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Людей, вставших на пути у фашистских банд, привела к тем позициям, на которых они сейчас стоят, конечно, критическая мысль человеческая. Они (антифа, антифашисты) сначала размышляли, обсуждали, гадали, судили-рядили. А потом просто перешли к делу. И это не то же самое дело, которым заняты неонаци. Антифа не стремятся убивать. Они бьют, они воспитывают действием.
Анархисты не считают, что люди должны отдать контроль над своими жизнями вождям. Нам не нужны работодатели. Мы хотим жить в свободном мире, а не быть заключёнными в мире, разрезанном на государства, расы и рынки. Выбить фашизм — это жизненно важная часть этой борьбы за свободу.
Значительное число настроенных бунтарски и антиавторитарно молодых людей привлекает боевой антифашизм. Суть этого спонтанного антифашизма, разумеется не заключается в изощрённой критике фашистских теорий или в подробном понимании фактической истории фашистского движения. Это скорее инстинктивное отвержение традиционных фашистских представлений о том, кто является высшим и кто — низшим; что представляет собой добропорядочную жизнь и что — развращённую.
Фашисты хотят создать общество и культуру только для тех, кого они считают высшими людьми. Мы — нет. Они хотят дисциплины и порядка. Мы желаем автономии и творчества. Их цель — идеализированное, преимущественно мифическое прошлое, мы хотим совершенно другого будущего. Они строятся за всемогущими вождями; мы хотим критичных и сознательных рядовых участников движения.
Fri, 06/08/2010 - 02:34
The company "Vinci" recruits neo

August 4, 2010 in St. Petersburg community activists came to the office VINCI, engaged in road construction projects in Khimki woods and asked to explain: why the biggest French company is cooperating with neo-Nazis, hiring them to disperse ekolagerya?

Thu, 05/08/2010 - 11:29
Wheel drive

Detachment of riot police near Moscow yesterday held a special operation to detain head movement to protect forests Khimki Eugenia Chirikova.

Thu, 05/08/2010 - 09:34
Solidarity with the Moscow anti-fascists in Ufa

May 4 Ufa anti-fascists and members of the "autonomous action" was an action of solidarity with the Moscow anti-fascists Gaskarova Alexey and Maxim Solopovym unlawfully detained after protests in Khimki. On the bridge at the intersection of Ave Salavat Yulayev and st.

Wed, 04/08/2010 - 20:12
Agreed pickets of solidarity with the arrested anti-fascists

Moscow: gathering near the monument Griboyedov at 17:00 on Saturday (Net pPudy) St. Petersburg: in the garden of. Chernyshevskogo at 18:30 on Friday Come yourself and others call me

Wed, 04/08/2010 - 15:48
Do not believe the provocateurs! | Statement Antifa.Ru about anonymous roller

Today, the Internet has appeared a video where a man in a mask is recognized organization "Khimki events" and promises new "disorders".

Wed, 04/08/2010 - 04:02
The action of solidarity with the illegally arrested anti-fascists in Russia

On Wednesday, August 3 in Odessa anti-fascists, anarchists and members of leftist movements held a rally of solidarity with Russian anti-fascists - Alexey and Maxim Gaskarova Solopovym, arrested for allegedly organizing the pogrom city administr

Wed, 04/08/2010 - 03:50
Hello, you again free radio "Birds Khimki woods"

Main news today - anti-fascists Alexei Gaskarova and Maxim Solopova left custody, and Lyesha two months, and Max somehow "indefinitely".

Wed, 04/08/2010 - 03:43
Anarchists and anti-fascists attacked the city of Jimki (Russia) to defend the forest

On July 28 around 400-500 anarchists and anti-fascists attacked the City Hall Jimki, located near Moscow.

Tue, 03/08/2010 - 20:31
Suspects of the attack against city administration of Khimki remanded

  Khimki city court left in custody the both suspects of the attack on the city administration, Maxim Solopov and Alexey Gaskarov. They were remanded for two months.

Tue, 03/08/2010 - 17:47
Antifascist in prison in Bulgaria

Jock Polfrimen 23-year-old Australian, currently located in the central prison in Sofia, Bulgaria. He was charged with premeditated murder and attempted murder after a conflict with a group of 16 people. December 27, 2007 Jock saw a group of people who attacked two young men of Roma.

