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Well-To-Do Thuggery

The following is a guest post by Richard Lowery, Jr.


I would like to suggest that some precincts of the Left are sometimes at home with the right kinds of violent political protest.  Examples abound such as the hygiene challenged Occupy Wall Street activists or the spittle emitting 2011 Wisconsin protesters that caused millions of dollars in property damage.  Or the Black Lives Matter folks and their fellow travelers who exhibit a tendency of trashing neighborhoods.  Or college campuses where conservative speakers are shouted down.   These activities are often accepted by the liberal intelligentsia and rationalized by “mainstream” media outlets.   If “correct thinking” partisans engage in bad conduct, then it might be under-reported or presented in a sympathetic manner.


“…single payer health care advocates burned down five city blocks in an understandable and reasonable reaction to the misguided GOP opposition of a proposed law mandating that Catholic Churches must install free condom dispensing machines in confessional booths…”


Media pooh-bahs just do not seem overly troubled by misbehavior on the Left.   But if a couple tea party guys wearing NASCAR hats loudly clear their throats at a Democratic Party political event, then we get headline news reprimanding their conduct, disparaging their viewpoints and lamenting that they reside within our solar system.   The New York Times Magazine might do a major exposition profiling angry white guys who keep shot guns handy so they can blast away at UFO’s that might appear at any moment.  The article will describe a few people like Joe Bob McSlob from Lost Cove, Tennessee or Larry who lives in a cave in Wyoming.  Both had declined interviews for the news story by shooting at the reporter when she stepped on their property.  But no worries, the Times can extrapolate out the political philosophy of these two guys to represent the views of millions of people some of whom may not even be angry. The benefit of reading the N.Y. Times is that they tend to get things wrong, so just like George Costanza, if I do the opposite of the Times first inclinations, then I usually end up hunky dory; hence, I owe much to the Gray Lady because she helps me to keep my bearings as I navigate through life.


Strangely, left wing thugs are culturally celebrated vapidly with things like Che Guevara paraphernalia.  Interviews with aging past hippies – now living comfortably in upper middle class neighborhoods – will contain wistful memories of 1960’s raucous anti-war demonstrations that helped usher in the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia which implemented an equalitarian worker paradise that included the pesky by-product of murdering 2 million Cambodians.   In some quarters the violent 1968 Chicago Democratic Party Convention is put on equal footing with the 1789 Philadelphia Constitutional Convention.   Meanwhile, the goons at WikiLeaks have informed us that Democratic campaign operatives – not rogue elements, but campaign operatives – bused in thugs to cause riots at Mr. Trump’s rallies and I get the impression that many on the Left are untroubled by this because – ceteris paribus – Mr. Trump must be prevented from winning at all costs.

So I guess that we can be OK with political violence – as long as it is instigated for the right issue; hence, pick a liberal cause, get a mob of your friends together and hit the streets.

But, I have to think that most Americans are a bit rusty with their rioting skills and we may need to freshen them up a bit.   Now, if the tenured purveyors of nonsense – known as college professors – have determined that you are a member of the “lower classes”, then I recommend that you read the definitive book by the Englishman Pugs Stenchworth called: “Piss Off!   A Soccer Hooligan’s Guide to Bashing in the Brains of Bloody Wankers“.   But if the professoriate got together at one of their taxpayer funded sabbaticals and decided that you are a member of the “upper classes”, then for someone occupying your social strata there is a dearth of good mob violence reference material that is available.   During the French Revolution it was rumored that Phillipe LaSmelle de Odor was writing an authoritative tract on aristocratic disruptive behavior skills in large group settings, but unfortunately he was caught dozing off during one of Robespierre’s ten hour assembly speeches so he got scheduled for a mandatory appointment with the guillotine and never got to finish his book.

Given this situation, I henceforth have put together the following thoughts for my wealthy liberal friends who are compelled to riot to make the world a better place.

