Asia braces for shake-up of US regional policy

Rodrigo Duterte has been referred to as Asia's version of Donald Trump.
Rodrigo Duterte has been referred to as Asia's version of Donald Trump. AP

Countries across Asia are bracing for a dramatic overhaul of America's role in the region, as Donald Trump has vowed to review security alliances, dump global trade deals and focus on domestic issues.

Mr Trump would abandon the United States pivot to the Asia-Pacific, a strategy devised by his opponent Hillary Clinton five years ago to counter the rise of China and has pledged to impose punitive tariffs on imports to protect American manufacturers.

He also campaigned heavily against the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the largest multi-lateral trade deal ever negotiated and a key priority of Barack Obama's administration. If the trade deal, which was also opposed by Ms Clinton, is not passed in the next six weeks, it will almost certainly be scrapped. The election result sent markets across Asia tumbling on Wednesday and prompted Japan's finance ministry to hold an emergency meeting.

Vietnam would have been a major beneficiary of the TPP, which also involves regional powers Singapore, Malaysia and Japan.

Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien-Loong told Time magazine ahead of the election: "I think TPP will be a casualty if it is not settled by January."

Perhaps even more importantly, Mr Trump has flagged a review of key security agreements in the region, suggesting that allies such as Japan and South Korea are not contributing their "fair share" to the costs involved in maintaining a US presence in their countries.

This comes at a time when China is being more assertive in its claims over the bulk of the South China Sea, despite an international court ruling in July effectively invalidating Beijing's controversial territorial marker, the nine-dash line. It also comes as countries such as Malaysia and the Philippines adopt a more friendly stance to China, while relations are strained with the US. Both countries recently signed multi-billion dollar investment deals in Beijing.

Apart from China, which is looking to expand its influence across Asia and would benefit from lower US engagement, "everybody is worried about a Trump presidency in the region", said Le Hong Hiep, a visiting fellow at the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute in Singapore.

"He could downgrade US relations with Southeast Asia."

However, Mr Le said it remained to be seen whether Mr Trump would follow through on all of his policy declarations during an often heated presidential campaign.

"Once he gets into the White House, the reality of international politics, of dealing with a rising China and maintaining economic ties in the region will require him to think twice," he said.

"The US still needs a healthy and robust relationship with the region. Vietnam will become increasingly important as US ties with its traditional allies, the Philippines and Thailand turn sour."

Senior advisers to Mr Trump - Alexander Gray and Peter Navarro - outlined the billionaire businessman's Asia-Pacific strategy in an article for Foreign Policy Magazine this week, characterising it as consistent with Ronald Reagan's "peace through strength" approach. They said Mr Trump would seek to rebuild the military by expanding the Navy, which has shrunk to its smallest size since World War I, from 274 to 350 ships.

"There is no question of Trump's commitment to America's Asian alliances as bedrocks of stability in the region," they wrote. "Trump will simply, pragmatically, and respectfully discuss with Tokyo and Seoul additional ways for those government to support a presence all involved agree is vital."

Jian Zhang, a senior lecturer at the University of New South Wales in Canberra, said ahead of the result "the US capacity to engage with the region may have reached its limit."

"The focus is likely to be on domestic issues, the TPP is a very controversial deal at home and there is unlikely to be a substantial increase in US military presence in the region."

He expects regional players to respond by "expanding their engagement with other countries like India and Australia."

"I don't think it will push countries to pursue closer ties with China," he said. "Rather they will move closer to each other to form a balancing force."

Already last week, Australia announced it was considering joint patrols with Indonesia in the South China Sea. While these would likely be targeted at illegal fishing, the increased collaboration with a key regional partner is significant.

The Philippines will be the most challenging bilateral relationship for Mr Trump after a series of anti-American comments from recently elected President Rodrigo Duterte which has injected uncertainty into the 64-year old security alliance. Ironically, Mr Duterte has been referred to as Asia's version of Donald Trump.