

Carpe noctem 🌑 Feminine, feminist medical student. BSc(Immunobiology). Loud about mental health. Low on spoons.

Melbourne, Victoria
Beigetreten Februar 2011


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    22. Dez. 2016

    This is such an issue in medicine, particularly as most (at least in my course) come from privileged backgrounds.

  2. This is the longest I've gone without seeing my dog and it makes me sad 😞I miss her so much

  3. vor 2 Stunden
  4. vor 2 Stunden
    Antwort an

    This is my best moment of 2017.

  5. vor 2 Stunden

    An anonymous Twitter hero temporarily deleted Trump's account on their very last day of work

  6. vor 20 Minuten
    Antwort an

    I notice you specify subpar men, and dingus there's taking it like a personal attack aimed at all

  7. Lol at my typo making it seem like my life goal is to find a partner ahaha. I should be banned from the internet when sick.

  8. Antwort an

    *ISN'T defined haha :) (can't type while unwell)

  9. Another way to say this is “Facebook profits from abuse”

  10. vor 24 Minuten
    Antwort an

    I remember having that thought SO often throughout med school - "it's simply amazing any of us are here..."

  11. vor 11 Stunden

    Med school has really given me a new found appreciation for my health because LITERALLY SO MUCH CAN GO WRONG HOW AM I EVEN BREATHING

  12. Antwort an

    and they don't have to be a man. I am open to dating any or no gender, gosh

  13. I'm not sure why subpar men think I'd want someone like them anyway. I only wish I had a partner times like now when I'm sick lol

  14. Then I'll find a woman. Also my life is defined by finding a partner anyway lol. I've had partners. Maybe I will again, maybe not.

  15. Men enjoy flirting too you moron. & you just showed that you believe arse pinching is a violation by saying that and contradicted your point

  16. They might decide they don't like you after flirting. You have serious social issues.

  17. So because dating someone might result in sex eventually you think it's ok to pinch their arse as soon as you start flirting? :/

  18. Too busy studying to become a doctor mate. No time for subpar men like you :)

  19. That maybe you want to date? :/ Or just as flirting is fun? You don't even make sense.

  20. Happy being single rather than dating someone like you mate

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