

STTARS is the Survivors of Torture and Trauma Assistance and Rehabilitation Service

STTARS is a non-government, not for profit organisation with no political or religious affiliations.

STTARS has been providing services to torture and trauma survivors in SA since 1991.

STTARS assists people from a refugee and migrant background who have experienced torture or been traumatised as a result of persecution, violence, war or unlawful imprisonment prior to their arrival in Australia.


Our Programs

What are the Benefits?

To make a referral into any of these programs or to attend one of our training sessions, please head to the Referral tab at the top right of the site page, and download a form.

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Stories And Events

'Understanding and Responding to Asylum Seeker Distress'- A Symposium

Right now many thousands of asylum seekers, including children and families, are living in the Australian community with an uncertain future. This forum will examine...

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Strategic partnerships matter

Strategic partnerships help STTARS fulfill its mission. From funding partners to sister organisations.

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Position Statement
STTARS' Asylum Seeker Position Statement

We believe that Australia's treatment of asylum seekers should be consistent with the human rights obligations under the UN Refugee Convention and other treaties, and reflect the fundamental humanitarian values that are broadly shared in our society. These obligations include:

  • Fair and timely processing of claims for protection; 
  • No arbitrary detention while claims are assessed or subsequently;
  • Not expelling or returning a refugee to a country where they are likely to face persecution or worse;
  • Ensuring provision of adequate food, shelter, physical and mental health care and meeting the particular needs of children and other vulnerable individuals such as survivors of torture; 
  • Wherever possible, keeping families together. 

We believe that Australia has an obligation to ensure these conditions are met with respect to people within its jurisdiction, as well as ensure that these conditions are reasonably met in countries to which Australia transfers asylum seekers. While acknowledging the difficulties and complexities of the issues in responding to the needs of those fleeing violence and persecution, we urge the Australian Government to seek and implement constructive and humane solutions, both within Australia and in partnership with other countries in our region.

Latest News

STTARS Annual Report for 2016 is now available.

Goto Annual Reports to Download a pdf copy.

STTARS was delighted to hold its 25th Anniversary celebration at Tandanya,  National Aboriginal Institute, on 253 Grenfell Street on 14 October 2016. In acknowledgement of sustained, trauma-focused service delivery in South Australia, STTARS gave tribute to its founders and supporters over the years.



Coming Events

FASSTT International Conference

To see more go to our Events Page...



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