Home Page ­ Textpattern CMS

A flexible, elegant and easy-to-use CMS

  • Build

    Built-in tags and reusable code partials enable total control over the presentation of your content.

    Build: Built-in tags and reusable forms enable total control over the presentation of your content.
  • Collaborate

    Create unlimited users with assignable privilege levels to each person.

    Collaborate: Create unlimited users with assignable privilege levels to each person.
  • Organise

    Unlimited sections and categories; organise your content as you wish.

    Organise: Unlimited sections and categories; organise your content as you wish.
  • Manage

    Built-in file and image uploads, comment management and referrer logs.

    Manage: Built-in file and image uploads, comment management and referrer logs.
  • Publish

    A clean, intuitive interface makes content publishing easy.

    Publish: A clean, intiutive interface makes content publishing easy.
  • Style

    Total control over your templates and CSS; you decide how your site will look.

    Style: Total control over your templates and CSS; you decide how your site will look.
  • Extend

    Take your sites beyond the lean yet feature-rich core via a large library of plugins.

    Extend: Take your site beyond the lean yet feature-rich core via a large library of plugins.
  • Import

    Port the contents of your blog or site from a number of popular content management systems.

    Import: Port the contents of your blog or site from a number of popular content management systems.
  • Customise

    Give clients a tailored experience with admin-side themes.

    Customise: Give clients a tailored experience with admin-side themes

What others are saying

Jon Hicks at hicksdesign.co.uk

Jon Hicks

I’m always trying other solutions, but it just makes me love Textpattern more. It’s a system created for humans who crave a clean, non-intimidating and logical approach, but with great power and flexibility underneath. Deploying sites with Textpattern is a joy.

Kevin Potts at graphicpush.com

Kevin Potts

Textpattern is a web designer’s dream. Its ease of use, flexibility and intelligent architecture allow me to quickly build sites that are everything I promised the client and more.

Tim Van Damme at maxvoltar.com

Tim van Damme

No matter what CMS I try, I always end up going back to Textpattern. It’s simple, stable, reliable, and I love the syntax used to create your own templates. Being a front-end coder, the syntax (looking a lot like XHTML) is super-easy to learn. The Textpattern community is one of the most friendly and helpful I ever encountered.

Sam Brown at sam.brown.tc

Sam Brown

Textpattern offers you the most bang for your buck, a massively powerful and easy to use CMS that invites its users to keep on publishing new and great content. Textpattern is light and fast, yet very powerful and capable of deploying a vast array of different types of sites with unique needs and designs with absolute ease.