Why cognitive computing is a growth engine for businesses

Cognitive computing is a "disruptive platform with a shift more impactful than many other technologies in the last 20 ...
Cognitive computing is a "disruptive platform with a shift more impactful than many other technologies in the last 20 years", says Gartner. istock images
by Beverley Head

What sets the present generation of cognitive computing solutions apart from the past is the advent of hugely more powerful and cost-effective computer systems that can process information at high speed, says David Powers, professor of computer science and director for the Centre of Knowledge and Interaction Technology at Flinders University. Combined with big data collections forged from enterprise databases, social networks, sensors – even CCTV – plus the advances in machine learning and deep neural networks, this means it’s now possible to use cognitive platforms to generate far more useful insight.

Powers, who has been working in the field of artificial intelligence and cognitive science for close to 40 years, says that the support rendered by cognitive computing platforms already ranges from the automation of contact centres to handle routine queries, to training young surgeons using haptic devices, which give tactile feedback, before the doctor is let loose with a scalpel on a human body. He describes the present generation of cognitive platforms as offering “triage” style support, dealing with the routine automatically and supporting humans through more complex challenges.

He has been involved with a series of university spin-off businesses such as Clevertar.com. It leverages cognitive computing for a service called Annacares, which provides computer-based support to elderly people living alone or recovering from a stroke. Another is search-based marketing tool YourAmigo.com, which matches brands to non-branded search terms by “understanding” what people are really looking for.

Cognitive computing is like the brain and nervous system that sits on top of the internet of things, says author and futurist Steve Sammartino, because everything with a power supply and a communications connection collects data from its surroundings and uploads it to the internet, where it can be interpreted by a cognitive platform.

Cognitive computing systems can help make sense of data embedded in more than 9 billion connected devices operating in the world today, which generate 2.5 quintillion bytes of new data daily.

But it’s still early days. If cognitive computing had a 24-hour clock, it would show 01:00 – early admittedly, but ticking.

Perhaps the most useful definition of cognitive computing is that it augments human intelligence. It’s a powerful proposition.

It’s why oil and gas company Woodside is using the technology to make sense of the information in its project reports and then leveraging that insight to guide investments in design, fabrication and construction of its facilities. And why Swiss Re has harnessed cognitive computing to assess life insurance risks.

It also explains why technology analyst Gartner has described cognitive computing as a “disruptive platform with a shift more impactful than many other technologies in the past 20 years”. Big call but, given this is the technology behind autonomous vehicles, natural language computer interfaces and smart homes and factories, it does not feel too fanciful.

Ross Dawson, chief futurist at marketing and innovation group Rh7thm, outlines how cognitive systems operate: “Humans experience things, try things, learn, create implicit mental models. We see, we hear, we sense the world around us – we know that if we push the door it opens.” Cognitive platforms similarly ingest information, make sense of it, learn from it, optimise themselves based on that learning and then serve up something useful.

Useful insights

Cognitive computing emerged this decade but back in the early 1980s, forward-looking companies grappled with what were then called expert systems, a subset of the portmanteau term “artificial intelligence”. There were some interesting and moderately useful results but expert systems weren’t ready for the boardroom. Fast forward 30 years, and the boardroom is now ripe for cognitive computing and yet another rethink of the business landscape.

Dawson says the most effective deployments of cognitive computing will make it feel “as natural to interact with a computer as with a human”.

“You can speak to them, use gestures, ask questions, seek clarification – it will be easier for people, there’s no need to sit at keyboards. [In business] people can be more efficient so there will be productivity gains.”

Computer and human, however, do not merge.

Terms such as cognitive computing and artificial intelligence can confer on technology a seemingly human dimension. Gartner urges its clients to resist the temptation to anthropomorphise technology and prefers the term “smart machines” in order to reduce the risk of inaccurate expectations. Smart machines, it says, “find patterns in data and extrapolate generalisations from those patterns”.

Gartner research director Nick Ingelbrecht explains that in cognitive computing a query is related to a corpus of knowledge to give a contextually relevant and useful response, which is enhanced over time as the system learns more. But, he stresses, “none of them really think”.

The analyst acknowledges, however, that new generation computer hardware – massive parallel processing networks, leveraging graphics processing, corralled in server farms – along with real-time diverse data collections and highly advanced learning algorithms, that form deep neural networks, are resetting the state of the possible. The past eight years have seen a 10,000-fold improvement in processing speeds and the dawn of quantum computers will deliver another step change.

Enterprise awareness has soared

Today’s cognitive platforms, such as IBM’s Watson and Google’s DeepMind, can, according to Gartner, “ingest large bodies of information, including unstructured information such as images, video and speech, to detect patterns that people cannot and to outperform people at the same task; appear to understand large bodies of medical literature, case study law or content to provide deep advice for experts; make self-driving cars possible; manage productive dialogue with customers; and – importantly – make mistakes.”

IBM’s Watson was the first commercially available cognitive computing platform. It is described by the company as able to analyse “high volumes of data and processes information more like a human than a computer”. Its prowess was demonstrated in 2011 when it leveraged its ability to read 30 million pages a second to win the US game show Jeopardy!

