MSPs block

Current MSPs

Details of your Constituency and Regional MSPs including their parliamentary activities and contact details.

The debating chamber on the Mound in June 2003

Previous MSPs

Information for MSPs who served during previous sessions of the Parliament.

Ken Macintosh MSP, Presiding Officer

The Presiding Officer

Ken Macintosh MSP is the Scottish Parliament's fifth Presiding Officer. He is responsible for representing the Scottish Parliament at home and abroad.

Nicola Sturgeon speaking in the Chamber 19 Nov 2014

Ministers & Law Officers

Current Scottish Government Ministers and Law Officers and an overview of their responsibilities.

Thumbnail image of map of Scottish Parliament constituencies

Constituency Maps

Use the regional and constituency maps to find information on elected Members.

Man signing document

Register of Interests

Copies of the Register of Interests for each MSP in the preceding Parliamentary years are available online.

Exterior of the Holyrood Building

Cross-Party Groups

Cross-Party Groups provide an opportunity for MSPs, outside organisations and members of the public to meet and discuss a shared interest in a cause or subject.

Seats in the Chamber

Members' Expenses Scheme

These pages give information and data on expenditure against Members' expenses.


MSP Salaries

Information about the Scottish Parliament Salaries Scheme

Code of Conduct for MSPs

Code of Conduct for MSPs

The Code of Conduct provides a set of principles and standards for members of the Scottish Parliament.

Polling station in Edinburgh

Election Results

Results of the Scottish Parliament elections for each region and consituency.