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New South Wales 2088
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Luxurious Mosman boasts historical homes, breathtaking views and plenty of amenities.


Once ensconced in Mosman, people tend to stay put, as is evidenced by the healthy population of silver foxes, which includes a mix of couples and singles.


Between Mosman and bordering Cremorne, you’ll find all you need in terms of shopping, restaurants and entertainment. All just a hop skip and a jump from the CBD.


Whether it’s a grand period home or a newly-designed luxury townhouse, Mosman is known for extravagant, grand buildings. Amongst these are scattered more accessible low-level apartment blocks.
Buying, renting or investing in property is a big decision. Knowing that Mosman is right for you is just as important as the property itself. We've done some number crunching on Mosman's property supply and demand, median property prices, and demographic information to help you make a more informed decision and better understand the Mosman lifestyle.

Median property price

For more information on what exactly a median price means, have a read of this article on our Blog
(Price data last updated
Nov 7th, 2016)
$1,600 PW
(Rent data last updated
Nov 7th, 2016)
(Price data last updated
Nov 7th, 2016)
$595 PW
(Rent data last updated
Nov 7th, 2016)
How this was calculated & copyright information
Median House Price
Median Price: The price of a property that falls in the middle of the total number of houses sold over a period of time, based on 238 house sales from 1 Nov 2015 - 07 Nov 2016.
  • 2 Bedroom price is based on 14 house sales.
  • 3 Bedroom price is based on 59 house sales.
  • 4 Bedroom price is based on 87 house sales.
Data supplied by RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic
Median House Rent
The advertised weekly rent of a property that falls in the middle of the total number of houses listed over a period of time, based on 282 house listings from 1 Nov 2015 - 07 Nov 2016.
  • 2 Bedroom price is based on 19 house listings.
  • 3 Bedroom price is based on 98 house listings.
  • 4 Bedroom price is based on 106 house listings.
Data supplied by

Data obtained by RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic is subject to the following copyright: © 2016 Copyright RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic (CoreLogic), Local, State, and Commonwealth Governments. All rights reserved. No reproduction, publication, adaption, modification, public communication, distribution or transmission of the copyrighted materials in this publication is permitted whether in whole or in part. The copyrighted materials in this publication are provided for personal or internal business purposes only unless otherwise agreed in writing.

The information provided in this publication is current as at the publication date only. CoreLogic does not warrant accuracy or completeness in the information it supplies and to the full extent allowed by law excludes any liability for any loss or damage arising from or in connection with the supply or use of the whole or any part of the information in this publication through any cause whatsoever and limits any liability it may have to the amount paid to CoreLogic for the supply of such information.

Contains property sales information provided under licence from the Land and Property Information ("LPI"). RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic is authorised as a Property Sales Information provider by the LPI.
Comparison of these prices with New South Wales
With a median house price of $3,180,000, Mosman is higher than New South Wales' median house price of $602,000. When it comes to renting, the Mosman median house rental price per week is $1,600 which makes renting more expensive than New South Wales' average of $450.
Median Unit Price
Median Price: The price of a property that falls in the middle of the total number of units sold over a period of time, based on 357 unit sales from 1 Nov 2015 - 07 Nov 2016.
  • 1 Bedroom price is based on 69 unit sales.
  • 2 Bedroom price is based on 162 unit sales.
  • 3 Bedroom price is based on 77 unit sales.
Data supplied by RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic
Median Unit Rent
The advertised weekly rent of a property that falls in the middle of the total number of units listed over a period of time, based on 1118 unit listings from 1 Nov 2015 - 07 Nov 2016.
  • 1 Bedroom price is based on 425 unit listings.
  • 2 Bedroom price is based on 533 unit listings.
  • 3 Bedroom price is based on 134 unit listings.
Data supplied by

Data obtained by RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic is subject to the following copyright: © 2016 Copyright RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic (CoreLogic), Local, State, and Commonwealth Governments. All rights reserved. No reproduction, publication, adaption, modification, public communication, distribution or transmission of the copyrighted materials in this publication is permitted whether in whole or in part. The copyrighted materials in this publication are provided for personal or internal business purposes only unless otherwise agreed in writing.