Dress for success. You want to feel comfortable while trashing your neighborhood but at the same time remember that people will be watching and the last thing that you want is a bunch of loose talk at the club about a wardrobe faux pax. This past spring’s fashion designs have some really great loose fitting stylish options with cleverly integrated pocket space to allow ample stolen good storage while giving you the sophisticated look of a fashionable thug.  Quick recommendation: Go with a natural fiber like a high grade linen that will breathe so you will stay fresh while scrambling over chain link fences when fleeing from the police.   Also, leave the appliance thievery to others and indulge yourself by stealing something fun.   Personally I think making off with microwave ovens is just so “comportment non raffine” when there are more tasteful robbery options that are available.  My suggestion:  Use this as an opportunity to pillage items for a dinner party.

First, steal the main course since you will need to plunder the other meal components based upon what you have jammed in your swag bag for the entree.   We have seen a proliferation of good quality gourmet meat shops that cater to people with your discriminating tastes.  Go ransack one and I suggest that you steal the ingredients to prepare Foie De Veau Persillade Avec Pommes De Terre.    Calf’s liver should be paler in color than the more mature beef liver so grab the butcher by the lapels of his shirt and shake him in an aggressive manner to ensure that he gives you his choicest cuts.  I like apple wood smoked peppercorn center cut bacon with this recipe.  Again, threaten the terrified shop help with large pieces of cutlery to facilitate the appropriate fulfillment of your requests.


Next, try knocking over a good quality vegetable stand where you can bully the proprietor by repeatedly dunking his head in a barrel of pickling brine until he agrees to turn over his finest produce.  Also, it might be useful to pelt the employees with melons as you scream your demands so that you receive the proper service that you deserve.  For the salad I recommend you plunder arugula, dried apricots and pistachio nuts.   Steal some Spanish olive oil, cider vinegar and lemons for the dressing.  Don’t forget to jam into your pockets some red potatoes and Sonoma brown mushrooms for your veal dish.  Threaten the shopkeeper one more time for good measure to ensure that he has provided you with his freshest product.  Your dinner guests will thank you.


Now on to the wine.  Break into a good liquor store ahead the main mob of your fellow looters to allow access to a wider availability of choices.  (You would not want to serve your guests something you ransacked that did not go well with their repaste.  LOL!!)  Most higher end wine store owners are very knowledgeable and can be a great resource for suggesting the right drink to compliment your meal.  Explain to him what you will be serving and listen attentively to his suggestions.   You should thank him, politely strike him over the head with a blunt object and swipe what you need.   Then torch the place.

So there you have it – the makings of an exclusive meal worthy of a wealthy and well-bred ruffian who enjoys the tasteful things in life.  So I say huzzah to my rich liberal friends living in their safe gentrified neighborhoods who answer the call to riotous arms because by following the above suggestions you can accomplish anarchic political expression, social disorder and throw a great dinner party all at once.  Just do me one favor.  When you send out invitations for your dinner affair, please invite Larry from Wyoming.  For cripes sake the guy lives in a cave and needs a decent meal once in a while.


Frightfully Yours,


Richard J. Lowery Jr.

Memo To Mike Pence – It’s Hard To Go Home When Your Home Has Been Burned Down

Mike Pence told Republicans to “come home” and vote for Donald Trump on election day.

“I want to submit to all of you, it’s time to reach out to all of our Republican and conservative friends and say with one voice: ‘It’s time to come home and elect Donald Trump as the next president of the United States.’”

Um, well, some of us would love to go home, but Donald Trump and his supporters burned down our home, or at least our wing of the home. And no, I’m not talking about the establishment wing, which has it’s own issues. Its shell might still be standing but it’s a crumbling mess, never mind the pretty curtains they hung. I’m talking about the wing of the party that honestly cares about principles, the constitution, and freedom. That part of the home is gone, and the way things stand now there’s no plan to rebuild it. As William Teach noted, they aren’t even making the smallest effort to reach out to us in any meaningful way.

But politicians still need to ask for our votes. I don’t mean by name, but asking groups for their votes. Trump and company have asked Bernie fans for their votes. Blacks. Democrats. Other groups. But, not conservatives, and not really Republicans. He’s said he didn’t need our votes.

