No one size fits all but organisations can be nudged into better risk culture: ASIC Commissioner John Price

Ethics Centre executive director Simon Longstaff says the focus on the customer is not the holy grail way for an ...
Ethics Centre executive director Simon Longstaff says the focus on the customer is not the holy grail way for an organisation to formulate culture. Jeremy Piper
by James Sherbon

"It's not always about the customer." That was the verdict at the recent Risk Culture roundtable co-hosted by The Australian Financial Review and KPMG.

The discussion, which ranged from free-range eggs, to workplace safety and child labour, saw the panel agree that the needs of all corporate stakeholders should be considered, not just customers, in corporate decision making.

Yet while it's not always about the customer KPMG's national industry leader, financial services Adrian Fisk says that to primarily focus on the shareholder and not equally focus on the customer or community is risky.

Then again, The Ethics Centre executive director Simon Longstaff says the focus on the customer is not the holy grail way for an organisation to formulate culture.

"It's up to you: if you want to be an organisation that focuses on others and customers and gives them a priority, that's fine, you've just got to tell everybody that that's what you do," he says.

"And then you have got to be prepared to be that thing, and if you think that you can survive in the marketplace where you compete for capital and for colleagues to work with you and for customers on that basis; fine.

"It's when you pretend to be one thing and are actually something else, then all of this starts to unravel."

Interests aligned

ASIC Commissioner John Price says: "I don't think we should be looking for a one-size-fits-all culture, but I suppose it's around trying to nudge people in the right direction where you think they can be."

He harks back to the Murray Report, which he says called for a financial system where the interests of customers and financial institutions are more closely aligned.

"From the point of view of a financial conduct markets regulator, when ASIC talks about culture it's often talking about making sure that people in the financial system don't unfairly or unduly damage their customers or the market," Price says.

"Some of the comments out of the Murray inquiry were around the need to develop a financial system where the interests of the people in that financial system and their customers are a lot more aligned."

KPMG's national managing partner, risk consulting, Sally Freeman says being a good corporate citizen is much broader than putting customers first.

"It is about suppliers and how you engage with them, it's about your employees and what sort of employer you are. The environment in which you operate in is as broad, and it's got to include your shareholders and customers and it's finding the right balance between those drivers in your business that enables you to be ethical on many fronts."

Consumer advocate Christopher Zinn from says that while John Maynard Keynes and Adam Smith say the consumer is at the heart of all production "I am very wary when I hear someone say they are consumer-centric because it's actually, what does that mean?"

Reasonable behaviour

He queries what it actually means for the consumer to be in the driving seat.

"They actually don't do any driving, they are some sort of passenger," he says.

Longstaff used a hypothetical example of a company that says publicly that it is entirely oriented towards the wellbeing of consumers, yet it "had employment conditions amongst the supply chain which violate all sorts of tenets of reasonable behaviour".

"It's reasonably predictable in this day and age at least, in a country like Australia, that should that become evident it would have a very considerable negative effect on the prosperity of that organisation," he says.

"If you don't treat suppliers in a manner which is consistent with what you say you stand for, the customer concludes it's a sham.

"It's a bit of marketing spin in order to get me on the hook, when in reality a person of integrity would be trying to treat everybody according to this and not just me."