- published: 20 Sep 2012
- views: 1220473
Napoléon Bonaparte (/nəˈpoʊliən, -ˈpoʊljən/;French: [napɔleɔ̃ bɔnapaʁt], born Napoleone di Buonaparte; 15 August 1769 – 5 May 1821) was a French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the French Revolution and led several successful campaigns during the Revolutionary Wars. As Napoleon I, he was Emperor of the French from 1804 until 1814, and again in 1815. Napoleon dominated European affairs for over a decade while leading France against a series of coalitions in the Napoleonic Wars. He won most of these wars and the vast majority of his battles, rapidly gaining control of continental Europe before his ultimate defeat in 1815. One of the greatest commanders in history, his campaigns are studied at military schools worldwide and he remains one of the most celebrated and controversial political figures in Western history. In civil affairs, Napoleon had a major long-term impact by bringing liberal reforms to the territories that he conquered, especially the Low Countries, Switzerland, and large parts of modern Italy and Germany. He implemented fundamental liberal policies in France and throughout Western Europe. His lasting legal achievement, the Napoleonic Code, has been adopted in various forms by a quarter of the world's legal systems, from Japan to Quebec.
Napoleon PBS Documentary 1 Of 4
Homemade Napoleon Recipe - Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episode 816
The Conquerors - Episode 11: Napoleon's Greatest Victory (History Documentary)
Napoleon Dynamite Dance
Napoleons Russlandfeldzug - Die verlorene Armee (Doku)
Napoleon's Rise to Power
Napoleon's invasion of Russia visualized
Napoleons Russlandfeldzug - Der vernichtende Rückzug
Napoleon's Egyptian Campaign
Napoleon's Lost Army: The Soldiers Who Fell Documentary
This Part 1 of a Documentary detailing the life and events of Napoleon Bonaparte !! SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT, LIKE, FAV, SHARE !!!!
To get this complete recipe with instructions and measurements, check out my website: http://www.LauraintheKitchen.com Official Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/LauraintheKitchen Laura's Style/Beauty Channel: http://www.YouTube.com/VitaleStyleChannel Twitter: @Lauraskitchen Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/mrsvitale
The Conquerors - Episode 11: Napoleon's Greatest Victory (History Documentary) The world's greatest battles and the fearless men who won them. From King David and El Cid to Napoleon and Marshal Zukhov's capture of Berlin, THE CONQUERORS brings the terrifying rumble of tanks and the deadly arrows of conquest vividly to life. EPISODE 11: NAPOLEON'S GREATEST VICTORY His name is, without question, synonymous with that of ""Conqueror"", though he never considered himself as such. He said he was a liberator, bringing enlightenment to the people of Western Europe. Yet his actions and prowess as a military commander rank him among the greatest conquerors of all time. From his ascension to power in France, to campaigns in Italy, Egypt, Austria, and Russia, Napoleon Bonaparte rose from commoner t...
Napoleon Dynamite funny scene Pewdiepie Star Wars The Force Awakens
In der litauischen Stadt Vilnius machten Bauarbeiter einen grausigen Fund. Tausende Skelette kamen bei Ausgrabungen ans Tageslicht. Es gab keine Hinweise auf die Opfer, bis Forscher einen Uniformknopf fanden - entdecke man hier ein Massengrab der napoleanischen Armee? Historiker versuchen nun, die Geschehnisse anhand der stummen Zeugen zu rekonstruiren und den Toten eine Identität zu geben. Napoleon, der selbst ernannte Kaiser Frankreichs, galt damals bereits als größter Feldherr seiner Zeit. Voller Zuversicht einen schnell Sieg gegen den russichen Zaren zu erringen, stellte er im Jahr 1812 dei größte Streitmacht Europas auf. Doch die bösen Vorzeichen, die den Herrscher nicht losließen, sollten sich bewahrheiten. Das Schicksal stellte den Feldherren auf eine harte Probe. Die meisten Männer...
The French invasion of Russia and Battle of Borodino. http://twitter.com/ReplyHistory | http://Patreon.com/ReplyHistory Napoleon's Grande Armée crossed the Neman River in an attempt to engage and defeat the Russian army, known in Russia as the Patriotic War of 1812. Pyrrhic victory. Special thanks to Patreon supporters: -Owain Parkhouse -Sean Cole from Discord n Chill: 0Xc4Gfg3ZvIKWn80 -Alex Dixon (Numberad) -Joe @TheCrudeStorm Music: "Five Armies" , "Crusade" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Ending Music: 1812 Overture
1812 - Napoleon fällt mit der größten Armee die er je aufgestellt hat, in Russland ein. Nicht nur Franzosen auch deutsche, Italiener, Spanier, Polen und Holländer marschieren in der Grande Armee. Napoleon möchte den Sieg in einer einzigen Entscheidungsschlacht erzwingen. Doch die Russen ziehen sich immer tiefer in die Russische Weite zurück. Napoleon folgt ihnen und bringt seine Armee damit in größte Gefahr...
