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Essential Reading

Signs of the times

hillary prisonIf you missed backing the winner of last week's Melbourne Cup, here's one observer's hot tip to recoup that lost investment: Donald Trump on Tuesday, November 8

Wishful thinking? Perhaps, but also based on the pervasive presence of Trump '16 signs observed on a 1500-mile road trip that began last Tuesday in Fort Lauderdale and has now reached Gettysburg, en route to Washington DC and Election Day. The tally of signs so far, including several similar to those pictured above:

Hillary: 6 (yes, single digits)
Trump: 120+ (after losing count somewhere in North Carolina)

Mind you, in last Tuesday's big race, this punter's money was on Oceanographer.

The latest Betfair board can be reached via the link below.

-- roger franklin

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How to fix 18C for good

first amendment

Q: What do you call the news that a Federal Court judge has dismissed the 18C case against three Queensland University of Technology students?

A: A good start -- but only a start, as a close reading of the judgment makes clear.

Q: How might this pernicious law be best re-written?

A: Just like this:

Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; 

For the benefit of  those with Australian journalism degrees and the anxious pantywaists now debating how to gently re-phrase 18C,  that's the relevant section of the US First Amendment.

It seems to work well enough on the other side of the Pacific.

The QUT judgment can be read in full via the link below.

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The truth about 'Recognition'

breakup ER

Australians are not being told the truth about the proposal for constitutional recognition of indigenous people. The goal of Aboriginal political activists today is to gain ‘sovereignty’ and create a black state, equivalent to the existing states. Its territory, com­prising all land defined as native title, will soon amount to more than 60 per cent of the whole Australian continent. Constitutional recognition, if passed, would be its ‘launching pad’.

As Quadrant's Keith Windschuttle details in The Break-Up of Australia, recognition will not make our nation com­plete -- it will divide us permanently.

Order your copy via the link below.

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