So, this “come home” schtick has annoyed me more and more as the day wore on, politically. Perhaps Pence should come home and get back to his conservative roots. (Read More)

Telling us to come home, as if we’re just a bunch of spoiled kids who are mad at Mom and Dad because we aren’t getting our way is beyond insulting. Why would he think that a stupid little slogan like “come home” is any more convincing than all of the other stupid little Trump campaign slogans we’ve been hearing for months?

Not to mention that they probably want us to think we’d be coming home to a luxury apartment in one of Trump’s gilded towers, when in reality it would be some filthy little room in a fleabag hotel where gross men sexually assault women and are given a pass. If I wanted a home like that I’d be a Democrat.

One more thing: I don’t have time to do another post so I’ll just throw this in here at the end – did you hear how Team Trump and its cheerleaders at Breitbart colluded with Clinton-supporting progressive activists to get rid of Trump’s primary opponents? Yeah, that’s right. Breitbart and progressives worked hard to make sure the one guy that couldn’t beat Hillary Clinton got the nomination. But now they’ll blame the small minority of us who are #NeverTrump if he loses.

Oh, and in other news, via The New Americana:

“We need to clean this up”

…RedState: As Obama was lying to America about Hillary’s email server, this was happening
…CNS: Wikileaks email suggests Obama knew
…Federalist: Criminal conspiracy
…Politistick: “He has emails from her”

Ralph Kramden And The Constitution

The following is a guest post by Richard Lowery.


Last spring, when I asked my Trump supporting friends why they thought that it was a good idea to nominate Donald Trump for president, the conversation usually went something like this:

My Friend: He is rich. He will able to do things because he doesn’t owe anyone anything.
Me: You are correct. After the four bankruptcies he should be pretty free and clear on his bills.
My Friend: You don’t understand. He is an outsider and has never held public office.
Me: OK, but the presidency is not an entry level position. Maybe he could get elected to that Assistant Trustee opening out in the Hamptons? See how that goes first?
My Friend: No way man. No time for that. We can’t trust the GOP establishment. Trump needs to start making great deals right away because he knows how Washington works and he can fix it.
Me: Does that means he is an insider?
My Friend: Not really. He is just an outsider who knows how the inside works.

Ergo, this makes Mr. Trump an inside outsider, which bring up a fascinating question: Who is more well connected? An outside insider or an inside outsider?

Yes, yes, yes. Everyone hates the GOP establishment, but what I want to know is this: Does the GOP establishment have secret weekly meetings? Because if they do, then I want in. The meetings will be attended by Mitt Romney, the Koch brothers, Thurston Howell III, 22 members of the Bush family, Ebenezer Scrooge prior to Christmas Eve of 1843, Snidely Whiplash and a neo-Marxist UAW union steward named Bert. Wait – how did that last guy make the cut? First order of business is to smoke cigars and throw darts at pictures of orphans. Then, plan the upcoming week’s sinister activities which could include using drones equipped with vacuum cleaners to suck the funds out of middle class people’s IRA accounts during the night. The meeting is concluded by everyone going into a secret vault, taking off their clothes and rolling around in piles of money.

The two things that the America Founders feared most was running out of rum and demagogues. During the 1787 Philadelphia constitutional convention – which was held behind closed doors – legend has it that anyone who behaved like a bully during the break out sessions had his powdered wig taken away and was told to go stand on one foot in the corner until the next hot cider break, which by 18th century standards was a severe punishment because most of them had the gout. So they published an anti-demagogue instruction manual called the Constitution which was designed to prevent presidents from running amuck just doing things – even if many people believed that these things were good things. Our Founders conjectured that the long term rotten impact of bad laws frequently outweighed the benefits of the good laws; hence the arcane three headed arrangement of the executive, legislative and judicial branches with the double whammy of a bicameral legislature. They deliberately built a pain in the neck structure to prevent creating laws at the speed of light so that if Ralph Kramden ever did get elected president, then it would be hard for him to implement his hair-brained schemes.

