Why cognitive computing is good for our health

From diagnosis and treatment to preventative medicine, the outlook for mass healthcare has never been brighter.
From diagnosis and treatment to preventative medicine, the outlook for mass healthcare has never been brighter.
by Beverley Head

By the end of today three Australians will have died from melanoma. By the end of the year 11,000 Australians will be diagnosed with the disease. They are stark and terrible statistics. Caught early, however, melanoma can often be treated. It’s catching it early that’s the trick.

IBM Research is planning research with the Melanoma Institute of Australia to use cognitive technology to support early diagnosis, building on work done with MoleMap that uses visual analytics to interpret more than 40,000 datasets.

Formative testing completed in 2015 by IBM and MoleMap was able to demonstrate detection of melanoma up to an accuracy of 91 per cent.

The company has been building algorithms that recognise the morphology of a mole or lesion and then help clinicians interpret that morphology by examining its symmetry, border, colour and dermoscopy pattern, in order to then predict a level of confidence about whether melanoma is present.

Dr Joanna Batstone, vice-president and lab director for IBM Research Australia and the company’s chief technology officer for ANZ, says: “We are teaching Watson how to see. We are teaching Watson the science of melanoma and to become that trusted adviser. We are reshaping what’s possible: out-thinking cancer for example.”

Invisible becomes visible

One of the first deployments of IBM’s cognitive platform was Watson for Oncology, developed in association with the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre in New York to support doctors by helping with cancer diagnoses and treatment plans.

The system has ingested 200 medical journals and 300 text books, and been trained by clinicians to read X-Rays and EMR images. It’s now being rolled out across India, China and South-east Asia.

The phenomenon of data that is invisible now being visible is what is going to drive a healthcare revolution. In 2013, independent research organisation SINTEF claimed 90 per cent of the data in the world was created in the previous two years.

Best estimates suggest the figure is more like 95 per cent in the past three years but 80 per cent of it is invisible because it is data derived from sight, sense, motion and video. Computers store this information but they have to be programmed to recognise its relevance.

Precision health

Professor Louisa Jorm, foundation director of the Centre for Big Data Research in Health at UNSW, says health is one of the last industries to derive benefits from big data in Australia, partly due to the slow rollout of electronic health records at the point of care and the fragmentation of the health system. Lack of access to significant longitudinal health data has also stymied progress in Australia.

However, she says, progress is being made in the area of data linkage and fuzzy matching to create more comprehensive data records about individual patients. This, she says, should allow the creation of new data sets that will support the development of predictive algorithms and research data sets.

But, she says, it is important any solutions are not removed from the oversight of doctors and clinicians, and there must be transparency for the patient about the application of technology. Applied properly, she believes that new technology offers opportunities, not just for precision treatment but precision health.

“To prevent disease – that’s where the big savings are and the big gains in the quality of life,” she says. Once integrated with genomics data it might be possible to head off chronic disease and multiple morbidities.

“All the time the timeline is shrinking. In 10 years there will be a completely different approach,” she says.