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Control Your Security & Privacy With Secure Browser
Arianna Gael Arianna Gael
18 hours
Despite all the hype and attention that surrounds the "Big Three" of internet browsers, there are far more options than the standard internet user may realize. Each of the lesser-known options has its best features and its selling points, but there may be no bigger factor in this current digital climate than privaread more
The End Of The Vine…
Euan Viveash Euan Viveash
1 day
Well that’s that then, it’s official, Twitter is Vinally ending its popular video looping app, Vine. It was the Vinest of time, it was the worst of times… Vine, which Twitter,  the social media company bought for a guesstimated $30 million in 2012 that plays 6 second loops in an endless loop, and thatread more
Google Alerts Public To Zero-Day Vulnerability
Arianna Gael Arianna Gael
2 days
No one ever wants to hear bad news, but Google has made a company policy out of it. At least that's the explanation it has offered as to why the company releases bad news to the public, even when it isn't their bad news to share. Backing up, Google has a seven-day turnaround policy when it comes to securityread more
VW Issues Software Update, Faces Billions In Fees
Arianna Gael Arianna Gael
2 days
The great Volkswagen diesel emissions cheating scandal has slowly moved towards its resolution, leaving 11 million customers around the world wondering how their car purchase will come back to haunt them. While the courts sort out the fees--an amount that has already reached nearly $15 billion in restitution in thread more
Microsoft Goes All VR And Announces ‘Creator’s Update’ For Windows 10
Euan Viveash Euan Viveash
3 days
It’s that time of the year again when Microsoft host their October media event and try and get the tech world excited about what Windows 10 users can expect from the Redmond based tech giant. And would you believe it, but this year's updates seem to have gotten the tech media (including me) a little flusteredread more
Ransomware Attacks And Our Vehicles
Arianna Gael Arianna Gael
3 days
A rash of ransomware attacks have left US hospitals and medical centers reeling from the aftereffects of having their networks locked and their patient information hanging in the balance. Part of the reason the facilities have suffered from data breach threats is because--quite frankly--they work. When hospitals aread more
AI ‘Nightmare Machine’ Creates Scary Images For Halloween
Euan Viveash Euan Viveash
6 days
The debate surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI) and whether its impact on mankind will have a positive or negative effect on mankind has been going on since before the 1960s. But the programmers behind the Deep-Learning AI ‘Nightmare Machine’ may not have done the ‘AI is a force for good’ proponentsread more
Blood Donors' Compromised In Red Cross Breach
Arianna Gael Arianna Gael
6 days
With worldwide shortages of donated blood staying in a constant state of "crisis" level, the last thing the medical community needed was another reason for people to fear rolling up their sleeves. Over the years, false stories of becoming infected while donating or suffering some form of medical emergency due to tread more
Software Error Responsible For Mars Lander Crash (Probably)
Euan Viveash Euan Viveash
7 days
Scientist at the European Space Agency (ESA) are now thinking that the cause of last week’s Schiaparelli lander crash and destruction, was more than likely down to a computer glitch than some form of catastrophic mechanical failure. [caption id="attachment_27774" align="aligncenter" width="708"] A NASA photograread more