President Ralph Kramden: Hey Norton! Whaddya say we spend $3 billion taxpayer dollars on converting man hole covers on one way streets to transistor radios so anyone walking by can get the weather report?
Vice President Ed Norton: Great idea! Way to go there Ralphie ol’ boy!

The concept was that change should be gradual and ameliorative both in terms of doing things and undoing things. If enough of the gang wants something for a long enough period of time, then eventually we will get around to doing it. The downside is that it takes a while to accomplish the good stuff. So when the GOP House passes legislation (such as repealing Obamacare) and sends it via interoffice mail over to the Senate, then Harry Reed is constitutionally empowered to channel the Wicked Witch of the West by making cackling sounds, turning green, crumpling up the bill into a ball and tossing it over his shoulder into a moldering garbage pile in a corner of his office which is where he also keeps his handbook on ethics. But the upside is that it prevents President Obama from unilaterally moving the U.S. capital to Havana, Cuba.

Three things that the Founders had a hard time preventing were 1) Chinese menus where you have a difficult time telling what you really ordered 2) The accumulation of crappy laws that build up over time which is like plaque building up on your teeth. 3) The problem of when one party, interest group or faction briefly takes over the control room and jams dumb laws down our throats that are then hard to get rid of. To wit: The Great Society (1960’s), Health Care Legislation (2010) and lousy tasting low sodium canned soup (1990’s). Unfortunately, 18th century technology was not advanced enough to allow the Founders to get into time machines to visit and check in on us. So they were kind of hoping that we would all keep our heads and not vote for big loud barking alpha dogs (Mr. Trump: 2016) or give one side too much power (the swarm of bug eyed liberal Democrats: 2008).

President Hillary Clinton: Hey Kaine! Whaddya say we spend $3 squad-zillion taxpayer dollars on converting health care coverage to a single payer East German style system so anyone walking by can just get it?
Vice President Tim Kaine: Great idea! Way to go there Hillary ol’ girl! (1)

Adhering to our constitutional processes can be slow to action. It can be annoying. But with the Trump Presidential Campaign jalopy sputtering, smoking, catching fire and blundering off the cliff into bumbling defeat we will be glad that our powder wigged founders erected constitutional bulwarks – today known as gridlock – to help prevent the Clintonista Regime next year from unilaterally imposing all their secularism and central planning nonsense upon us.

Frightfully Yours,
Richard J. Lowery Jr.

(1) Our post- modern sophisticated sensibilities may not approve of the term, “Hillary-ole girl” due to its gender bias; hence, I have provided several gender neutral options that are more post-modern and more sophisticated.
a. “Way to go there Hillary – ol’ humanoid”
b. “Way to go there Hillary – ol’ goy” (merge boy and girl)
c. “Way to go there Hillary – ol’ collection of molecular structures that have evolved randomly over time through accidental mutations to form your present configuration which is inconsequential and quite meaningless as opposed to the superstitious Judeo-Christion tradition which holds that God intended for your existence and that you are intrinsically valuable.”

Obama Gets Something Right – Obamacare Is Like The Samsung Phones That Catch Fire

We are in the midst of a crazy election season, so some of the nutty things President Obama mutters fall under the radar. But what he said about Obamacare deserves a second look. He compared it to the Samsung phones that are spontaneously catching fire. The mind boggling part is his argument that even though his signature legislation is going up in flames we should keep it, Seriously.

During a speech at Miami Dade College in Florida Thursday, the president used several analogies to describe Obamacare, which has faced widespread scrutiny in recent months as several leading insurance companies have pulled out of the exchanges. He compared the policy to a “starter home” in need of repairs and ultimately the Galaxy Note 7, which was recalled by Samsung earlier this month because they are catching fire.

However, even though the smartphone is facing setbacks, Obama said, “You don’t go back to using a rotary phone.”

“You don’t say, ‘We’re repealing smartphone,’” he added. (Read More)

Ugh, I can’t even stand it. This law needs a complete recall, just like Samsung phones. It wouldn’t be a recall of health care, or health insurance, it would just be a recall of the worst law passed in decades.

