Cognitive computing: man and machine in partnership

"Cognitive is a partnership of man and machine," says Fergal Murphy, head of cognitive solutions for IBM ANZ.
"Cognitive is a partnership of man and machine," says Fergal Murphy, head of cognitive solutions for IBM ANZ. Getty Images
by Beverley Head

Cognitive computing will usher in a new wave of change, giving organisations the power to gain insights and make decisions from vast amounts of data. Over the next 12 to 18 months these new systems will begin to replace the programmable computers we have known since the 1940s. Instead they will use natural language recognition and machine learning to discover new insights from vast amounts of unstructured data, at a speed never before possible.

National Australia Bank, for example, has recently deployed a cognitive solution to help employees identify customer needs faster and in a more personal way. Banks already invest significantly in cognitive systems for fraud analysis and investigation, automated threat intelligence and prevention, and for smarter financial advice.

By 2019 the world’s banks will account for 20 per cent of the $41.5 billion global cognitive systems budget says the International Data Corporation (IDC). The transformative effects of cognitive may begin in banking, but they will percolate rapidly into many other sectors.

According to Rod Bryan, lead partner of KPMG’s Solution 49x cognitive consulting group, the huge transformations possible through deductive and inductive reasoning will be deployed widely as cognitive becomes embedded in business practices.

KPMG itself is a case in point. Ken Reid, the firm’s head of innovation, initially saw cognitive as a way to deliver solutions faster and cheaper.

“Now I think about it as a transformational opportunity,” he says.

The company is working on a cognitive solution to help clients navigate the challenging global tax issue known as base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS). This will make sense of the vast number of regulations in different countries and will help clients optimise transfer pricing and tax structuring.

Better decisions

Data 61 scientist Toby Walsh says that intelligent, increasingly autonomous systems now have the capacity to reshape business, health, education, government and society by augmenting human intelligence. There will be corporate side-effects: an intelligent platform able to effectively handle discovery will radically reform the way law firms are structured, for example. Junior clerks poring over thousands of corporate documents are being supported by computer systems the world over.

“Broadly, artificial intelligence breaks into two parts,” says Walsh. “One is learning from the past: machine learning and big data. The second part is that you then want to get the computers to make decisions on what it has learned from the past: how do we run our organisation? How do we route our trucks, roster our staff or schedule our production? Or make better decisions to improve efficiency or reduce overtime?”

He says it is hard to think of an area where cognitive systems would not be able to help humans make better, more informed decisions.

“There’s the ability to have personalised healthcare. In the Third World there are people dying of diseases that we know how to diagnose and we know how to fix for pennies, and we will have on every smartphone enough diagnostic ability to go and fix all those problems.

“In education we will have personalised education. At some time in the future, you will have a system that follows you for life and knows what you know and what you need to know and the gaps in your knowledge. It knows how you learn and how to help you understand and get up to speed on any new topic you need to know; you will have the sort of one-to-one education that we can only hope to have today.”

Walsh believes that only by applying smart technologies can Australian enterprises hope to remain globally competitive.

Partnership between man and machine

The technology is now racing out of the laboratory and is being applied across a broad range of industries. Consulting firms such as Accenture, Deloitte, EY, KPMG, PwC, IBM and Servian have established cognitive computing or AI groups.

Servian head of digital Timothy Mannah says cognitive is becoming an important element of many organisations’ digital roadmaps. As access to cognitive computing has become more affordable, it is being put to far wider use in different areas of business. “There is still a way for cognitive to go, but the commoditisation means that we can all start to play,” says Mannah.

Servian built a human resources cognitive lens to develop a solution that ingests job applications and textual content to perform psychometric testing on candidates in order to understand what makes them tick, to better match people to the right job opportunities. While he acknowledges that the system isn’t infallible, “sometimes it’s so devastatingly accurate you are gobsmacked”.

IBM chairman, president and CEO Ginni Rometty says a new wave of enterprise disruption is looming. “If it’s digital today, it will be cognitive tomorrow,” she says. IBM chose the term cognition to describe the combination of digital business plus digital intelligence. “Cognitive is augmenting our intelligence – it is man and machine – and can improve any kind of decision making. Five years from now every important decision will be aided in some way by cognition,” she says.

Cognitive ecosystem

Walsh says IBM’s use of the term “augmenting” is a sensible move since artificial intelligence bristles with emotional baggage. “That will be how we protect people’s jobs and give a good outcome for people, and not just have wealth concentrated in the hands of the owners of the robots,” he says.

IBM’s cognitive computing platform, Watson, has been in development for a decade, and was launched commercially as a cloud-based platform in 2014.

Making its Watson solutions available via application programming interfaces (APIs) has allowed businesses to embed cognitive services into existing business processes. IBM also hopes such efforts will also grow the global cognitive ecosystem.

Fergal Murphy, head of cognitive solutions for IBM ANZ, believes that cognitive’s ability to unlock organisations’ latent knowledge and link it with natural language processing is critically important. Melding that with the moral compass of humans, while stripping away any unconscious bias, creates a cognitive combination that he says will deliver a fresh wave of widespread enterprise transformation.

KPMG’s Ken Reid says that the rate of adoption of cognitive computing will come down to the inventiveness of the organisation. “In professional services we want to be in the first wave. In audit, if your competitors have cognitive and insight and you don’t, well that’s not a place you want to be.”

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