The information provided in this publication is current as at the publication date only. CoreLogic does not warrant accuracy or completeness in the information it supplies and to the full extent allowed by law excludes any liability for any loss or damage arising from or in connection with the supply or use of the whole or any part of the information in this publication through any cause whatsoever and limits any liability it may have to the amount paid to CoreLogic for the supply of such information.

Contains property sales information provided under licence from the Land and Property Information ("LPI"). RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic is authorised as a Property Sales Information provider by the LPI.
Comparison of these prices with New South Wales
With a median unit price of $960,000, Mosman is higher than New South Wales' median unit price of $609,995. When it comes to renting, the Mosman median unit rental price per week is $595 which makes renting more expensive than New South Wales' average of $480.
Data supplied by RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic.

Data obtained by RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic is subject to the following copyright: © 2016 Copyright RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic (CoreLogic), Local, State, and Commonwealth Governments. All rights reserved. No reproduction, publication, adaption, modification, public communication, distribution or transmission of the copyrighted materials in this publication is permitted whether in whole or in part. The copyrighted materials in this publication are provided for personal or internal business purposes only unless otherwise agreed in writing.

The information provided in this publication is current as at the publication date only. CoreLogic does not warrant accuracy or completeness in the information it supplies and to the full extent allowed by law excludes any liability for any loss or damage arising from or in connection with the supply or use of the whole or any part of the information in this publication through any cause whatsoever and limits any liability it may have to the amount paid to CoreLogic for the supply of such information.

Contains property sales information provided under licence from the Land and Property Information ("LPI"). RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic is authorised as a Property Sales Information provider by the LPI.

Supply and demand in Mosman

The level of competition in a suburb can affect prices and availability.
Visits per property
Visits per property
Average of NSW
How this was calculated
Supply and Demand data.

Demand is calculated as the average number of visits per listing per month over the last 12 months to that include at least one property details page view in Mosman, NSW 2088. Supply is calculated as the average number of property listings per month that have been viewed at least once that month on in Mosman, NSW 2088 over the last 12 months.

The level of demand for individual listings varies. The data above shows the average for the suburb. makes no claim about the statistical significance nor accuracy of the data. Please note: This information is based on data. The purpose is to give buyers and sellers an indication of interest in properties in the suburb, based on that data. It is not a definitive representation of market supply and demand.

Time to let go?
We've got more if you're thinking of selling in Mosman.

Mosman Report
You may be interested to know within Mosman during October 2016 there were a total of properties sold. Prices ranged from for a , through to for the sale of a .Examples at both ends of the market include a that sold for between and a that sold for between .
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The lifestyles and people of Mosman

The lifestyle of a suburb is often influenced by who lives there.
Top 3Details

Maturing & Established Independence


Older Couples & Families


Established Couples & Families


Maturing & Established Independence
Older Couples & Families
Established Couples & Families
Independent Youth
Elderly Singles
Older Independence
Maturing Couples & Families
Elderly Couples
Elderly Families
Young Families
Maturing & Established Independence
Older Couples & Families
Established Couples & Families
Independent Youth
Elderly Singles
Older Independence
Maturing Couples & Families
Elderly Couples
Elderly Families
Young Families
How this was calculated and classification information
About this data
Maturing & Established Independence make up the largest percentage of people living in Mosman followed by Older Couples & Families and Established Couples & Families.
The statistics above have been sourced from Mosaic demographic data that is the copyright property of Experian Australia Pty Limited (or its licensors).
Classification Details
Young Families - Families, Extended Families and Single Parents under 35
Independent Youth - Couples, Singles and Homesharers under 35
Maturing Couples & Families - Families, Couples, Extended Families and Single Parents aged 35-44
Maturing Independence - Singles and Homesharers aged 35-54
Established Couples and Families - Families, Couples, Extended Families and Single Parents aged 45-54
Older Couples & Families - Families, Couples, Extended Families and Single Parents aged 55-64
Older Independence - Singles and Homesharers aged 55-64
Elderly Families - Families, Extended Families and Single Parents 65 and over Empty Nesters - Couples 65 and over
Elderly Singles - Singles and Homesharers 65 and over