Tue, 03/08/2010 - 12:22
Investigators Rysin and Yermilov falsify the police report on the anti-fascists to Khimki

Alexey and Maxim Gaskarov Solopov detained illegally. We publish a detailed commentary lawyer Mikhail Trepashkin with photographs of protocols: July 31, 2010 in Khimki, Moscow region town court considered material 2 offices 4 Department of Investigation of GUS in the police department in the Moscow region with an application for use on detainees July 29, 2010 Gaskarova Alexey and Maxim Solopovu as a preventive measure in the form of detention. Judge Galanova SBalthough it refused to apply such a measure, but the detainees from custody was not released. She decided to seek further evidence of the validity of the election of remand in custody, and the period of detention of suspects Gaskarova AV and Solopovu MV extended for 72 hours. Purely legal, both detainees were to be released...

Sun, 01/08/2010 - 17:01
In the case of the arrested anti-fascists court found the evidence insufficient, but left in custody

July 31 in City Court, the Court held Khimki to elect measure Alexei Gaskarova and Maxim Solopovu. The meeting was held behind closed doors, which in the opinion of counsel had no reason to.

Sun, 01/08/2010 - 13:09
Khimki: smashing down local administration, background and following arrests

Here is the accumulation of all substantial information concerning Khimki forest logging, attack of Khimki administration by anarchists and antifascists and the following arrests. We clearly understand why Alexei and Maxim got arrested. They are well known in public and are taking responsibility for being publicly open. They never concealed their views, appeared both in press and on the radio. They got arrested being the only antifascists well known to the police. Now the police is under pressure from the administration of the President, that’s why at least someone needed to be arrested. We’re disturbed by the way the procedures are progressing and would appreciate any international support.

Wed, 28/07/2010 - 21:13
Siberian sentence for self-defense, anti-fascists

27 July 2010 was sentenced Barnaul antifascists Alexis C. By Art. 118 of the Criminal Code "grievous bodily harm through negligence." Antifascist protect themselves and others from the attack of neo-Nazis.

Mon, 26/07/2010 - 19:51
Action memory of Elijah "Agler" Borodaenko in Sevastopol: banners at a football match and anti-fascist concert

July 24 held a match of football club "Arsenal" (Kyiv) with PFC Sevastopol. During the match Arsenal fans paid tribute to Elijah "Agler" Borodaenko, who was killed during an attack by neo-Nazis on the ecological camp in Angarsk (Irkutsk Region).. Ilya loved football and was an active fan of FC Okean (Nakhodka), he did much to football stands cleared of neo-Nazi nonsense.

Fri, 23/07/2010 - 01:52
In Moscow Picket memory of Ilya Borodaenko

July 22 Picket memory Ilya Borodaenko in Moscow. At the rally attended by about 50 anarchists and anti-fascists and anti-fascists of other political views. Especially for her memorable rally participants prepared a black banner "Ilya Borodaenko killed by the Nazis 21 July 2007. The protesters distributed leaflets, chanting "Fascists killed, authorities cover" and other chants.

Thu, 22/07/2010 - 12:04
The action of memory Ilya Borodaenko held in Irkutsk

21 - 22 July in Irkutsk was sticker-Akitsu dedicated to the memory of Elijah Borodaenko and third anniversary of the attack on the camp of environmentalists protesting against plans to build in the region of the International Uranium Enrichment Center (IUEC).

Tue, 20/07/2010 - 17:39
July 22 in Moscow will host an anti-fascist action in memory of Ilya Borodaenko. Announcement

The rally begins at 19-00 hours, Chistoprudny Boulevard, near the monument Griboyedov. July 21, 2010 marks three years since the assassination of an ecologist, anti-fascist, party movement "independent action" Elijah Borodaenko in environmental camp in Angarsk.

Sun, 11/07/2010 - 15:03
In Paris, the exhibition "Russia: another look"

Yesterday in Paris opened an exhibition of human rights and various other independent organizations and movements of Russia under the title "Russia: another look." The exact name of the exhibition is translated "other side" or "other person", but somehow it is not entirely in Russian.

Thu, 01/07/2010 - 02:39
New project in Moscow Antiracist Initiative "Direct Help"

Antifascist and antiracist movement is growing, and much more often faces with repressions and provocations from the State and neo-Nazis. That's why in the end of March we organized an Antiracist Initiative (further A.I.) "Direct Help", which united not indifferent people from antifascist and human rights movements. We are glad to show you the first activity report inside of a months of our initiative.

