skills.
  • Make a Plan  Every feature. Every time.
  • Always Look  Before you drop. It is your responsibility to inspect Freestyle Terrain before use and throughout the day. The features vary in size and change due to snow conditions, weather, usage, grooming and time of day. Do not jump blindly. Use a spotter when necessary.
  • Respect  The features and other users. Only one person on a feature at a time. Wait your turn and call your start. Always clear the landing area quickly.
  • Take it Easy  Know your limits. Land on your feet. Do not attempt Freestyle Terrain unless you have sufficient ability and experience to do so safely. You control the degree of difficulty you will encounter in using Freestyle Terrain, both on the ground and in the air.

Terrain Parks: We have something for everyone. Start small and work your way up. The Fishbowl parks (Armory, Central Ave., Depot) can be lapped via Chair 3 all day. Check out a map and more terrain park info here