- published: 05 Aug 2016
- views: 86476
Aker Brygge is a popular area for shopping, dining, and entertainment in Oslo, Norway.
Aker Brygge is west of Pipervika, an arm of the Oslo Fjord, on the former ship yard of Akers Mekaniske Verksted, which was shut down in 1982. Before the shipyard was established there in 1854, the area was known as Holmen. It was an old yard where some industrial corporations established, and a suburban establishment grew in the early 19th century.
Aker Brygge is served by the Aker Brygge tram station.
The area contained shipyards and engineering industry - Aker Mekaniske Verksted AS - until 1982.
The construction of Aker Brygge was carried out in four steps by the realtors Aker Eiendom AS. A few old industrial buildings were demolished, while several of the major workshop halls were rebuilt as shopping areas. The first step of the construction was finished in 1986, with Telje, Torp and Aasen as architects. The fourth and final construction, the Storebrand insurance building facing Munkedamsveien, was completed in 1998. The area consists of a shopping center with shops and restaurants, a cinema, office space, and apartments. Additionally, there is a small boat harbour, and a terminal for the ferries to Nesodden. The area measures 260,000 m2.
Aker Brygge and Tjuvholmen
Aker Brygge 2015 - English version
Model X show off at Aker Brygge, Oslo
Verdensrekordforsøk i Pokémon Go på Aker Brygge
Hyperlapse: Aker Brygge, Oslo, Norway
Oslo Travel Guide: Aker Brygge
Utrykning til Aker Brygge, Oslo
Henrik og Jonas finner ut av hvilke Pokémon som gjemmer seg på Aker brygge. Og Henrik har snart fanget nok Magikarp til å utvikle den til en Gyarados!! Her er link til Pokémon kalkulatoren: https://pokeassistant.com/main/ivcalculator Instagram: @nrkflippklipp Nettside: www.nrksuper.no/flippklippstudio Mail: flippklipp@nrk.no
Aker Brygge, once the location of a shipyard, is now home to restaurants, bars, shops, and a popular boardwalk. Tjuvholmen is a new neighbourhood, characterized by an intriguing architectural diversity. And don't miss the new Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art! Our guide to this part of Oslo: www.visitoslo.com/aker-brygge-tjuvholmen
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/TobiasFodnes/ FORRIGE VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKpJCiue1PQ OMG!! FOR EN REISE! JEG VAR EN TUR PÅ AKER BRYGGE FOR Å FARME MAGIKARP TIL EVOLVEEPISODE, MEN SÅ DUKKER DET OPP EN GYARADOS, OG JEG KAN SI DET AT DET ER NÅ VÅRES NYE BESTE POKEMON I CP!!!! SÅ, folkens, episode 7 var helt utrolig! Dette har vært en av de beste episodene så langt! Vi fanger den legendariske Gyarados, og vi utvikler så utrolig mange pokemon! Vi får blandt annet Golduck, Slowbro, Poliwrath, Tentacruel, Hypno, Seaking, Flareon, Kingler, Sandslash, Gloom og Starmie... HOLY DAMN! POKEMON GO.. Det splitter nye pokemon spillet kalt Pokemon Go er en app som kombinerer Virtual Reality med verden av Pokemon. Helt ærlig, Pokemon Go er en av de mest unike appene jeg noen gan...
Aker Brygge is Norway's prime retail location, situated by the waterfront in the capital Oslo. There are numerous shops, bars, cafes and restaurants located at Aker Brygge which earlier was the site of the shipyard Akers Mekaniske Verksted. Please contact Retail Manager Morten Kreutz for further information regarding retail opportunities: mk@npro.no.
What happens when you park a Model X at Aker Brygge and open the doors?
Vi er far og sønn som elsker tull, fjas og positivitet! Likte du videoen blir vi utrolig glade om du deler den med dine gode venner. Det ville bety mye for oss! VERDENSREKORDFORSØK i samtidige Pokémon Go-trenere på et sted. Sjekk ut arrangementet her: https://www.facebook.com/events/527166964142091/ PROGRAMVARE: -Filmen er redigert med Adobe PremierePro -Lyden er redigert med Adobe Audition UTSTYR: -Kamera: GoPro Hero 4 Black edition -Mikrofon: Røde shotgun FØLG SONDREogPAPZ PÅ SOSIALE MEDIER: - Facebook - Snapchat - Instagram SONDREogPAPZ-Shoppen: - www.sondreogpapz.com KONTAKT OSS VIA EPOST: ronnie@sondreogpapz.com sondre@sondreogpapz.com
This is a moving timelapse from the Aker Brygge harbour in Oslo. Aker Brygge is a former shipyard which has been turned into Oslo's finest waterfront area. It is located right at the center of Oslo, overlooking the Oslo Fjord and Akershus Castle. The video starts at Rådhusplassen by the Nobel Peace Center, and goes along Aker Brygge all the way until Tjuvholmen. Tjuvholmen is the latest addition to Aker Brygge, and it is where the Astrup Fearnley Musem of contemporary art is located. At the end of Thuvholmen there is an artificial beach that is open to the public. There are numerous restaurants, bars and cafes on Aker Brygge, and there is also a shopping center.
At this famous harbor promenade at the heart of Oslo you can enjoy a wide range of fancy restaurants, or sit down quayside with a magnificent view of the Oslo Fjord and Akershus Castle. One famous restaurant is Lekter'n, which is a barge that is moored on Aker Brygge. Another famous sea food restaurant is Lofoten. The newest part of Aker Brygge is Tjuvholmen. On Tjuvholmen you will find the Astrup Fearnley museum of contemporary art, The Thief hotel, a beach, and much more. Behind the buildings that are facing the sea there is also a pedestrian street with restaurants, bars, and art galleries, including the Pushwagner gallery. Some of the notable bars and restaurants include Beach Club, Beer Palace, and Burger Joint.
As you know me, you know I like to keep my chatting short and sweet.
It's really for the sake of who's listening.
Typically, when I'm long-winded, it's pretty lame.
But as opinions bleed out, I'll make it quick before your records wear out-
I'll raise my voice on the subject of subtle sounds
and talk your ear off to a point of ironic interest -
early '60s portraits
through antique rooms.
You say, "This could be you, Columbia aught 62, all dolled-up in a blue classic background.
And this could be me, Atlantic, aught 63, in a suit poised alone, I spin solos as stories."
But you and I could never be that lavish.
It's a point of ironic interest towards
early '60s portraits