Hired for skills but often let go for poor behaviour or cultural fit, say risk-culture experts

KPMG's national managing partner, risk consulting Sally Freeman, questions whether managers do enough to understand ...
KPMG's national managing partner, risk consulting Sally Freeman, questions whether managers do enough to understand culture. Jeremy Piper
by Jonathan Porter

The nation's firms should be doing more to understand their own organisational culture, according to KPMG's national managing partner, risk consulting Sally Freeman.

Speaking at a recent roundtable co-hosted by The Australian Financial Review and KPMG, Freeman says that organisational culture could be defined as "how we understand what motivates individuals at the forefront of our business and why they are engaging in the conduct that they are".

"And that comes back to our people and I think when we think about people we hire a lot around skill sets and capabilities and the sorts of people that we want to have on board and then we fire because of behaviours and cultural fit and other things."

She queried whether Australia's managers "do enough in really understanding our culture and the people that we bring into our organisations and how that will then fit with what we want to drive going forward".

According to associate professor (financial risk management) for Macquarie Applied Finance Centre, Elizabeth Sheedy, organisational culture reflects the underlying values and assumptions of an organisation.

Real priorities

"What are the real priorities of the organisation? Should we be distinguishing between risk culture and organisational culture more generally?"

She says the distinction between the two is a good place to start when tackling the question of organisational culture.

"What are the key priorities within that culture? The way the research has developed in this field is that there has been research in a number of specific or strategic cultures.

"Some of the cultures that have been researched are safety culture, ethical culture, customer service culture and innovation culture.

"The reason why we study those particular cultures is because we know that those are much more predictive of certain behaviours and, after all, that's why we care about culture in the first place – because it drives behaviour."

For example, she says, if you want your firm to behave ethically look at ethical culture, if you want good customer service focus on customer service culture, and so on.

"We have got all these different strategic cultures. It's not feasible that any one company is going to have all of them.

Crash-priority focus

"If you have 10 priorities, that's basically saying none of them are a priority."

Inevitably, she says, organisations have to pick a small number of areas in which to give a crash-priority focus.

"I don't know what the magic number is, two or three or four, but it's a small number and those are the priorities and it seems to me that the crucial ones that we are all concerned with at the moment are ethical culture and risk culture.

"I see those two overlapping because in a broad sense misconduct is one of many risks that a bank would be, or a financial services organisation would be, concerned about."

Executive director of the Ethics Centre Simon Longstaff says he sees things differently from Sheedy, taking a genetic view of our nation's corporate bodies.

"If you think about the analogy of DNA, genes, they're expressed, in human life in different ways; there are epigenetic factors to do with the environment which can affect this," he says.

Different environments

"And so the analogy works in relation to organisations and culture, between values and principles which are like the genes, and then how these things are expressed in particular environments, they are slightly different in different environments, is what is actually the culture."

That gives rise to a range of things, and some of them are artefacts, he says.

"And I agree with Elizabeth [Sheedy]: If you think about a limited number of genes that you might focus on within a particular organisation, it might be, say, a value around safety, or it might be a value around risk, or it might be a number of other things.

"But whatever these things are that you claim at the core of what you're doing, it should relate to your central purpose."

Part of the problem, he says, is that organisations may say they have a particular purpose, "and yet when you actually experience them on a day-to-day basis things are a little different".

"And that's one of the principal sources of risk. The risk lies in the fact that if people say: 'well you say one thing and you do something else, therefore you don't mean it, I don't have to be bound by it', then I'll supplant what I do."

Comprehensive framing

However, he says it is not acceptable for a firm to pick just a few areas to treat as priority.

"You can't pick just one thing and expect the others to look after themselves, because it's a comprehensive framing of these issues which people respond to."

Consumer advocate Christopher Zinn from Determinedconsumer.com.au says that the nation's start-ups could wind up disrupting the organisational culture landscape.

"We've been talking about large organisations – I'm involved with a number of start-ups who see themselves as disrupters in the fintech area."

He says start-ups have to effectively create a culture that will mirror their wish to be disruptors of legacy companies and industries.

Adrian Fisk, KPMG's national industry leader for financial services, says one of the challenges of the discussion is that organisational culture often means different things to different people.


"If I think about the way culture is traditionally referred to in management texts: it's the way things get done around here.

"If I think about how some of the debates being played out at the moment, there tends to be a discussion around culture without focusing on, are we really talking about how customers and all the stakeholders are treated within an organisation?

"Are we talking about something different, about how risk is managed within an organisation, so that organisation does not imperil its own future?"

CEO of the Australian Bankers' Association Steven Munchenberg says there is a danger of over-complicating the definition of organisational culture.

"And at the end of the day, I think for practical terms, what it means for any individual working within an institution is: 'What does the community expect of me?'" he says.

He believes a single organisation can consist of a mix of cultures.

"This applies to government institutions, to banks, to religious institutions. You've actually got a whole mix of cultures internally. And then you have legacy cultures."