Our Events

For more information on events and sponsorship, please contact the Business Events team via frgevents@fairfaxmedia.com.au

AFR Higher Education Summit

How must Australia’s Higher Education system adapt to significant demographic, technological and economic change? What is being done to ensure an adequately supported and high quality sector? What are other HE institutions doing to reform their HE missions and revenue streams from the inside out? Hear answers to these questions and have your say at AFR Higher Education Summit.

AFR Business Summit

The Australian Financial Review Business Summit presented by BHP Billiton is the must-attend event of vital importance to the progress and prosperity of Australian business in the coming decade.

Australia is in the midst of a shifting geo-political order that continues to tilt towards Asia and its rising middle class. Technology is empowering consumers, disrupting supply chains and overthrowing established business models. The world is grappling with low rates and a lower-growth future. The challenges for Australian businesses have never been more complex and the need for leadership skills never larger.

After our biggest ever resource development boom, which companies, sectors and leaders will shape the Australian business landscape of the next decade? How should your company capitalise on the opportunities?

Save the date for 2017: Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th March 2017 (Sydney, CBD)

See the 2016 highlights here: http://www.afrsummit.com/