The discovery of a grave Vilnius, venerable capital of Lithuania, is sometimes called 'the city built on human bones'. It stands in the main Berlin to Moscow corridor, which for over 200 years has been the battlefields of the armies of Napoleon, the Tsars of Russia, Hitler and Stalin, as well as Poles and Prussians - hence its sinister description. Thousands of skeletons were discovered there, laid out neatly in layers. Early in 2002, while bulldozing some ugly Soviet barracks on the outskirts of Vilnius, municipal workers uncovered a mass grave. Thousands of skeletons were discovered there, laid out neatly in layers. Where did these bones come from? Were they those of Jews, massacred by the Nazis? No. For here's a metal button, with '61' stamped on it. Here's another, stamped '29'. And...
update: I don't feel bad about posting this because napoleon is a fucking asshole 70k viewers FeelsBadMan
Kelvikkenna Bathil - Interview With Napoleon - Watch the Exclusive chat on (27/12/2014)...-Thanthi TV Catch us LIVE @ http://www.thanthitv.com/ Follow us on - Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/ThanthiTV Follow us on - Twitter @ https://twitter.com/thanthitv
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Outlawz rapper, Mutah "Napoleon" Beale, opened up about witnessing his parents murder and being shot in the foot by people from the Nation of Islam when he was three-years-old. During the interview with DJ Vlad, he recalls his father being a diamond dealer at a very young age, "He was very successful, he had money, he had homes for my grandparents—he was 27-years-old." He explained, the murderers were considered as his godfathers, "After they murdered my parents, they decided to steal and rob money from them." Watch the full interview above.
Exclusive interview in HD with former member of Tupac's Outlaws Napoleon [now Mutah Beale], tells Roadside2islam what his life was like before islam
In an inspiring interview with The National in Abu Dhabi, Mutah Beale - best known to gangster hip-hop fans as Napoleon, a member of rapper Tupac Shakur's crew The Outlawz - recalls his troubled past and journey towards Islam.
Mutah Beale formerly known as Napoleon from The Outlawz interview with Seychelles Radio in Mahe, Seychelles. Why I left the music industry.
le Prince Charles Napoléon (candidat à la mairie d'Ajaccio), explique les différences entre la branche "Napoléon" et la branche "Bonaparte" des descendants de Napoléon 1er. Images d'archive INA Institut National de l'Audiovisuel http://www.ina.fr Images d'archive INA Institut National de l'Audiovisuel http://www.ina.fr Abonnez-vous http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=inatalkshow
We got to chat with our hometown heroes Napoleon who headlined the opening night of UK Tech Fest. For More Interviews and Podcasts visit mikejamesrockshow.com
Welcome to a hypothetical world in which Napoleon won. In this playthrough of Victoria 2, we'll be using the mod 'Napoleon's Legacy' as the reborn Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Poland in Victoria 2: Napoleon's Legacy faces the same dangers as the 18th century incarnation. Surrounded by Russia, Prussia and Austria we'll have to do everything in our power to prevent another partition. Napoleon's Legacy is an alt-history mod that makes some big changes to the setting of Victoria 2. With a strong France, reborn Poland-Lithuania, divided Britain and mostly independent India, this mod allows you to play scenarios that vanilla Victoria 2 does not. If you're interested in Victoria 2 or for some reason haven't purchased it yet, head straight over here and do so: http://store.steampowered.com/a...
Get your free audiobook or ebook: http://yazz.space/sabk/35/en/B004ULMIGY/info Hilarious, fascinating, and a roller coaster of dizzying, historical what-ifs, Napoleons Hemorrhoids is a potpourri for serious historians and casual history buffs. In one of Phil Masons many revelations, youll learn that Communist jets were two minutes away from opening fire on American planes during the Cuban missile crisis, when they had to turn back as they were running out of fuel. Youll discover that before the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleons painful hemorrhoids prevented him from mounting his horse to survey the battlefield. Youll learn that an irate blacksmith threw his hammer at a fox and missed, hitting a rock and revealing the largest vein of silver ever discovered, thus changing the finances of Canada ...
Napoleon: Total War - Full Movie - Napoleon's Campaigns cutscenes
Napoleon: Total War - Napoleon's Campaigns cutscenes - Waterloo
Napoleon: Total War - Napoleon's Campaigns cutscenes - Europe
J'ai créé cette vidéo à l'aide de l'application de montage de vidéos YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/editor).
Походная кухня из обоза Наполеона. Перед походом в Россию в 1811 году для французской армии были изготовлены специальные походные кухни: всего около 60 штук. В настоящее время это уникальный исторический экспонат, поскольку аналогов не сохранилось ни в одном музее мира. Особенность кухни состояла в том, что бачок для варки пищи подвешивался внутрь большого бака, наполненного водой, под которым располагалась дровяная топка. Благодаря «водяной бане» еда не подгорала. Готовить пищу можно было как на привале, так и на ходу. Походная кухня перевозилась на одноосной повозке, запряженной одной лошадью. Откидные подставки, крепившиеся к оглоблям, обеспечивали устойчивость повозки, после того как из нее выпрягали лошадь. Основанием повозки служила деревянная рама; спереди, под оглоблями, подвеши...
An Napoleon Bonaparte scheiden sich bis heute die Geister. Seit seinem Tod am 5. Mai 1821 auf St. Helena ist er "Kult". Bei Waterloo schlug er seine letzte große Schlacht. Am 16. Juni 1815 schlägt er die Preußen unter General Blücher bei Ligny in die Flucht. Zwei Tage später stehen die französischen Einheiten bei Waterloo den Truppen Wellingtons gegenüber. Das Wetter ist schlecht. Napoleon zögert - sein größter Fehler. Erst gegen elf Uhr vormittags entschließt er sich zum Angriff. Trotz zahlenmäßiger Unterlegenheit schlagen sich seine Männer gut. Wellington gerät in Bedrängnis. Da kehren die Preußen völlig unerwartet zurück. Das Blatt wendet sich. Napoleon flieht. Seine Armee ist geschlagen. Am 22. Juni muss er abdanken und wird von den Engländern auf der Atlantik-Insel St. Helena intern...
http://www.theauberginechef.com/2012/01/episode-87-napoleons/ The Aubergine Chef demonstrates how to make Napoleons! Remember to visit www.TheAubergineChef.com to download this recipe for free, see more free how-to baking and pastry videos, and to read a blog full of helpful tips and fun anecdotes! Thank you for watching!
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