Fri, 18/06/2010 - 17:07
Spanish anti-fascists held a rally near the Russian Embassy in Madrid

Today, on June 18 in Madrid (Spain) took action support Russian anti-fascists. The protesters were holding slogans in Russian and Spanish.

Fri, 18/06/2010 - 12:21
Antifascist tournament Squeeze fist! " held in Izhevsk

June 2, 2010 in Izhevsk passed the first local tournament kickboxing among anarchists and anti-fascists. The tournament was called the "Squeeze fist!" And was dedicated to 250 anniversary of our city.

Sun, 13/06/2010 - 21:33
Concert in support of politzeki

And so friends here and make up some long-awaited day of our first in this season openeyera who also was in support of political prisoners and in particular Arthur Valeeva (Borger), who is serving a sentence for his anti-fascist beliefs.

Wed, 02/06/2010 - 23:34
Another murder committed by neo-Nazis in Moscow

On the 24th of May a group of young people were celebrating their friend’s birthday on the Moscow river embankment in the north-western part of the city. With the party coming to an end, the company started to dissolve while the rest, around 15 people and mostly girls remained to collect the rubbish. At this juncture they were attacked by a group of neo-Nazis (about 40 people) coming from the bridge, shooting their non-lethal guns and screaming «It’s them, get them!" According to the witness neo-Nazis sought to beat each and everyone. One of the girls got her back injured hit by a cobble. When the guys returned to the place most of them managed to get away from, they found their friend Dmitry Kashitsyn lying in blood. He got severely wounded. Dmitry died on the spot even before the police and the ambulance arrived. He was 27.

Thu, 06/05/2010 - 02:19
Anti-fascist hospital bill fundraiser

In December, anti-fascist comrade visited Moscow to play in a concert and was stabbed by a Nazi. He was made an operation, but soon a follow-up operation is needed, for which we are gathering money.

Tue, 04/05/2010 - 18:22
14 antifa were lawlessly arrested by Special Police Forces, examined and tortured by members of Anti-extremism Department

1 of May in Nizhny Novgorod became a real show-off of police brutality.  At 10 a.m. group of antifa were arrested by police officers at the Minin's square, took to the police division and called in question by members of Antiextremism Department. One of the members of Anti-extremism Department told the detained, that he don't give a damn for his rights and he's ready to wipe his ass with constitution. Detained were charged with unsanctioned action. But no action was there, those guys were going to take part in legal demonstration, which traditionally is held by the Left on Minin's square at 1 of May. <

Thu, 08/04/2010 - 17:12
Andrey Mergenyov paroled

Recently we learned, that imprisoned anti-fascist Andrey Mergenyov was paroled. He was in prison since june 2007 after a fight with a Nazi in Saratov. Our congratulations for Andrey, but remember that there are still other prisoners in need of our support.   

Wed, 24/03/2010 - 02:47
Vitaly Gurkov paid homage to murdered anti-fascists after winning К-1 World Max 2010 East Europe Tournament

Champion of  К-1 World Max 2010 East Europe Tournament, which took place in Minsk of Belarus 19th of March, dedicated his victory to acquintances and friends of friends who had to pay with their lives for their anti-fascist ideas. It is also unusual, that Belarussian champion gave an interview in Belarussian language. Here is the full quote - In press conference in prior to fight you promised to tell, to whom you will dedicate the fight after winning the tournament…

Mon, 22/03/2010 - 14:18
A letter from Andrey Mergenyov and other prisoner updates

Andrei Mergenyov is imprisoned in Saratov after a fight with a Nazi in June 2007. Recently we received a following letter from him, and we translated it just to remind you about one of the less known Russian anti-fascist prisoners. Address of Andrey (note that this is a new address!):  Andrey Mergenyov Saratovskaya oblast G. Engels, FBU IK-13

Mon, 22/03/2010 - 11:56
Actions vs. repressions

Short film Actions vs. repressions gives a voice to Russian anti-authoritarian activists from Autonomous Action of St. Petersburg and Ufa, Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow and St. Petersburg and Vsevolod Ostapov, who got brutalised by Police in April of 2007 and whose case became a rallying cry for a significiant campaign against police brutality in Moscow during last two years.

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