The Trip: life is short, see the world

NAME The Newton family, Matthew, Kylie, Ebony (11) and Sienna (9)

THE TRIP Around the world ticket, US, Britain, France, Italy and Hong Kong

THE ITINERARY After a dreadful 2015 when our daughter Sienna was diagnosed and treated for brain cancer, we decided 2016 was going to be our year to see the world. Our itinerary included New York City for football, baseball, a personal shopping experience in American Girl and a mix of accommodation, including a couple of nights in the Waldorf Astoria.

Then it was on to Memphis to see Graceland, Beale Street, the Peabody ducks and a paddle steamer on the Mississippi.  In Washington DC we visited the White House, Arlington Cemetery and Lincoln Memorial.

 In London we saw Westminster, Buckingham Palace, the Globe Theatre, London Bridge Market and Harry Potter Museum. The Fat Tire personalised bike tour around London was great for kids. Then we were off to Cardiff to see the castle, the Doctor Who Experience and Tintern Abbey. The Big Pit tourist coal mine was a hit with the kids.

In France we visited Avignon (food, food and more food) and in Paris we saw a real mummy at the Louvre, visited the Eiffel Tower, the Musee Dorsey and Notre Dame. Our tip? Take a vintage car ride with Paris Balade to Pierrefonds and check out the chateau "Camelot" from the TV series Merlin.

In Italy we visited Venice, Tuscany, Sorrento, Rome and all the tourist attractions and food in between.  

BEST BITS We loved the vibe of Memphis and trying all the different foods across the world

WORST BIT Getting caught in a typhoon in Hong Kong

BEST TIP Life is short, see the world. Your pockets maybe lighter but you will be richer for the experience.

WHERE TO NEXT Northern Territory.
