Donald Trump says he’s going to deport up to three million undocumented immigrants immediately

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Donald Trump has said he will deport two to three million undocumented immigrants “immediately” upon taking office.

In his first television interview since winning the presidential election, Mr Trump insisted that he is going to carry out his hardline immigration policy proposals, while insisting that he would build a wall between the US and Mexico.

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“What we are going to do is get the people that are criminal and have criminal records, gang members, drug dealers, where a lot of these people, probably two million – it could be even three million – we are getting them out of the country or we are going to incarcerate,” Mr Trump told 60 Minutes.

“Be we’re getting them out of the country, they’re here illegally.”

He explained that once the border is “secure”, then the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement will assess the status of the remaining undocumented immigrants in the country.

“After the border is secure and after everything gets normalised, we’re going to make a determination on the people that they’re talking about who are terrific people, they’re terrific people but we are gonna make a determination at that,” he said. “But before we make that determination… it’s very important, we are going to secure our border.”

Of course, it still remains unclear how Mr Trump plans to carry out this proposal. Undocumented immigrants are entitled to full removal proceedings in immigraiton court. And as the courts already have a major backlog of hearing, there would be no immediate removals. Additionally, he fails to explain how his policy would be different from the current law in place under the Obama administration, which prioritises removal of immigrants convicted of criminal offences.

Mr Trump did offer minor details about the wall he plans to build – namely, that a portion of it would not be a wall at all – describing an iteration of the boundary between the two countries that essentially already exists.

“There could be some fencing,” he said. “For certain areas I would [accept a fence], but certain areas, a wall is more appropriate. I’m very good at this, it’s called construction.”

The President-elect’s comments about mass deportations stand at odds with a statement made by Paul Ryan, the highest ranking Republican, on Sunday morning.

“We are not planning on erecting a deportation force. Donald Trump’s not planning on that,” Mr Ryan told CNN.

“I think we should put people’s minds at ease: That is not what our focus is. That is not what we’re focused on. We’re focused on securing the border,” he added. “We think that’s first and foremost, before we get into any other immigration issue, we’ve got to know who’s coming and going into the country – we’ve got to secure the border.”

Paul Ryan should be removed by the Republican Party from his leadership position. He’s an obstacle, not a help.

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Austrian Grandmother, 72, who was raped by a 17-year-old Muzzie after helping him out of a canal has ‘lost the will to live’

afghan rapist

To our friends in Europe, I say that it is stories such as this one that help explain why Americans elected Donald Trump to the presidency.

We expect him to stop this nonsense. You should elect leaders who will also stop the bullsh*tting about diversity and multiculturalism and return your country’s people to safety.

Daily Mail

A 72-year-old woman who was raped by a teenage migrant has the ‘lost the will to live’ a few months before her attacker is due to be released from jail in Austria.

The woman is reportedly fighting for her life in the intensive care ward at her local hospital after she stopped eating and is now only being kept alive by machines.

Her daughter, who until the tragedy was a refugee aid worker, said: ‘I knew it would eventually end like this.’

The pensioner was attacked on 1 September 2015 by a 17-year-old asylum seeker from Afghanistan when she offered him her hand to pull him out of a canal where he was swimming.

When the case went to court in January this year, the teen, identified as Wahab M., was given a 20-month jail sentence.

He will not be deported when he is released because the punishment is not more than three years.

Vesely said: ‘She is not the same woman anymore. She doesn’t trust being left on her own and does not leave home, and she’s become very weak since the incident.’

Her daughter said: ‘She is experiencing a terrible end, when I look at her, her eyes are completely empty, her body is now just skin and bone. I knew it would end like this, she lost the will to live afterwards.’

The elderly unidentified woman was walking her 13 year old small dog, who was unable to protect her. There is no mention in the story of whether they harmed her beloved canine companion.

Hillary Clinton would welcome this piece of sh*t to America. Thank God she’s gone (unless the witch rises from the dead.)

cowboys and muslims

Too many Muslims are subhuman filth who must be hunted down with righteous anger. This story should outrage every decent person in Europe and America. It should not stand. A new ending must be written, else this will be every white woman’s fate.

Trump Picks a Troll and a Mole as His First WH Appointments

stephen bannon

reince priebus

Yes, Reince is an establishment figure, and thus somewhat of a mole. But he saw to it that other Republicans treated the Donald fairly during his run for the White House. It’s instructive to look at what a WH Chief of Staff does. Click here to read a brief job description. Basically, a Chief of Staff is a manager who tries to ensure that everyone gets along. Reince will do a good job.