Watson was launched commercially as a cloud-based service in early 2014. It has since been joined by other cognitive platforms from companies including Wipro, TCS and Infosys which have, according to Ingelbrecht, invested billions of dollars in the field.

To broaden its cognitive computing ecosystem, IBM has opened the application programming interfaces (APIs) to dozens of separate Watson engines or services, such as the emotion analysis engine, tone analysis, and personality insights. The company estimates there are now 80,000 developers working on the Watson platform globally.

IBM’s director of Watson in the Asia-Pacific, Jason Leonard, says that over the past two to three years, enterprise awareness of cognitive computing has soared. He eschews the term artificial intelligence because of its Hollywood connotations, saying that Watson’s intent is focused around advanced analytics.

“People are now more accustomed to virtual agents like Siri on their iPhone and are asking, ‘Can we use that in the organisation?’ ”

Siri also offers a marker regarding the pace of change in the field. Futurist Sammartino says that the first incarnation of Siri was a “bit disappointing”. Now, he says, “It’s more like talking to a uni student”. The pace of computer hardware development means a cognitive engine that once required computing power from devices inhabiting a bedroom-sized space now runs on something the size of three pizza boxes sitting in the cloud.

Need for early experimentation

Progress in the field is so fast Sammartino says the “danger is that businesses will get caught unawares”.

Nick Ingelbrecht adds: “We don’t know exactly what the impact will be – or when – but it will be a very profound impact and happen very quickly.”

Dharmesh Syal, partner and chief technology officer of Boston Consulting Group’s Digital Ventures, based in Seattle, stresses the need for early experimentation. He believes enterprises that effectively leverage cognitive platforms will gain vertical in-business benefits and also position themselves to expand to adjacent sectors. A pharmaceutical company, for example, could leverage its data to become a consumer health management business.

“Cognitive computing is a growth engine for businesses,” he says, describing the early adopters as being in a “land grab”, where the winners will be those able to leverage cognitive computing to deliver exceptional service to customers.

In terms of front runners, Leonard says, “It’s those industries with a lot of unstructured data – insurance, banks, government, education – and with innovation built into their DNA.”

Health& has that DNA. The Melbourne digital health platform, which is supported by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and powered by Watson, leverages a corpus of information covering covering 400 topics with animations and thousands of Q&A; responses. Users log into the portal, upload details of their health and medical history, and then Health& provides insights tailored for that individual.

“This is to triage and collect information. Take bowel cancer. Depending on your family history, if you are in a higher-risk category it might recommend you engage in checks earlier,” says chief strategy officer Austin Miller. By providing de-identified health information to governments and the healthcare industry, Health& can offer the preventative advice service to consumers for free. Over time the information available to the platform – especially if data from the federal government’s MyHealth electronic health records can be integrated – will be richer and the insights provided better targeted.

Phil Hassey, chief executive of CapioIT, notes that one of the key features of cognitive platforms is that “the more data, the more accurate and smarter it gets”.

“If executed properly and invested properly, and if the data quality is ensured, then it could transform decision-making,” says Hassey, who has been working with companies in the oil industry interested in using machine learning to improve the return on investment. “It’s a more effective use of capital. If you are going to invest in an oilfield, do you accept the one with a 60 per cent chance for return or a 90 per cent chance?”

Progress should be carefully monitored

BCG’s Syal says that while today’s cognitive systems augment human behaviour “where we are headed is super intelligence – gifted human capacity”.

There have been concerns raised about the risk of an unchecked rise in artificial intelligence, and the opportunity for self-learning machines to take over the world. Physicist Stephen Hawking, Tesla founder Elon Musk and Microsoft founder Bill Gates have all acknowledged the huge benefits AI will deliver, but have also warned its progress should be carefully monitored and controlled by humans, not machines.

Powers still believes that even the most powerful cognitive platforms have a relatively low capability with regard to reasoning. Sammartino notes that the learning capabilities of cognitive platforms mean that they are effectively writing code using their own neural networks and without human intervention.

He can envisage a time when people won’t have to write computer code at all – and ordinary business people will just talk to a computer about what they want – and the computer will develop the code needed for that output.

Dawson says smart enterprises will leverage cognitive platforms but also design work “where humans and machines work together and outperform machines or humans working independently.

“Organisations must map out the boundaries, borders and domains where these systems are more productive, effective and efficient.” That, he says, will necessarily impact organisational structures which need to be more fluid and flexible in order to benefit from emerging cognitive capabilities.

Sammartino also notes that society will have to deal with the changes wrought by smart machines taking over tasks once solely the province of human workers. He also harbours concerns about the risk of systems developing some form of sentience, even an agenda, in the absence of proper governance.

Syal agrees: “These are important topics. We as technologists have to consider that if we develop systems to a high intelligence, we have to ensure they are not misused. If they operate at a human level, you need human conscience entered into the system.

“Humans have more than intelligence. Humans have morality, values, beliefs, conscience. Not everything will be autonomous.”

Right now, however, the goal of cognitive systems is clear. “It’s about helping pesople do their jobs better with the right information at the right time,” IBM’s Leonard says.

This story was produced in partnership with IBM.