Banks can gain competitive advantage by lifting standards and putting customers first

Managing director Australian Bankers Association Steven Munchenberg says the digital disruption will only intensify.
Managing director Australian Bankers Association Steven Munchenberg says the digital disruption will only intensify. Jeremy Piper
by Jonathan Shapiro

A court battle with the regulators over interest rate rigging, a media expose about dubious life insurance claim denials, and an endless string of accusations about poor financial advice has put the nation's banks at the centre of a national debate about corporate culture.

Steven Munchenberg, managing director of the Australian Bankers Association, is very much in the eye of the storm and, while he's not making any excuses for his members, he believes that the apparent cultural crisis facing banks will galvanise them to be better prepared for the digital future.

"Culture is going to be a fundamental driving determinant of competitive advantage because, particularly with technology and more and more experience, it is going to become seamless and therefore undifferentiated," he said at the recent Risk Culture roundtable co-hosted by The Australian Financial Review and KPMG.

"The digital disruption that is already happening is just going to intensify. This is absolutely forcing banks to drive this alignment."

Whether it is warranted or not, the behaviour and conduct of the banks does attract more scrutiny than other industries. While the car makers, pharmaceutical companies globally and retailers have been exposed by regulators and the media, the rage tends to be maintained for longer when it comes to the banks. 

"That can create more suspicion, whether that's warranted or not," he says. 

The banks are, of course, intermediaries. The middle man is always viewed with a degree of skepticism. But Australia's banks have had a long history of cultural failings and fixes.

Simon Longstaff, executive director of The Ethics Centre, says history will repeat itself.

About 20 years ago, the two large Sydney-centric banks – Commonwealth Bank and Westpac – battled for dominance and they chose to follow different paths.

A series of dubious incidences, including the so-called Westpac letters, prompted Westpac to make a clear decision to be a leader in serving customers, social responsibility and sustainability. 

Commonwealth Bank "structured themselves very much around other considerations", Longstaff says.

He says, 20 years on, the differentiation between the banks is less clear.

"But I predict in the future those sorts of clear choices will become more evident because that will be the base of the competition," Longstaff says.

Consumer choice advocate Christopher Zinn says there is demand from groups like his and from start-ups to get hold of data that regulators possess that can reveal the cultural strengths and weaknesses of banks. 

"I would love to have a comparable, cultural audit of the four banks so people can say, 'well, who is the most customer centric?'" he says.

"We could actually use that, so culture becomes something banks can build a competitive advantage around."

In an age of social media, there is no doubt customers are empowered and will drive change. For instance, if internet banking crashes, customers will find out via Twitter before the bank itself is even aware of the problem. 

The banks, Munchenberg says, are very much aware of the public perception problem they are facing.

The industry has focused on two issues as a means to improve culture. One is better alignment of interests and the other centres on accountability and transparency.

"How do we actually make people feel that it's the right thing to do to blow the whistle internally and if they are still not satisfied externally?" Munchenberg asks.

"And how do you make sure the customers, when they haven't been treated right, feel that they actually have a voice?" 

He believes market forces will ensure the banks get their cultures right. 

ASIC commissioner John Price agrees and says banks and other companies need to think about issues of culture as more of a competitive advantage rather than a regulatory compliance issue. 

"That's critical, in my view, and it's made more timely by digital disruption and the power of the crowd the internet is now giving ordinary people," Price says.