More interesting is the troll, Stephen Bannon. He has liberals in a real snit:

Daily Mail

President-elect Donald Trump named Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus as his chief of staff, his transition team announced Sunday – while also elevating Steven Bannon, who helped chart Trump’s rise to victory with relentless attacks on his opponents to a prominent role as ‘chief strategist.’

The duel appointments signaled the real estate mogul’s desire to reassure the Republican Party as he gets closer to governing, while not walking away from members of an angry, anti-establishment voters who helped him take over.

The news of the appointment of Priebus, one of the most important moves of Trump’s new transition, signals a more traditional approach to governing – though it might not be what some of Trump’s millions of fed up supporters were expecting when the candidate promised to ‘drain the swamp’ in Washington by taking on entrenched forces.

‘I am thrilled to have my very successful team continue with me in leading our country,’ Trump said in a statement.

‘Steve and Reince are highly qualified leaders who worked well together on our campaign and led us to a historic victory. Now I will have them both with me in the White House as we work to make America great again.’

‘Reince is a superstar,’ Trump said during his election night victory speech.

The official release mentioned Bannon’s appointment first, followed by that of Priebus.

Political kremlinologists were left to guess whether Bannon’s appointment meant Trump was unwilling to relinquish some of the brass tacks tactics that got him elected.

It was still to be determined what if any blowback Trump might encounter from more mainstream conservatives for the elevation of Bannon, who helped design his stunning electoral victory, but made his mark at a political website that has been criticized as home to anti-immigrant and anti-semitic ‘alt-right’ sentiment.

According to the southern poverty law center: ‘The outlet has undergone a noticeable shift toward embracing ideas on the extremist fringe of the conservative right. Racist ideas. Anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant ideas – all key tenets making up an emerging racist ideology known as the ‘alt-right.”

‘The racist, fascist extreme right is represented footsteps from the Oval Office. Be very vigilant America,’ tweeted GOP strategist John Weaver, a leading advisor for Ohio Governor John Kasich, who lost to Trump in the primaries.

Priebus, who helped negotiate the ‘pledge’ about supporting the ultimate winner during the contentious GOP primary and who stood by Trump even as other powerful members of the establishment kept their distance, emerged as a leading choice immediately after the election.

Another leading candidate thought to be under consideration for the chief of staff post was Bannon, the campaign CEO, former Goldman Sachs banker and chief of Breitbart News.

If only this Tweet were true. It’s not. It’s just more slander when the left doesn’t get its way. However, Bannon is going to push the populist agenda even if he’s not the racist ogre that the left is painting him to be.

Trump’s win may be the beginning of a global populist wave


Even (((Jeff Bezos’))) liberal rag the Washington Post has to admit that we are winning. Not just in the USA, but worldwide.

When Donald Trump begins deporting the scum, watch Germans wake up and say, “We should do this too.” Hopefully, Angela Merkel will be retired soon.

France should also fall to our cause. Go Le Pen.

Washington Post

LONDON — Not long before Americans shocked the world by selecting Donald Trump to be their next president, a wealthy Brazilian businessman who played a reality-star boss on television became mayor of South America’s largest city.

On the other side of the globe, in Southeast Asia, a gun-slinging vigilante who vowed to kill all criminals and dump their bodies until the “fish will grow fat” was elected to lead a nation of 100 million.

And in Britain, voters with a centuries-long streak of moderation and pragmatism opted to ignore the overwhelming advice of experts by leaping into the abyss of life outside the European Union.

The populist wave of 2016 that carried Trump to the pinnacle of international power and influence didn’t start in the United States. And it certainly won’t end there.

Instead, the biggest prize yet for a global movement built on a seemingly bottomless reserve of political, economic and cultural grievance is likely to be an accelerant to even more victories for people and causes bent on upending the existing world order.

“Success breeds success,” said Mark Leonard, director of the European Council on Foreign Relations. “Right now, everyone is susceptible to it. The drivers seem to be universal.”

And unless something dramatic changes to curb the populist appeal, a scattering of surprise victories this year could soon turn into a worldwide rout — the triumph of those who preach strong action over rule of law, unilateralism instead of cooperation and the interests of the majority above the rights of ethnic and religious minorities.

“Their world is collapsing,” tweeted a jubilant Florian Philippot, senior adviser to French far-right leader Marine le Pen, following Trump’s victory. “Ours is being built.”

With French presidential elections due next spring, Le Pen is well-placed to add Paris to the list of world capitals that have fallen to the populist tide. She is seen as a lock to make it to the final round of voting, and although her chances have long been discounted among political prognosticators in France, that changed after Trump’s victory.