We just found out our new health insurance rates for 2017. It’s totally insane. Since 2010 our premiums have more than doubled. Now the cost of insuring our healthy family is more than our mortgage payment. We’ve worked hard our whole lives and made sure our family has always been insured, and we are being punished for it. They should at least change the name of the law from The Affordable Care Act to something more appropriate, like The Punish Hard Working Middle Class Families Act.

I can’t wait until next summer when I get to tell my kids that we can’t go on vacation because our health insurance premiums went up so much. Or in a few years we can explain how those premiums ate up so much of our income that we weren’t able to put anything away for them to go to college. Or a few years after that when I can’t babysit my grandchildren during the day because I’ll be working well into my seventies.

But we all know this was by design. The plan is to push so many people to the financial breaking point that they roll over and accept a government-run, single payer system. And any hope of changing that went out the window the day Donald Trump accepted the nomination of the Republican Party to run for president. The opportunity of a lifetime was wasted. Hillary Clinton is the worst person the Democrats could have found to run, all the Republicans had to do was nominate anyone who is fairly decent and sane. But no, they gave us Trump instead.

Thanks, Fox News. Thanks Rush Limbaugh. Thanks, Ann Coulter. Thanks, Sean Hannity. Thanks, Laura Ingraham. Thanks, Breitbart News. I’ll think of all of you who pushed this perverted orange clown to angry voters every time I write that health insurance premium check. You might not have helped to pass this law, but the guy you promoted funded the people who did, and by helping him get the nomination you guaranteed that it will never be repealed. Way to go.

Surprise Winner In The Third Presidential Debate

The following is a guest post by Richard Lowery, Jr.


There was a surprise winner in the third presidential debate.   Let’s review who won.

There was Secretary Hillary Clinton.  Mrs. Clinton came across as arrogant, deceitful and free of any risk of exuding charm.  She had the charisma of a silicone based cyborg that had recently undergone a major lobotomy operation that had successfully eradicated the personality section of her brain.   Her facial expressions at times elicited the look of someone who needs to apply some Preparation H.   I tended to black out during her droning policy remarks but I seem to remember that she is going to spend lots of money on lots of things, shake down rotten rich people, the Clinton Foundation’s good works puts Mother Theresa to shame and that no abortion should be left behind.

Mrs. Clinton did not win the debate.

There was Mr. Donald Trump whom future historians might refer to as Donald the Gaseously Verbose.  Mr. Trump exhibited policy knowledge on par with a piece of fried haddock with a side order of fries.  (The house salad can be substituted for the fries with a $1 add on charge.  Try the lemon vinaigrette!)     I must confess that it was enjoyable to watch him taunt Mrs. Clinton with the adeptness of a drunken mental outpatient that had flushed all his meds down the toilet three days ago.   I recall that he is going to fix NAFTA big time, that “everybody knows” this thing or that thing and “the jobs, there will be tremendous jobs” when he is President.   One reporter wrote that Mr. Trump acted like a caveman which prompted a group of Cro-Magnon men to sue for libel.

Mr. Trump did not win the debate.

This leaves the moderator Chris Wallace.  Mr. Wallace came across as reasonable.  He asked policy questions that tried to get beyond the standard stump speech baloney.   He knew his stuff and stood his ground against the world class knucklehead and the latter day wife of Frankenstein.

Mr. Wallace won the debate.

Of course, the biggest losers of the debate were the American people.


Frightfully Yours,

Richard J. Lowery Jr.


It Is What It Is

The following is a guest post by Dr. Robert Owens.


It Is What It Is

As the weeks go by the wheels are coming off FBI Director Comey’s whitewash of Hillary. He gave a laundry list of her criminality ending in “our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.” Here’s the list that ended in no indictment, which included several previously undisclosed findings from the F.B.I.’s investigation:

■ Of 30,000 emails Mrs. Clinton handed over to the State Department, 110 contained information that was classified at the time she sent or received them. Of those, Mr. Comey said, “a very small number” bore markings that identified them as classified. This finding is at odds with Mrs. Clinton’s repeated assertions that none of the emails were classified at the time she sent or received them. The F.B.I. did not disclose the topics of the classified emails, but a number of the 110 are believed to have involved drone strikes.

