Melissa Dinnison and her partner Karl Schatke
media_cameraMelissa Dinnison and her partner Karl Schatke

Wicked law stops me answering this Aborigine's complaint

The sinister Racial Discrimination Act makes it dangerous to argue against identity politics and the new push for racial division. 

It also makes it too dangerous to discuss frankly the absurdity of the complaint by this Aboriginal woman, now getting the Human Rights Commission to investigate cartoonist Bill Leak to shut him up, too, for alleged racism.

This mad law must be scrapped:

The young woman whose complaint about a Bill Leak cartoon in The Australian triggered an investigation under section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act says she is “terrified” to return to Australia because of racism.

Melissa Dinnison, who until recently lived in Perth, made an online complaint to the Human Rights Commission in August claiming she had “experienced ­racial hatred” and been “discrim­inated against because of my race” as a result of the cartoon...

In Facebook posts, she identified as “a light-skinned indigenous person”. Writing under the pseudonym Melissa Rose on August 30, she described the Leak cartoon as “disgusting”.

It is hard to believe how stupid this country is becoming, and it's maddening to know we have laws to stop us from properly arguing against this decline.

Those laws mean I dare not let you say what you think, either.