KPMG says cultural fingerprints show an organisation's priorities

The Australian Financial Review and KPMG's Risk-Culture roundtable- from the bottom left, Adrian Fisk, national industry ...
The Australian Financial Review and KPMG's Risk-Culture roundtable- from the bottom left, Adrian Fisk, national industry leader, financial services, KPMG; Steven Munchenberg, managing director, Australian Bankers Association ; Ian Shiels, partner in charge, financial risk management, KPMG: Professor Elizabeth Sheedy, associate professor (financial risk management) Macquarie Applied Finance Centre, moderator, AFR's Jonathan Shapiro; Sally Freeman, national managing partner, risk consulting KPMG; Christoper Zinn, consumer advocate and Simon Longstaff, executive director, St James Ethics Centre. Jeremy Piper
by Jonathan Shapiro

 'Moments of truth" is how KPMG's Adrian Fisk describes the cultural fingerprints companies leave on important documents that reveal the true DNA of an organisation. 

These are left on the board papers, financial reports and investment decisions throughout an organisation.

"When a decision is made to either hire someone or design a product or set a strategy, you can see in the document what the organisation prioritises," he says.

"Does it prioritise its customers, does it prioritise its shareholders, does it prioritise the community?" Fisk, says, who is national industry leader, financial services KPMG.

Associate Professor Elizabeth Sheedy of Macquarie University says some organisational cultures can be predictive of ...
Associate Professor Elizabeth Sheedy of Macquarie University says some organisational cultures can be predictive of behaviour. Christopher Pearce

Defining and quantifying "culture" is a challenge facing Australia's top companies that are finding that shareholders, customers, regulators and the public have no tolerance for businesses that cannot get it right.

Front-page news

How to measure culture and manage the risks is as topical as ever, as the conduct issues facing our financial institutions has become front-page news.

At a recent roundtable co-hosted by KPMG and The Australian Financial Review, the most prominent minds on the issue debated how culture could be transformed from a risk that needs to be managed to a quality that should be fostered.

Simon Longstaff, the executive director of the Ethics Centre, believes lawmakers have done a pretty good job of defining culture in the Criminal Code Act, which serves as a useful starting point.

That is "an attitude, a policy, a rule or a course of conduct within the corporation as a whole or in the place where the alleged offence occurred".

Longstaff says consistency and accountability form the bedrock of organisational culture.

"For an organisation that says one thing and does something else, that causes the cynicism which is like an acid that eats away at the bonds of any community."

Underlying values

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has emphasised the importance of culture to drive both good and bad behaviours. Commissioner John Price says they are guided by "tells" that may reflect a wayward culture. These include how many complaints they have received about a financial institution, or have been received by an external dispute-resolution scheme.

"A firm that reports very few breaches might in fact be of concern to a regulator from the point of view of either they have the most efficient compliance arrangements in the market, or alternatively, those compliance arrangements might not be working the way they should," he says.

Macquarie Applied Finance Centre associate professor (financial risk management) Elizabeth Sheedy says the culture is "underlying values and assumptions of an organisation"."The reason why we study those particular cultures is because we know that those are much more predictive of certain behaviours. After all, that's why we care about culture in the first place, because it drives behaviour."

Steve Munchenberg, the chief executive of the Australian Bankers Association, believes a practical definition of culture within an institution is: "what does this community expect of me?"

Tangible steps

So how should organisations manage their cultures?

KPMG's partner in charge, financial risk management, Ian Shiels, says two of the most powerful tangible steps he has seen are "escalation and consequences management".

"We've used a tag at KPMG of 'don't be the most senior person to know something' and kind of everybody enforces that," says Shiels.

"If there's a problem and it gets identified and then there's an outcome, then that actually is a circle that actually works."

Sally Freeman, KPMG's national managing partner, risk consulting, says accountability at the front line is the key to improving culture.

"We need to understand what motivates individuals at the forefront of our business and why they are engaging in the conduct that they are," she says.

Freeman says that structures are important but excessive layers of rules and regulations that frustrate staff should be avoided. If the culture is rotten, employees learn to work around the rules.

"[We need to determine] what are the necessary cogs that will interface with behaviours and then how do we actually drive those in the right direction and then empower with trust, but keeping the alignment of values."

Sheedy agrees and says the research shows that enforcing the right culture comes back to local leadership.

"You could have all the structures in the world but if the culture is inconsistent, then the structures are not going to be effective," she says.

Ingrained mentalities

"The culture is either going to make those structures sing and give them their power, or its going to make them ineffective."

Some believe that fostering a strong culture requires a change in deeply ingrained mentalities.

"We all teach our kids not to 'dob' from primary school," says Fisk. "We teach people that: don't raise a problem unless you've got solutions. And there are some underlying beliefs there that also need to be evolved."

And organisations that confront their cultural failings should be given the opportunity to do so.

"There is a risk as you go through those processes that you'll find more things, because you are teaching people to raise more issues," says ASIC's Price .

"It's about giving those organisations the right permission to be able to say 'we're on a journey, we're going to get more things coming up for a while, but ultimately this our goal and we're going to clearly plan to get there'."