■ The F.B.I. discovered “several thousand” work-related emails that were not in the original trove of 30,000 turned over by Mrs. Clinton to the State Department. Three of those contained information that agencies have concluded was classified, but Mr. Comey said he did not believe Mrs. Clinton deliberately deleted or withheld them from investigators.

■ In saying that it was “possible” that hostile foreign governments had gained access to Mrs. Clinton’s personal account, Mr. Comey noted that she used her mobile device extensively while traveling outside the United States, including trips “in the territory of sophisticated adversaries.”

■ Mrs. Clinton used multiple private servers for her personal and government business, not just a single server at her home in New York that has been the focus of media reporting for more than a year. Her use of these servers — some of which were taken out of service and stored — made the F.B.I.’s job enormously complicated as it struggled to put together, in Mr. Comey’s words, a jigsaw puzzle with “millions of email fragments” in it.

The headlines documenting the fermenting discontent among the professional FBI agents and department of Justice Attorneys in response to this politically motivated exoneration of an obvious criminal by a political hack are mounting up: FBI Agents Revolt Over James Comey’s Decision To Not Prosecute Hillary Clinton… Never Before Has There Been Such An Open And Shut Case Of Corruption From A Politician. FBI and DOJ Agents Are Furious Over Comey Letting Hillary Off Scot-Free FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says insider FBI Investigative Team ‘Disgusted’ by Comey’s Decision Not to Charge Hillary Investigator Claims ‘No Agent Working The Case’ Agreed With Comey’s Decision to Let Clinton Off Hook

The following is an apt representation of the disgusted reaction of our G-Men. This calling out of the political corruption which is metastasizing throughout our body politic is profound. To illustrate what all these many articles report I have decided to quote a long passage from another source, The Daily Caller:

According to an interview transcript given to The Daily Caller, provided by an intermediary who spoke to two federal agents with the bureau last Friday, agents are frustrated by Comey’s leadership.

“This is a textbook case where a grand jury should have been convened, but was not. That is appalling,” an FBI special agent who has worked public corruption and criminal cases said of the decision. “We talk about it in the office and don’t know how Comey can keep going.”

The agent was also surprised that the bureau did not bother to search Clinton’s house during the investigation.

“We didn’t search their house. We always search the house. The search should not just have been for private electronics, which contained classified material, but even for printouts of such material,” he said.

“There should have been a complete search of their residence,” the agent pointed out. “That the FBI did not seize devices is unbelievable. The FBI even seizes devices that have been set on fire.”

Another special agent for the bureau who worked counter-terrorism and criminal cases said he is offended by Comey’s saying: “we” and “I’ve been an investigator.”

After graduating from law school, Comey became a law clerk to a U.S. District Judge in Manhattan and later became an associate in a law firm in the city. After becoming a U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York, Comey’s career moved through the U.S. Attorney’s Office until he became Deputy Attorney General during the George W. Bush administration.

After Bush left office, Comey entered the private sector and became general counsel and Senior Vice President for Lockheed Martin, among other private sector posts. President Barack Obama appointed him to FBI director in 2013 replacing out going-director Robert Mueller.

“Comey was never an investigator or special agent. The special agents are trained investigators and they are insulted that Comey included them in ‘collective we’ statements in his testimony to imply that the SAs agreed that there was nothing there to prosecute,” the second agent said. “All the trained investigators agree that there is a lot to be prosecuted but he stood in the way.”

He added, “The idea that [the Clinton/e-mail case] didn’t go to a grand jury is ridiculous.”