Well before France votes, Austria could become the first country to elect a far-right head of state in Western Europe since 1945 when it picks a president next month. On the same day, Dec. 4, Italians will vote in a constitutional referendum that could bring down the center-left government of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi — while boosting the fortunes of the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement.

Although the exact causes of the populist surge vary from country to country, the broad outlines are similar across national boundaries.

Anxiety over economic gains that accrue to the few and leave the rest stagnant or sinking. Unease with the cultural implications of an increasingly interconnected world. And alienation from a self-serving political class that aligns with the wealthy at the expense of the working class.

The most extreme example, of course, is Germany, where the country’s election of a charismatic populist proved catastrophic for the world.

Because of the country’s Nazi history, its postwar political system has been designed to defend minority rights and prevent a majoritarian takeover.

But terrorist attacks by Islamist radicals and a record wave of Middle Eastern migrants are now testing the national will.

The fast-growing Alternative for Germany party, founded in 2013, has galvanized the anti-Islam ranks. The AfD unveiled a scathing denunciation of the faith this year, warning against “the expansion and presence of a growing number of Muslims” on German soil. Adding fuel to the party’s campaign, German authorities have arrested more than a dozen suspected extremists, many of whom entered Germany by masquerading as migrants.

With national elections next year, the party is now supported by nearly 1 in 6 voters and has staged startling gains this year in local elections.

Jürgen Falter, a political scientist and expert on the far-right, described the party’s leadership as “not real neo-Nazis, but rather close.” Its voter base, however, is larger — an amalgamation of Germans fearing everything from foreigners to globalization.

“They managed to get some more moderate and less moderate people supporting them who feel threatened by modernization, by refugees, by Islam,” he said. “And now we are talking about some Trump voters, as well.”

Even in Germany, the political unthinkable can no longer be so easily discounted.

Swedish Opposition Leader Used “Turd Sign” to Describe Trump

shit pile sign

These anti-Trumpers remind me of petulant children. This woman is not worthy of leading a country.


Center-right opposition leader Anna Kinberg Batra, the likely next Prime Minister of Sweden, chose a picture of a pile of excrement to describe her feelings toward U.S. president-elect Donald Trump during a television interview, Expressen reports.

“Now, some may say that this is not very statesmanlike, but there are reasons to be worried about the consequences for international relations if a populist [should become President]”, Kinberg Batra told the baffled TV4 reporter in July, as she was waving the “turd sign”.

“When I was asked to choose between a heart and a turd, Donald Trump made me worried about how he would lead the United States in a troubled world”, she explained.

Anna Kinberg Batra, who is the chair of the Moderate Party and assumed to become the next Prime Minister of Sweden in 2018, was then asked if she would not have to regret giving Donald Trump the ”turd sign” should he be elected President.

“In that case, I would have to take that sign down”, she replied.

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Don’t worry folks. If the Donald has any dealings with Batra, he’ll make her eat a turd.

Disgusting Slob Michael Moore Leading Movement to Deny Trump the Presidency (Video)

Crybabies, leftards, Soros stooges, and sore losers on the streets of New York City surrounding Trump Tower have vowed to take down the Donald.

Published on Nov 12, 2016

Filmmaker Michael Moore was among the crowd of anti-Trump protesters in New York City on Saturday
To read more:

Why Have Asians Not Dominated?

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Here is a long excerpt from an even longer article that explains why IQ is not enough to push the Asian to world dominance. It amounts to a striking scientific argument for keeping Asians out of the West.

Excerpt from Amren

Why did China never make the jump from trial-and-error technology to true science? Why did it show so little interest in analytical philosophy? Why did it never develop a political system more sophisticated than that of the god-Emperor? Why was the idea of political participation, so widespread in Europe in both the ancient and the late mediaeval world, absent in China? Why was there no civil society?

Could it be that sufficiently propitious circumstances never arose to drive Asians beyond a certain point, that Europe surged ahead by luck rather than any innate difference? This is improbable because China has been a sophisticated society for several thousand years.

The above critique of the myth of Chinese cultural superiority may carry within it suggestions of why Asians have not achieved cultural supremacy. IQ may be a necessary but not sufficient condition for that advance. First, however, it is important to note that IQ is not of a piece. Although the average Asian IQ is higher than the white IQ overall, it is not higher in all respects. Asians score substantially higher than whites on non-verbal tests but lower than whites on verbal tests. They score particularly well on spatial tests.

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