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US Treasuries could initially benefit, but long-term bonds could come under pressure if markets perceive Trump's ...

BlackRock sees Fed on hold

BlackRock said any delay by the US central bank in raising interest rates is "a near-term negative".

As the victor, Donald Trump's challenge will be to become a president for all Americans and all nations.

Trump win is disastrous for Australia

President Donald Trump will declare economic war on our biggest customer, wipe unprecedented amounts off global stock markets, usher in extraordinary financial instability, and risk turning the the world's biggest economy into a basket case by pushing its national debt past 100 per cent of GDP.

CBA's board has ditched a resolution to tie CEO Ian Narev's long-term bonus to people and culture as shareholders voted ...

CommBank cops historic 'first strike' on executive pay

Commonwealth Bank has withdrawn a controversial resolution asking shareholders to approve changes to its bonus scheme for chief executive Ian Narev, which would have introduced new performance hurdles relating to people and culture.

Poker machines stand in the gaming room at the Vikings Club in Canberra, Australia, on Monday, Sept. 26, 2016. Despite ...

Aristocrat's shares lose $1b as boss walks

It isn't often you get a successful chief executive regretting the announcement of their own retirement. But it was a rather costly announcement for Aristocrat Leisure boss, Jamie Ronald Odell.

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