Guiding corporate behaviour should not mean more regulation : ABA's Steven Munchenberg

Professor Elizabeth Sheedy.
Professor Elizabeth Sheedy. Jeremy Piper
by Mark Eggleton

 When it comes to discussions on corporate culture it's interesting to note that Google's parent company Alphabet has dropped its "Don't Be Evil" mantra from its code of conduct. It comes at a time when consumers are consistently looking at how a company operates and Google itself continues to be associated with numerous privacy violations as it collects data on every user's move.

Yet while Google might realise its mantra no longer can be realistically applied, the key problem for organisations is they don't really know how to create the right culture and make sure it sticks. Wander through most organisations and there will often be numerous cultures in play – ranging from those people associated with the current leadership team to those associated with previous regimes.

According to ssociate professor (financial risk management) Elizabeth Sheedy from the
 Macquarie Applied Finance Centre, the whole issue of how we fix culture, needs a lot more research.

"There is very little research in this area. There are hypotheses but not much actual evidence, it would be really great if we as an industry could really take this research agenda seriously and actually get that evidence to guide our behaviour, to guide our management," she says.

Guiding corporate behaviour does not mean regulation though, says managing director of the Australian Bankers Association's Steven Munchenberg.

"You can't regulate culture. What you can do is have a pile of indicators that reveal how closely an organisation is aligned to what it stands for and what it does," he says.

KPMG's national managing partner, risk consulting Sally Freeman says you need to have the right structures in place to get the "regulatory tick" but it's all about "structures-plus".

She says the question comes back to how organisations get that "plus" and that involves solid leadership.

For Sheedy, organisations can fall into the trap of formulating too many structures.

"They have built up layer upon layer of structure and it becomes inefficient and it irritates the employees and they learn to work around them. So a lot of that [building the right sort of culture] can be stripping back some of those structures and saying what are the necessary cogs that will interface with behaviours and then how do we actually drive those in the right direction and then empower people with trust."

Executive director of The Ethics Centre Simon Longstaff says the notion of "structures plus" is right.

"Getting culture right starts with the board who are in the position to specify what the core values of an organisation actually are and it should be possible to see these expressed consistently across the organisation as a whole," he says.

"It's not a monolithic culture but instead one based on the concept of 'family resemblance'. I think if you loosen up culture to that degree you make it a far better organisation that's able to respond to the conditions it's operating in.

"The key for the board is to leave this in good shape from successive board to board. Moreover, with every change of leadership you can then persistently maintain organisational culture."