According to Washington D.C. attorney Joe DiGenova, more FBI agents will be talking about the problems at bureau and specifically the handling of the Clinton case by Comey when Congress comes back into session and decides to force them to testify by subpoena. DiGenova told WMAL radio’s Drive at Five last week, “People are starting to talk. They’re calling their former friends outside the bureau asking for help. We were asked today to provide legal representation to people inside the bureau and agreed to do so and to former agents who want to come forward and talk. Comey thought this was going to go away.”

He explained, “It’s not. People inside the bureau are furious. They are embarrassed. They feel like they are being led by a hack but more than that that they think he’s a crook. They think he’s fundamentally dishonest. They have no confidence in him. The bureau inside right now is a mess.”

He added, “The most important thing of all is that the agents have decided that they are going to talk.” Besides pressuring State Department officials not to mark any of Clinton’s emails as classified there is also evidence that in at least one case a political appointee from the Clinton entourage attempted to affect a quid pro quo with the FBI. He dangled increased FBI presence at foreign missions in exchange for a change in classification for one particularly embarrassing email.

And in those emails that were released, the ones we have been told over and over there is no classified material; there are over 4,500 redactions.

Try any of this yourself and you will be in jail.

Is it so hard to believe that the Obama/Clinton Machine anchored in Washington and Chicago would attempt to steal an election? They have made a mockery of our justice system ever since Bill looked directly into the camera and without a hint of shame said, “It depends upon what your definition of is is.”

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion. He is the Historian of the Future @ © 2016 Contact Dr. Owens Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens



It’s Official – Facts And Reality No Longer Matter In Politics

We’ve been heading in the “post-fact” direction for quite a while now. President Obama was elected in 2008 with no executive experience and only a couple of years in the Senate under his belt. He was reelected in 2012 despite a lousy economy, massive expansion of the federal government, and a failed foreign policy. Mitt Romney was mocked for being right about Russia and noting that maybe Big Bird didn’t need government funding. I didn’t think the insanity could get any worse. But then came 2016.

The Republican primary demonstrated that a good number of Republican Party voters don’t care about facts. They don’t care about reality. They just heard a former Democrat, who helped fund the progressive politicians they loathe, saying things they wanted to hear. The reason we heard so much from him, and not the 16 other candidates (no sense rehashing how about 12 of them should have dropped out but they were too delusional to do the right thing), is that the media wanted us to hear the former Democrat. Oh the media just love him back then, while they were sitting on all sorts of juicy stories to release in October. Some of us tried to sound the alarm, but we were ignored. Because facts no longer matter.

Trumpbart weirdo Milo Yiannopoulos is right, we are living in a “post-fact” era. But it isn’t “wonderful.” People vote on emotion, and Donald Trump might be a star for about 30% of the electorate, but he repels a lot more people than he attracts. Hillary Clinton may have led a life of corruption and be evil to the core, but most people probably don’t even know the half of it. Those that do overlook or excuse it, the same way Trump supporters overlook and excuse his disgusting behavior.

Now we have Trump supporters and surrogates denying reality. They tell us that millions of closet Trump voters who are too ashamed to admit they are voting for Trump are going to push him over the top next month. I suppose that’s possible, but it’s extremely unlikely. They say that talk of sexually assaulting women because you’re a “star” is just normal locker room banter. They say the women accusing him of sexual assault are liars, but those who accused Bill Clinton of sex crimes should be believed.

(And seriously, how bad is it when you’re reduced to arguing that your candidate’s best chance of winning is that he’s so awful people are ashamed to admit they’re voting for him?)

So we are officially in a post-fact, post-reality, post-logical consistently era. That’s why I don’t really bother with blogging much anymore. Nobody wants to hear the truth. So why bother?

Anyway, in keeping with the post-reality era, I will be voting third party for president. I was leaning towards Gary Johnson, but he’s a bit of a train wreck, so I’ll probably write in Evan McMullin. At least if I give him my vote I can do so with a clean conscience. Who knows, maybe he’ll pull off some kind of miracle upset. Hey, you have your delusions, I have mine. At least in my delusion there’s some kind of hope for the republic.

Now we can all enjoy our delusions until November 8, when reality is going to come crashing down on us like a ton of bricks. Enjoy it while it lasts.