Monthly News – October 2016

This article was posted on Fri, 28 Oct 2016 11:31:58 +0000

Many thanks to all the people who sent us donations and to all our sponsors us for funding our project. Many new features and improvements were developed since the last release. We’re now just days away from feature-freeze, trying to squeeze one last thing here and there, before wrapping things up and focusing on the […]

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Linux Mint 18.1 codenamed “Serena”

This article was posted on Fri, 28 Oct 2016 09:45:17 +0000

The second release in the Linux Mint 18.x series will be named “Serena”. Linux Mint 18.1 is estimated to be released around November/December 2016 and will be supported until 2021. Linux Mint 18 users will have the ability to upgrade. This upgrade will be both easy and safe and it will be performed via the […]

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Monthly News – September 2016

This article was posted on Fri, 30 Sep 2016 11:52:56 +0000

Many thanks to you all for your help, support and donations. This month has been very exciting for us because the release cycle was over, the base jump to the new LTS base was achieved, we had plenty of ideas to implement, nothing got in our way and we could focus on development. Not only […]

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