US election: Donald Trump victory fires up climate fears

Climate change policy was a key difference between US presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
Climate change policy was a key difference between US presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Charlie Riedel

Brussels' climate and energy bureaucrats were in a state of shock as the unthinkable turned into reality.

Just a few short days after the celebrations on the November 4 entry into force of the hard-fought Paris accord, much of the talk in the European Union's capital was around the possibility that surprise election victor Donald Trump could put the brakes on global efforts to tackle climate change.

Not that the official pronouncements let on anything much was amiss. The statement tweeted by European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker emphasised the importance of close co-operation between the EU and US to "make a difference when dealing with unprecedented challenges such as … climate change".

Juncker invited the US president-elect to visit Europe for an EU-US summit "at your earliest convenience" to "chart the course" for the next four years.

Trump's 100-day action plan includes scrapping Obama's Climate Action Plan.
Trump's 100-day action plan includes scrapping Obama's Climate Action Plan.

"The world can count on the EU to continue to lead on climate and drive the clean energy transition," tweeted climate action and energy commissioner Miguel Canete reassuringly, adding "we need all our partners on board".

Dismissing science

But the sobering fact remains that Trump has dismissed the science of climate change as some sort of Chinese hoax.

His 100-day action plan for climate and energy includes scrapping Obama's Climate Action Plan, stopping payments of US tax dollars to UN global warming programs as well as "cancelling" the Paris deal.

Trump is said to have lined up US shale boom pioneer Harold Hamm, chief executive of Continental Resources, for the post of Secretary of Energy. Another global warming sceptic, Myron Ebell, is seen likely to be tasked with the restructuring of the Environmental Protection Agency.

In all, a Trump presidency could mean 3.4 billion tons more US carbon emissions than a Clinton one over a period of eight years, consultancy Lux Research has calculated. After two terms, Trump's policies, which include "saving" the coal industry, lifting regulations on gas extraction and opening up drilling in the Arctic, would leave emissions 16 per cent higher than Clinton's, it found.

Still, speaking privately, one high-ranking EU official wasn't panicking on Wednesday, pointing out that some of Trump's statements were made in the heat of the campaigning debate.

"We have to see how the dust settles," the official said. "We have to see how the president-elect is going to put his staff together and what kind of emphasis is going to be given. He made many promises and many statements on many different things and they are not always as clear and as detailed in their policy content, so I would be cautious.

"We have been co-operating fairly well in the past so I would assume that will continue in the future."

Exit speculation

Another official took a similar line. "So many things were said in the 18-month campaign, we have to see what is actually going to be implemented," the official said, pointing to the example of Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras' backtracking on austerity reforms.

Wishful thinking? Maybe. Certainly reports from the ground on Wednesday at the COP22 climate summit in Marrakech were sprinkled with speculation of a potential US exit from the Paris deal, even if that technically can only happen four years down the track under the framework of the agreement.

The US's – and China's – backing of the accord gave the deal important international momentum and credibility in the first place, and the fear is that a move to exit could do harmful damage.

"If the US commitment wanes, other countries may also lose interest," oil and gas consultancy FGE summed it up, forecasting that the US's moves on climate were likely "to slow or reverse", with implications for renewable energy, coal and gas.

Twitter: @angelamacd