Located only eight kilometres from the CBD, the hilly streets of Mosman are studded with premium properties. With coastline on three sides, opportunities for water glimpses (and more) are plentiful.

One of Sydney’s grandest suburbs, Mosman is located just 8kms from the CBD over the Sydney Harbour Bridge. It’s a suburb many aspire to live in and once you’re there, there’s little real reason to leave, with plenty of shops along Military Road, stunning scenery and even the iconic Taronga Zoo to keep you amused. Balmoral Beach offers a more relaxed atmosphere, with parks, swimming and beachside cafes.

The baby boomers quite rightly had their eye on Mosman, and they’re not in a hurry to leave. You’re likely to meet mature folk who have left having children until later in life. That’s not to say that there aren’t plenty of younger folk frolicking on Balmoral beach or tacking their sailboat along Middle Harbour, but generally speaking they’re in the minority.

It’s tempting to stay at home and get lost in the harbour view from your balcony, but at some point it’s important to leave the house. A walk through Mosman is an excellent workout due to the inevitable hill-climbing challenges. There’s a community bus for short trips and plenty of buses into the CBD; or the ferry if you prefer a water crossing. Small clumps of village shops include delicatessens, bakeries and specialty gift stores, while the major shopping precinct is located on Military Road. There’s an array of eateries, with a curious overrepresentation of Thai restaurants. In neighbouring Cremorne you’ll find a cinema which is popular with locals.

Taronga Zoo is set on some of Mosman’s most enchanting real estate, with the giraffes enjoying a spectacular harbour view. Sydney Harbour National Park encloses the Eastern side of Mosman and is excellent for walks and picnics. Boat sports are popular and sailing, rowing and yacht clubs are found towards Spit Junction. Swimmers are spoilt for choice with plenty of beaches, an enclosed shark net swimming area with boardwalk at Balmoral Beach and a heated indoor 25m swimming pool at Mosman Swim Centre. There are several schools in Mosman including well-regarded public and private institutions.

Meandering, hilly streets branch off Military Road, which is the main arterial leading from the Harbour Bridge through to Spit Junction.

Most commonly known for well-preserved Federation homes, Mosman also has state-of-the-art modern townhouses together with blocks of simple units. Many properties boast spectacular views, together with the unmistakable (and often welcome) breeze off the water.

Mosman is home to some of Australia’s most beautiful Federation houses. With beaches, parks and plenty of shopping, this suburb boasts one of Sydney’s most coveted lifestyles. Encompassing Balmoral and Spit Junction and boasting beaches, several water sports clubs and the famous Taronga Zoo, Mosman is a truly unique suburb. The locals don't have to go far for everything they need, with shops, restaurants and more lined up along Military Road or studded along the coastline. The meandering hilly streets show off heritage-listed mansions alongside architecturally designed townhouses. Mosman has a home for each discerning buyer.

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How similarity was identified among suburbs
Experian Pty Ltd classifies Australian households into one of 49 Mosaic Types based on geo-demographic segmentation. calculates the composition of household Mosaic Types within each suburb, and compares this composition across suburbs to determine the similarity between suburbs. The suburbs with the most similarity to Mosman, NSW 2088 are shown. No other factors are considered.

Mosaic data supplied by Experian Australia Pty Ltd.
Mosaic data is the copyright property of Experian Australia Pty Ltd (or its licensors).

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